Jon Kahn Song about Trump is Number One
Jon Kahn’s Trump song ‘Fighter’ has just hit number 1 on iTunes

Kennedy Pitch for His Voters to Vote for Trump
RFK Jr Makes his Pitch to HIS VOTERS to Vote for Trump!

Trump Speech at Economic Club of New York
Watch the Video as Trump Lays out Multiple Creative Plans to Revitalize the US Economy

Awesome Campaign Ad by Nicole Shanahan Team
Independence is the Cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Here is What Really Happened on Jan 6th
Despite ALL the Gaslighting for four years, it is a FACT that the 2020 election was stolen and Dan Bongino Proves it!

Another Disturbing Interview by Tucker Carlson
Every American Needs to Hear this Interview and Understand what is REALLY Going On in our World!

Setup a Twitter Account and FOLLOW TOMZWTPC!
To improve our Communications during this critical Election we are asking you to follow us on Twitter

Americans are being Sickened and Killed on Purpose
The American Public is being Sickened and Killed INTENTIONALLY for Profit

Matt Walsh's Election Message to Christians
Please Share this Important Message with Christians and Conservatives

Elon Musk Twitter Conversation with Donald Trump
More People heard this Conversation on Twitter than ALL US Broadcast Media Combined

Which Polls can you Trust and Which Polls are Propaganda?
Don't be Gaslighted by Corporate Polls promoting Kamala Harris

Can the Federal Government be 'Fixed' ?
Mike Lee Explains Exactly Why our Government Does Not Work

Jordan Peterson with Joe Rogan 7-25-24
Wide Ranging Conversation that will blow your mind!

President Trump RNC Acceptance Speech 7-18-20
President Donald J. Trump Acceptance Speech at the RNC Convention

J.D. Vance RNC Acceptance Speech 7-17-24
Senator J.D. Vance Accepts the Nomination of the RNC to be Vice-President