LA Council voted to formally repeal a controversial city ordinance requiring contractors to disclose ties to the NRA.
In Presidential Elections it's always the Economy that makes the difference - unless people are lied to about the economy!
FBI Finally Cracks down on Blatant Chinese theft of technology and scientific knowledge
The Fifth Circuit Rejects the Lie of Transgender Pronouns
Another Carefully Timed National Security Council Leak? – John Bolton Book Manuscript Leaked to New York Times
Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains why you should NEVER believe what you read in Wikipedia!
Trump Administration Rolls Back Horrible Obama Clean Water Rule and Stops EPA Bullying of Land Owners
The potential for real violence in Richmond on 1/20/20 is very high at Gun Rights Rally
Virginia Gun Confiscation Bill Pulled as Huge Pro-Gun Crowd Shows Up at Legislature To Protest
Trump Rallies Consistently Draw Large Numbers of Democrats and Independents
Corrupt FISA Court starts firestorm by appointing conflicted, anti-Trump attorney to help oversee FBI fixes
NRA Promises ‘Strong Presence’ to Block Virginia Gun Bans