What is the Most Important Thing You can do to defeat the Left?
Tucker Carlson Explains that the Only Way to defeat the Left is to ALWAYS Tell the Truth and Expose their Lies

What are Conservatives doing Wrong & How do we Fix it?
This is a MUST WATCH for anyone who who believes in Conservative Values and wishes to use them to defend Western Civilization

Tom Z Interviews Political Prisoners Jake Lang 11-14-23
Tom Zawistowski interviews Jan 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang on 11-14-23

Trump Assured of Control of Both Houses of Congress
Manchin Retirement from Senate Assures Trump will have Control of Both House if Elected

JD Vance Puts Hold on All DOJ Appointments
Watch as Ohio Senator JD Vance Puts a Hold on ALL DOJ Appointments

Beyond the AI Dilemma Video
Tristan Harris discusses the serious threat of harm to humanity from implementing AI too quickly

More Evidence of Agents Provoking Jan 6th Riot
Sharyl Attkinsson Exposes More Evidence of Agent Provocateurs at Jan 6th Riot

Why is the FBI NOT Interested in who built the Gallows on Jan 6th?
This is ANOTHER Example of Why we NEED All the Jan 6th Video Released!

Blaze Reporter Discovers Perjury by Feds in Jan 6th Trial
Here is Proof that the Feds are Falsifying Evidence Against January 6th Defendants

Gaetz's Passionate Defense of Motion to Remove McCarthy
Watch Representative Matt Gaetz Fight for Removal of McCarthy

Why is FEMA doing a National Emergency Test October 4th?
FEMA "Emergency Notification" Phone Test will be conducted on Wednesday, October 4th

Recap of Impeachment Inquiry Week One
Nunes and Solomon Recap the Events of Week One of the Impeachment Inquiry of Joe Biden

President Trump Speech to Auto Workers 9-27-23
President Trump Speech to Auto Workers in Detroit 9-27-23

Border Crisis is about to get MUCH Worse!
US taking No Action as Massive Increase in Illegal Border Crossings gets organized

True the Vote Exposes Role RNC & RNSC Played in GA Election
Here is the Proof that Mitch McConnell and the Republicans National Senate Committee had and withheld evidence of voter fraud in GA