The potential for real violence in Richmond on 1/20/20 is very high at Gun Rights Rally
Virginia Gun Confiscation Bill Pulled as Huge Pro-Gun Crowd Shows Up at Legislature To Protest
Trump Rallies Consistently Draw Large Numbers of Democrats and Independents
Corrupt FISA Court starts firestorm by appointing conflicted, anti-Trump attorney to help oversee FBI fixes
NRA Promises ‘Strong Presence’ to Block Virginia Gun Bans
The decade of 2010 - 2019 was a big win for Conservatives and the next decade will be even bigger. . .
Trump campaign plagued by groups raising tens of millions in his name - find out who is legit!
To Democrats’ Dismay, Christmas season brings YUGE economic wins for Trump
Tom Z shares his Christmas Memories and Wishes and a message for those who may not have the picture perfect Christmas
"Conservative" Organization take money from Big Tech to stop Congress from stopping the censorship of Conservatives!
Guns save 90 TIMES MORE LIVES than they take each year government statistics show . . .
The Dems voted to take away YOUR vote, 63 Million Votes, by force of Government, because they didn't approve of YOUR choice for President.