Dems Intend to Impeach Trump with NO Evidence - What are you going to do about it?
The Republicans are Responsible for this obscene smear campaign against the President . . .
Trump Announce New Rules requiring Hospitals to disclose pricing online . . .
Despite ABC, CBS, NBC and All Cable News airing hearings wall-to-wall - the American people did not watch!
U.S. Secret Service Study just released explains how to prevent school violence
The phony "impeachment hearing" ignores what the American people really care about . . .
Why would you watch people who are intentionally going to lie to you?
You're Fired: Over 8,000 at VA get the axe under Trump . . . VET's get best care ever!
As Trump's strongest Republican Defender, Jim Jordan, must be on the Intel Committee to help expose this "impeachment" hoax
Democrat Claims Trump Must ‘Prove’ He Is ‘Innocent’ on Impeachment
Understand this is YOUR future if the Democrat/Socialist Prevail . . .
Forget about Phony Impeachment and Stay Focused on the real crimes . . .