Was Covid a Mind Altering Drug Designed to make humans more "Controlable" ? Watch this disturbing Interview if you have a membership to Tucker Carlson Network.
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Tucker [00:00:00] Well, things are changing so fast that it's hard to think about what the future might look like, but pause for a second and force yourself. What will the world look like in, say, ten years? 15 years? 50 years? Well, the outlines are pretty clear. If the people who run things powerful forces. And by that we mean very specifically the US government, the Chinese government, the U.N. if they have their way, there will be a lot less private property, a lot less privacy for the average person and for the average person. A lot of really big decisions will be made, not individually, but by machines. So that's clearly the direction we're going.
The question is who wants that? And the answer is very, very few people. That's dystopian, doesn't quite capture it. That's horrifying. That's a nightmare. And so if you had to bring about that future with the consent of the governed, as in a democracy, that would be impossible because no one will ever want that. It's too ugly and sad. It's clearly anti-human. It's a dead end. So how do you do it? Well, you only have two options. You can use force. Just put a gun in people's face and say, do this except this or I'll kill you. But that's messy and hard, and it requires a lot of guns. It also requires a kind of muscular attitude, an aggression, not just a passive aggression. Probably not going to happen. Or you can do something else. You can make people want it.
That's very different from convincing them there's almost no effort to convince you of anything anymore. In case you haven't noticed, they've totally given up on argument as a means of reaching some kind of mutual consent doesn't exist anymore, but they can instead make you want it.
Well, how would they do that? Well, the fastest way to do that would be by, say, changing your brain. Is that happening? Well, you have to kind of wonder, what was Covid, by the way it was the other day. It feels like we haven't really talked about what that was. It wasn't just some random virus. It probably wasn't even just a lab leak accidentally. This was a bioweapons lab run by the Chinese government, paid for in part by the US government. And it went global. But it really went to the West. That's the truth to the English speaking world, to Europe. And it seemed to have changed people.
So what's going on here? Is something going on here? And if so, what can you do about it? How do you preserve the sovereignty of your own mind? Maybe that's the most important question. Very few people are thinking about this seriously. Lots of people are speculating about it, but very few scientists are looking at the specifics of how this might be done and what you might do about it. In fact, there's really just one that we're aware of, and we're about to meet him. He is German. His name is Michael Nehls. He's a medical doctor, a physician. He's a molecular geneticist, and he's written what seems to be an amazing new book called The Indoctrinated Brain How to Successfully Fend off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom. And we are honored to have him joining us now. Dr. Nehls, thank you very much.
Michael Nehls [00:03:04] I'm very honored to be here. Thank you very much, an honor for my work.
Tucker [00:03:07] Well, and we're honored to have you. So I, I sort of non-technical, maybe grossly, generalized, summarized this idea, but I'd like you to bring some science to it that maybe Covid, not just the VAX, but the virus itself, change the way people think and feel about themselves and understand themselves. Do you think that's possible?
Michael Nehls [00:03:30] Yeah, it's absolutely possible. And it was already shown with Sars-cov-1, the predecessor of SARS-CoV-2.
Tucker [00:03:36] Yes.
Michael Nehls [00:03:37] It was published in 2007, 2008, papers which showed that the spike protein itself is capable of doing something which we call neuroinflammation. That means, kind of a cytokine storm in the brain. And I've worked on this issue for the last 10 to 15 years, actually published a paper, unified Theory of Alzheimer's disease, which is, Alzheimer's. Most people think it's the causes age, but the real cause of Alzheimer's is actually neuroinflammation and our lifestyle. And so, the reason it's age is correlated to it is just because it takes decades to develop.
Yes, yes. But neuroinflammation can be caused by many things that can be caused by excessive fear, by fearmongering. Neuroinflammation can be caused by bacteria, by viruses, by infection, chronic infections. Yes. So it was shown that, in order that the hippocampus, it's our autobiographical memory center, which is the center where Alzheimer's starts, needs to be to be functional. Something which we call, hippocampal neurogenesis, permanent production of new nerve cells, which have many, many functions we need to talk about. They are essentially our mental immune system. And if this production is essentially shut down, then our mental immune system breaks down and we are free for everything. I mean, we are we can be conquered and we would even accept it. And so I was working on this mental immune system.
Tucker [00:05:12] So you're describing a physical, just-
Michael Nehls [00:05:14] It's physical.
Tucker [00:05:15] Exactly. It's physical. This is not emotional. This is not the product of propaganda. You're saying that the way that your brain functions as a physical matter can be changed to make you more controllable.
Michael Nehls [00:05:24] Emotions essentially change the way the brain works, and strong emotions fear. For example, particularly in a situation where your mental immune system is down, meaning that your psychological resilience is down, it leads to a very strong effect in the brain, kind of a neurotoxic effect. Leakage of molecules out of the neurons, which are recognized by immune cells in the in the brain. And this recognition leads to an activation of an immune response, a very strong immune response, activating cytokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines. And they attack the hippocampus, our autobiographical memory center shutting down essentially many, many functions like for example, curiosity, like for example, psychological resiliency drops, meaning that everything that happens at least leads to an increased rate of depression and it shuts down, which I've shown recently in which I have put in my book, it shuts down our ability to think.
Tucker [00:06:26] What you're describing, what we're seeing all around us. I have to say, this proves nothing. But I thought it was interesting. I got Covid a couple of years ago and not the worst sickness I've ever had, but it had the most profound emotional effect for a couple of days. I never feel depressed. I've never felt that depressed as I did when I had it, I felt defeated. I didn't expect that. I've never heard anybody say that that was a side effect of Covid. Is that is it?
Michael Nehls [00:06:55] It is. Yeah. So when in 2007, 2008, the first papers came out on how SARS-CoV one, specifically the spike protein is able to activate the new inflammatory process, shutting down the production of these nerve cells in the hippocampus in our autobiographical memory center. The consequences are clear. In the short term, you are prone to depression. In the long term, you actually prone to Alzheimer's if you don't change the course of events. Of course, in that time, the spike protein was not, I think, able to actually end up in the brain. And they changed that.
So when I was actually almost laughing or because it was so, so deeply depressing in a way. So my reaction was kind of funny. I said, when the Nobel Prize was given in 2023 to this, yeah, I am on a program of bringing the spike protein into humans by a genetic engineering. The the two researchers who received the Nobel Prize actually said in an interview where we came up with this idea 15 years ago. So when you look back 15 years ago, it was clear that the spike protein is a bio weapon against the brain, particularly the part of the brain which we call our or I call our mental immune system, which is the very, very important part that makes us human, you know, which allows us to think, which allows us to be curious, which allows us, yeah, to to explore the world and, develop a culture, everything. So the spike protein essentially attacked humankind, the very basis of humans.
Of course, at that time, the spike protein was kind of. Yeah, yeah, not very dangerous because, it was an external inflammation outside the brain, which, of course, is transmitted to the brain that's known. And so we had an indirect neuroinflammation. If you really want to attack the brain, you have to get the spike protein into the brain. That's that's the that's really dangerous. And so two things happened actually here.
So first of all, they changed the SARS-CoV one into SARS-CoV-2 by including this furin cleavage site into the spike, genome in the gene of the spike protein. So if you insert this cleavage site, you create essentially, target foreign molecular scissor that all our cells have, you know, which we call furin a furin cleavers the spike protein two halves, we have two two subunits S1 and S2. And the S1 subunit is the outer part interferes, interacts with the same receptor. That is also our fear receptor or danger receptor in the on the immune cells. And that this triggers essentially a cascade of events which at the end leads to an output of enormous amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, each one of them rid of them. Their whole cascade of different ones is looking one interleukin 16 of alpha, interleukin 17, whatever. All of them were shown to shut down the production of new nerve cells in deeper compos, which we require for curiosity, psychological resilience and our ability to think.
Tucker [00:10:11] And those are the effects of the mRNA.
Michael Nehls [00:10:15] Not only the vaccine, the virus itself.
Tucker [00:10:18] I think you may be, I mean, this it's a lot to take in, but you may be answering the question, why, after the mRNA vaccine was shown not to stop. Transmission. Did governments continue to push it on their populations?
Michael Nehls [00:10:35] Absolutely. They pushed it even on, on unborn children. You know, an idea. Yes. You know, women who are pregnant, young children. So I these are all different pieces of a puzzle I couldn't understand. And, only when I realized it's not about health. It's not about not even money. It's about, cornering the human mind. And then it totally made sense suddenly, and all the pieces of the puzzle fell together seamless. And I had a picture in front of me which clearly showed what what they are up to. And that is really to undermine the human ability to think.
And it's even worse than that. It's even worse than that which I show in the book, because we need this production of these new nerve cells not only for curiosity, psychological resilience, or our ability to think. They are also necessary for memorizing and retrieving new memories. So if you shut down this production and force the hippocampus to memorize all these different stories, this fear mongering that narratives, then these narratives will end of the brain they will be at will be memorized in the hippocampus, but for trust, they will overwrite preexisting memories. That's not all the way around it, because you have no production of new nerve cells, allowing new memories formed without harming previous ones. So what happens is you overwrite with the narratives, with a fear narratives, with a technocratic narratives. You overwrite your preexisting memories, your individuality or your personality and change it.
Tucker [00:12:11] Yep. If intentional, this would be the most evil thing ever done?
Michael Nehls [00:12:15] Absolutely. When I wrote the book, my wife actually is the, the person who first read, said and corrected and, she almost had a heart attack doing that. I mean, she had really problems reading chapter by chapter because the evil that the book reveals is traumatic.
Tucker [00:12:32] So you spent your entire life within science? Yeah. And so the people who did this or who made it possible are, in some cases, I'm sure, people, you know, but certainly the kind of people, you know. Yeah. How hard was it for you to reach the conclusion that those people were responsible for something so evil?
Michael Nehls [00:12:51] For me, it was extremely difficult to accept, because the last 15 years I spent my life, essentially, I wrote actually 4 or 5 national bestsellers in Germany, and now they are going to be translated into English because this book is now making it, making its way in the English world, of course. And it's so, so to speak puts the others will trail behind it. But I spent the last 15 years trying to convince people that Alzheimer's is not, something you can't avoid when you get when you get older. But it's also not about not about Alzheimer's. It was about something else.
All times. It's just a tip of an iceberg of a society whose mental immune system is not functioning. The cause of Alzheimer's is the inability to produce these new nerve cells, or for several decades, that's the cause of Alzheimer's. So we have to reactivate this production to prevent it. But since it takes decades, the traces of Alzheimer's are just the tip of an iceberg of a society whose mental immune system is stolen.
Give you another example. The the, if the psychological resilience system, because the production of these nerve cells is stolen, then the likelihood increases that you get depression. And depression became the number one disease in 2017. Actually whole set in 2019 is now the most common disease on Earth. Number one. So if you realize depression is inversely correlated to the production of these nerve cells, that means in 2019, even maybe in 2017, the mental immune system of the human society was down at what was it its lowest level? We were easy to conquer. We were easy to accept what was happening.
Tucker [00:14:37] So for those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vaccine and boosters seem different psychologically. Yeah, we're not imagining that.
Michael Nehls [00:14:48] Yeah. No no no no, it's it's that's what's really happening. You see people who, who are not who have not a high production of these, cells and hippocampus, they act normally during the day in a normal situation. They do whatever humans do. And you don't realize it. I saw that, actually, even in the part of my. Yeah, of of people I know that, when I saw them at parties, we could talk about everything, which is trivial. But as soon as you start to talk about something more difficult, it was before 2020, you realize that they don't want to. You put that brain into into into working mode. They just avoided these topics and these very people who are not interested in really thinking were the ones who actually took the shots very quickly.
And because you have to see the mental immune system, as I already counted off. You know, curiosity is lacking, you know, so you and the other side of the coin of curiosity is psychological resilience. Because being curious, meaning to enter new space, new thoughts and everything that's new is perceived potentially dangerous. Yeah. So you have to have a high psychological resilience to enter this new space. So if both astound curiosity and psychological resilience, then you accept everything. And particularly if something comes with a lot of fear, you know, or you could die. Your family could die. Everything is very, very dangerous. Then you you fall back to, to, I would say cortical reflexes, like, like something that is inborn in us behavior that's inborn. And one behavior that's inborn, of course, in humans is, that's natural. If there's a danger, you you go, you go into the room, you don't try to be isolated. You follow the group. And if people tell you the group is going to take this vaccine, then everybody runs and I won't have it to, you know, you don't think you just follow the crowd.
Tucker [00:16:51] The the effects of. Spike proteins on the human brain. Just to be clear about what I think you said were known, well known. By the time Covid was loosed on the world and the mRNA vaccines.
Michael Nehls [00:17:06] Well, I didn't discover that. I just used the papers in the publications which were out there to come to this conclusion. And if I can read this paper that everybody else can do that, they are public. It's not like it's hidden information. So that was clear. You see, when when the virus broke out, by whatever reason, it was learned. Not clear to me and I there's no eyewitness who tells us. Yeah, we actually did it on purpose. Yes.
But. And everybody knew that the virus, based on this furin cleavage site, produces a spike version that can enter the brain and has all these detrimental effects on our mental health. So that was really bad. And, and even if that was not on purpose, what was clearly on purpose was the money injection program that was on purpose. It was forced. And here the people who actually forced us or forced people psychologically to to undergo this injection, they had a choice. They had many, many choices.
They had the choice, for example, to change the mRNA, that it doesn't contain the cleavage site, that the spike protein is not able to enter the brain. They could have had another choice. It would have taken proteins instead of mRNA, which is modified to stay long in our body, which doesn't make any sense for for for getting an immune response. And, that doesn't make any sense at all. They had another choice they could have taken, not the spike protein, which is dark or dangerous. They could have taken, for example, a nucleocapsid, which is another part of the virus, which is not dangerous to us and actually was proven to give us a very good immunity if you have a natural infection.
So that was what it was proposed, a paper out there in 2020 proposing that and that was ignored. And then the mRNA itself is dangerous because you put it you have to package it because it's it's not very stable. And the packaging itself is dangerous. It's very pro-inflammatory, meaning again, attacking the brain because it causes neuroinflammation. And in in addition to that, it was shown that a large portion of it actually off the on a, you know, packaged with the lipid nanoparticles can actually enter the brain. They it's actually it was the and lipid nanoparticles particles were actually produced or invented to enter the brain.
Tucker [00:19:29] So they ask you to stop it when the Injections were first rolled out. I remember reading someone say, actually, this could cross the blood brain barrier.
Michael Nehls [00:19:39] Yeah, sure.
Tucker [00:19:40] That's why that person was shouted down immediately. You're a conspiracy nut. You're crazy. I think we now admit that that is the case.
Michael Nehls [00:19:46] No, it was already published by the European Medical Association actually published a paper showing that 4% of the mRNA can enter the brain. And what was shocking to me, actually, is the way they did the injections itself. And even that is revealing. If you really want to make sure that a large proportion is circulating, you have to make sure that you inject it, in a way that the likelihood that it enters the bloodstream is higher. And when I was trained as a medical doctor, I learned that if I have to give an injection that has a state at the injection place. Yes. You actually draw a little bit blood. And if there's blood to be drawn, you know, you are in a vein or in it. Yes. Artery or something. So you change the position of the needle tip.
Tucker [00:20:32] To inject it into fat. Yeah.
Michael Nehls [00:20:34] In the fat or in the muscle, but not in the vein. But here there was clearly, the, the, the indication or there was actually the rule. No, with this one, we have to inject it without drawing the blood first, without checking if it's in the bloodstream. And that's the major reason, actually, why, for example, young adults who, usually muscular transport had so often myocarditis, even deadly myocarditis, because they have the big brains. And so they get the full dose, you know, minus that's the explanation.
Tucker [00:21:06] So you believe, based on the way it was designed, manufactured and administered, that. It was intentional that the people who did this wanted it to get into.
Michael Nehls [00:21:17] The, well, everything else. This whole list of whatever they're just given you and your of the of things which would have been different if there were no intention, was not even considered, or if people proposed it, it was, negated. So I think, well, let's put it this way, in my book, I only bring all the scientific evidence. I paint all the pieces of the puzzle to show how the pieces of the puzzle can be put together, seamless, and so it's very likely it's the correct picture. But at the end of the day, I am not accusing anybody. I just, I'm just, let's say the prosecutor saying this might be the case. I have my personal opinion, but at the end it's the reader who just, is the jury.
Tucker [00:21:59] I was interested, to notice where this was administered, the shots. And so trying to know. I don't I don't think China forced its population to take the mRNA shots. Is that correct?
Michael Nehls [00:22:12] It was only a testing ground, essentially. And of course, people were fearful enough actually, at the time when, or a year later, my wife and I were in, in Egypt on a vacation just for a week. And, we talked to the people there who, went with us to the, to the big sites to have their, you know, the, the ancient, ruins and so forth. And, we talked to them and they said they the they actually had to pay money. There was like a, an auction going on. Who gets the shot first? So I don't know if you have even to, to push people to do that. It's evil to do that of course. But the psychological pressure was so high that, that they got a huge proportion of people already.
Tucker [00:22:54] It didn't seem accidental to me that you had this Covid shot campaign. And then within a year, they opened the borders and changed the population of the country, and in a way that most countries would never accept what's happening in United States right now.
Michael Nehls [00:23:10] Yeah, there are many things going on at the moment. You see the if you if you look at what I'm describing here, it's all about the autobiographical memory center and the autobiographical memories and, records what we think, what we experience, what we discuss with our friends. Everything is recorded, but it cannot record everything. So it's kind of a misnomer here. It records everything what it can record. And it has a threshold. And the threshold is it has to come with emotion. So you can only learn new things if they are kind of emotional to you.
So stereotypical behavior. You don't remember that you do, right? Yeah, exactly. We know all that. So it has to come with an emotion. So if you really want to transform a brain so first you have to it's a two step process. First you plot the neurogenesis the production of new nerve cells in hippocampus. Then you come up with the stories you want to install. But since they have to come with an emotion, they you can't come up with the same story every day. You have to change the story day by day. You have to come up with new stories with the same intent. Something is breaking down, the world is shut down and everything is dangerous.
I'm losing my job or my family might be killed because we have an atomic war based on this local wars. We have the war against climate change. Everybody will drown because the water will rise. All these stories come up day by day. Actually, the World Economic Forum has, a program of pressure that bring out every generation. And they call that talk about perma crisis. And they have hundreds of points that they are actually listed in my book with. They have in, in mind or in, in the background where we can start in next crisis.
We need to change the story so that at the end of the day, your personal history is overwritten by this fear mongering stories and you have to change it, otherwise it doesn't work. So that's explains it. It's been something very interesting actually, by the way, I couldn't understand because as I show in the book, it was all well planned. I mean, there were plans already out there. 2018, 2000. Yeah, the program. 201 we know that event, everything was planned, but when it really happened, actually happened in 2020.
Our government in Germany, for example, had new rules every day, changing rules all the time. And I said they are behaving like they didn't know what they do, but everything was so well planned. I mean, the vaccine was out so quickly, everything was planned, but they did as if they had no idea what they should do. But in reality, if you look from the point of view of the hippocampus of your autobiographical memory, this changing of who was as part of the plan, it has to be part of a plan, because changing the rules mean you have to memorize every day new rules and they overwrite your your your memory center.
Tucker [00:26:06] That's so you, after a while, can't remember what life was like before the rules.
Michael Nehls [00:26:11] Exactly. You see, if you want to install. And this is all about installing a new operating system. Yeah. You are in your introduction. You said and you didn't say it, but it's like an artificial intelligence controlled society by a social scoring system. And I call it in my book a, let's say an evil social, social operating system, which you can actually abbreviate by S.O.S.. Yeah, quite nicely. It means something else, but we know what it what where, where it ends. And, so if that's the plan and you alluded to it and I'm pretty sure everybody who reads book knows what's going on and what they are intending. Then, then it's clear you have to, to, to, to create a situation where. No, but there's no other fence anymore. There's no fence where you can see and oh, the green the grass is greener on the other side. Look at all of the dictatorships. Fascism in Germany, Stalinism, whatever.
Tucker [00:27:13] Yes.
Michael Nehls [00:27:14] There was always a fence, a border where it was different on the other side. But we have to think here. If there is, if everybody is attacked, then there is no border. There is no other side as. No, no place you can hide, no place you can go. But there's not a border in your brain. The brain of history. You know, it was different in the past. But once you start overwriting the past and even this border is gone, there is no way you can't. There's no refugee anymore. Nothing you can, go back to and think about. Okay. It was different in the former times. We have to get back to that place, to this time. We have to change something. Yes. And the ability to change something comes with individuality. Creativity. Individuality is closely linked. But what's happening here is we destroy individuality. That means we destroy that. Your creative power of humanity. And then trust we just follow the rules that the artificial intelligence.
Tucker [00:28:10] So you're really describing a kind of mass Alzheimer's I mean, with. No, no, because a person without memory isn't fully a person.
Michael Nehls [00:28:18] Yeah. I give you another word for that. It's, you see the ability to think, there was a Nobel Prize given, right? That actually in 2002 to Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist, the Nobel Prize was in economics. How do we come to decisions in difficult times, so to speak? That's what the Nobel Prize, of course, was for businesses. But nevertheless, he described, mental energy that we need to activate thinking. And in my book I describe what is mental energy is it comes from the production of these nerve cells. So if you shut down the ability to think, then, you are stuck with the non-thinking brain, which he called system one. So system two is the thinking brains. Thinking system one is our default action during the day, which doesn't require new energy. We called system one, another Nobel Prize winner who was trying to find out where the our consciousness is and our consciousness in the brain. Francis Crick, he just he got the Nobel Prize for solving DNA. He published a paper in 2003 with, with his colleague, and he said, system two is great that we have it. It's essentially the motor of our society, you know, the sinking ability.
Tucker [00:29:33] Yes.
Michael Nehls [00:29:34] And but it's also good to have system one, which allows us in, in standard situations to, to actually react in a way that doesn't cost any mental energy. And he named the system one the zombie mode.
Tucker [00:29:48] Zombie mode.
Michael Nehls [00:29:48] Zombie mode. So if you are not able to engage system two anymore on this, what my book describes under the attack of the virus and the fear mongering and a lifestyle is not very healthy. Then of course we are stuck in a zombie mode, and I really fear the zombie society very much.
Tucker [00:30:10] A couple of questions. What does this do to religious faith, which was at the center of all societies until the Second World War? Does a zombie mode? Does does a zombie population have religious faith?
Michael Nehls [00:30:24] I'm not sure if you were religious to begin with. You certainly will. Will be your the drive will be, still religious belief. But again, religious belief, is based on memory. And if memory is overridden, well, I think I gave you already and yes, you did.
Tucker [00:30:45] What can you do about it to the people watching who had the mRNA shots, I think most of whom regret it. Now, sure. My sympathy goes out. Yeah. But what is this, reversible?
Michael Nehls [00:30:56] It's reversible. Actually, this is what my paper, a unified Theory of Alzheimer's disease is all about, is that the power of of the adult hippocampal neurogenesis lies in the fact that it it's it's the that the hippocampus, or autobiographical memory center, has the ability to produce new nerve cells every day and every night. And this production rate actually doesn't decline if we grow older. Actually, even 80 years old have a production rate which is similar to 18 years old. So that's why Alzheimer's is not natural. It's it's based on on lifestyle that doesn't allow an efficient production and efficient production needs. What everything that grows needs, let's say micronutrients, in humans, maybe physical activity, everything that was natural before we entered the modern world. So Alzheimer's was not a disease in 100 years ago. It was unknown, essentially.
But the modern world changed our way so far away from our natural needs that we. Yeah, that the production rate is actually low. And that was the reason 2017 that depression rates were high. It's a very strong indicator. In 2019, for example, Alzheimer's was the number three deadly disease in Europe and in the Americas. So it's, it's all about the hippocampus. So it was already damaged long ago, over the decades before 2020 was, was was coming up, and then everything accelerated.
Just to give you an example, in 2020, compared to 2019 depression rates, you remember it was the highest 2017, 2019 worldwide tripled in the United States, you know, in 2022, as a measure, measurements to the measures to the to the mandates, to everything, because everything that was done inhibited the production of new nerve cells, for example, closing off sports centers. If you do a sport in, let's say, as a prehistoric person, you have to leave the cage, you know, the cave. I mean, yes, you cave and you leave the cave and you go outside and you have to remember where it might be danger or where you is maybe a tree full of roots where you can find something to eat, whatever. So we have to remember. So every time we walk around, we activate a number of hormones growth hormone to protein. Even our muscles produce homones. It's like everything and all these hormones have the function to make us physically more able to do the next hike outside, you know? So it's a training effect.
What I show in the book here is that every hormone is an activator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. So if you start doing physical exercise you actually enhance your mental abilities. And of course, if anything that has to grow, it doesn't must get everything it needs as a nutrient. So if you have deficiencies in certain nutrients that are required for the production of these nerve cells, it will be shut down.
One such nutrient, for example, is vitamin D or omega three fatty fatty acids. It was shown that a low level of vitamin D accelerates brain aging. Particularly, it accelerates the development of depression and Alzheimer's. So we have to raise the vitamin D level to a level that is natural. The natural level would be 125 nano per liter. It was shown, by the way, the same level of hundred and 85 nano more per year. Peer reviewed paper meta analysis showed nobody would die of Covid if the level is hard 25 non-animal. So it's not only good for our mental immune system, it's also good for our physical immune system. And for me, it was totally clear it's not about health. When I realized that there's a strong agenda against vitamin D supplementation. So it's not. It's not like a swat with two cutting edge, you know, where, first of all, you're shut down the physical immune system, making people prone to death, to a disease which would not be deathly on the high level of vitamin D, and it's proven. It's cause the causality is proven. So you have 195 non-normal zero deaths. But of course, if you want to install a new world order, which everybody accepts, even if you want to make people believe that the injection is the only way out, then you have to have some people who actually show that it works.
Tucker [00:35:16] How do you get enough vitamin D?
Michael Nehls [00:35:18] Usually it's supplementation. It's not very, very difficult. And to get to a level that is that is ideal for brain health, ideal for immunological health. It's about 185 non-animal, per liter. That's the level you should have in Germany, for example, people in winter have, like 2025 non-normal. And the likelihood of, that, Covid, for example, is increased dramatically. So, for example, in the first studies came out, that was before the injection program enrolled. The traps were, you know, given to people, in fall of 2020, the German Cancer Research center published a paper, nine of ten Covid deaths can be prevented just by raising the vitamin D level. But nobody was interested in that.
Tucker [00:36:04] And you believe that there is an active effort to suppress vitamin D?
Michael Nehls [00:36:09] Absolutely it the variational, the most prestigious clinical journal that we know of is a New England Journal of Medicine. That's why all the clinical trials on the mini were published there, you know, and they accepted everything that was, going this way. So it was very intriguing for me to realize that when I saw a paper in 2022, on bone health and vitamin D, which was, I don't know how much time we have, but this paper was bogus. You know, it was it should not have been accepted because it was stupid. It was just a stupid paper.
They had a vitamin D level already, which is totally in agreement with bone health. Then they were separate into groups, you know, randomly one group got additional vitamin D, the other group didn't get any. So you have two groups which were already half a vitamin D level, which is sufficient for bone health. Then one group gets a little bit more vitamin D, and then the two groups were compared if they had more fractures over five years. Of course there is no difference between bone health was already taken care of. But based on this study that was published in the Journal of Medicine, an editorial was published at the same paper in the same. Yeah. Journal, a final, a decisive verdict on vitamin D, and the editors come to the conclusion that nobody, even with a deficiency, needs vitamin D. Doctors should stop prescribing beta vitamin D or even checking the vitamin D status, and people shouldn't waste money using.
Tucker [00:37:45] Oh come on.
Michael Nehls [00:37:46] Yeah, it was a New England Journal of medicine. And and in Germany, actually, it was Medscape, an article by a German professor. He actually said in a journal in this Medscape that's the most influential, information, journal for health practitioners worldwide, mainly financed by pharma industry. And this I said it's actually a Nazi thinking, to prescribe vitamin D or things like that, because that's where the idea of supplementing micronutrients actually was born, in his opinion. And so giving vitamin D, if you, you have to think about as a physician, if you give vitamin D, you're actually following Nazi ideology.
Tucker [00:38:34] This is so dark.
Michael Nehls [00:38:35] It's extremely dark.
Tucker [00:38:36] Where is it coming from?
Michael Nehls [00:38:39] Well, as I said, when I read, Schwab's book, now or from the world, Economy Forum, about Covid and the great Reset and, and the greater said, as you already alluded to in the introduction, is not something we would welcome if we were, yeah, mentally, mentally at, at, in a healthy state. We would actually. So it's clear they want it installed and it's the plan for 2030. And it's not only in his book, actually, when you go through the government, documents which I show in the book as well, government documents in Germany, 2030, for example, they talk about a post voting society that, artificial intelligence knows better than we know what is good for us and that voting is not necessary anymore. So it's an abolishing of democracy.
So, that's one thing. And of course, a people actually, there was another document I found, official governmental document that they say in 2030 people will hope that based on climate change, the narrative here that we actually will be controlled. We want to be controlled by artificial intelligence so that, we can, have a future for our children. But the purportedly honest, this bogus account, a narrative because, a humane counter narrative, because I strongly believe if we have enough mental diversity, enough individuality in our society, we will come up with ideas, that, that will save us, you know, from destruction, like, pollution and other things, you know, we'll come up with ideas, I'm pretty sure. But at the moment we have a society based on the depression rates, on the Alzheimer's rates, from everything that we we know of, all the power matters that our society is not mentally healthy. And this is what my book is all about, to change the world into a society that has more mental health. That's something what we call democracy is actually possible. I mean, democracy means the individual has the power to decide. But if our individuality, our mental immune system is destroyed, we either do not decide because we are fearful or we are, we don't allow ourselves an opinion because we fear the consequences.
Tucker [00:41:13] The average person who's made it this far, 45 minutes in is terrified. Also recognizes that what you're saying is substantially true because it it comports with what we see all around us the death of curiosity, of creativity, the hive mind, herd herd mentality, all happening all around us. But what are the steps, particularly for those who submitted to the mRNA jab? What are the steps you take to retain your psychological resilience?
Michael Nehls [00:41:43] The first thing I would propose very eagerly is of course, read my book. But they wouldn't be able to do that. Maybe they weren't meant to be understood. I mean, curiosity is stone, everything in stone. But what people suffer from, many people suffer from, is what we call brain fog. You know, a consequences of the jab or of the infection. Yeah. Which we tried all to post back or long Covid. And what I show is that this neuro inflammatory insult on the brain caused by the spike protein, leading to a cascade of events in the cell, in this immune cells, which are in our brain in this cascade, which leads to the production of these pro-inflammatory cytokines, is a molecule which we call GSK three better, I think I don't think I have to discuss it in more detail, but GSK through better is just a molecule, a signal transducer. And the natural inhibitor of the signal transducer is lithium. And it was shown that lithium at very low doses, not the one the doses you use for bipolar disorder or manic depression doses which are 100 fold lower, 100 fold like one milligram or so, maybe maximum five milligram is sufficient to plot. It's a natural inhibitor to plot this cascade to get rid of the inflammatory response.
I already proposed to this in a book in which I called the Corona Syndrome. It's not published in English yet, but in 2021, I said, besides whether vitamin D lithium would be able to block the cytokine storm. And in the end of 2022, just two years ago, one and a half years ago, a paper was published, patients had to go to the hospital of severe Covid, and they were on the brink of having to go to the intensive care unit because breathing problems. So they randomized these people into groups that got standard treatment. But one group got lithium. After only a few days, the cytokine storm was completely shut down. The people were released from the hospital in half the time than the others, and not a single person died. So lithium is the key.
Actually, I can prove that lithium is essential to humans. It's essential. By the way, that's another funny story the World Health Organization claims. I have found a paper from the World Health Organization where they show it's essential for roads, for rats, rodents. I can show in papers it's, essential for essentially every animal on Earth that has where it has been tested. But the World Health Organization argues it's not essential for humans. But I can tell you if you would take lithium. You not only get rid of your brain fog, you also start. That was shown to activate adult hippocampal neurogenesis. So in my paper of 2016 Unified Theory of Alzheimer's disease, I show that lithium as a single molecule can actually stop the progression of Alzheimer's.
Tucker [00:44:35] I mean, given that you have, I think, seen and describe in your book the big picture of what's actually going on. All these different threads are part of one thing. Has it changed your view about people or changed your view of the spiritual world? I mean, this is so evil that and you said it's not about money exclusively in this. No it's not about elections. It's much bigger. I mean, how has that changed you?
Michael Nehls [00:45:02] Well, I in the last chapter, which is a chapter of hope to show we can change, that, we can empower ourselves again, because you have to understand, we talk a lot everywhere about how it happened, what happened, how it happened, how it was instrumental, at least all the different steps, all the evil things. But we need to know why it happened. And when we know why. And then we know the target and we know the target, in this case, the hippocampus, we know how to change things. But, so the last chapter is about that.
But the last chapter I also discuss with myself, why it actually happened in the first place. What are these people? And I found a couple of books about the and papers, publications peer reviewed that if we feel empowered, if you have, the more power you have, something develops which we call acquired sociopathy. And maybe that's behind that. The people, have some kind of a god like, you know, self esteem. Yes. And, and really believe that they do the right thing in their, in their worldview, you know, and, they might think that we have to eradicate, humankind to save humankind, whatever. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what these people think. It's more important what the reader is thinking, what we all are thinking, because we are the majority. And, and at the moment, about 20%, I guess, or maybe even 25 to 30% of the people worldwide realize they already 20% realized it very early, 25 to 30% realize it. Meanwhile, in total, I guess what's going on and what I argue is if each one of them makes it possible to convince somebody else about what's going on, then we are 50 to 60%. We are a majority. Again, and as I alluded to already, the people who are not really clear what's going on and don't want to know what's going on, they still follow the mass. And if the mass is 50 to 60% people, we can think if we can convince them that there's another maturity somewhere else and maturity of people who want, yeah, a humane future for our children, then, we all will prevail. I'm 100% sure.
Tucker [00:47:16] But last question. If you live in a country product, a society that's, I think impressive. But is conformist absolute. So how are you treated in Germany?
Michael Nehls [00:47:29] Well, if the mainstream is ignoring me, of course, you know, Wikipedia, starts to write interesting stuff about me.
Tucker [00:47:37] Oh, yeah. That's the CIA's. Yeah. I feel, you know, kind of an outlet.
Michael Nehls [00:47:40] Yeah. My, for example, my Wikipedia account up to a year from, back a year was kind of pristine. It was only my science career in there and stuff. I did, and now it's not pristine anymore. But, I told my wife it's actually. It's an honor. No, I mean, it's it's like I'm recognized, you know, particular my my my ideas are recognized. And that's the most important part, you know? So. But besides that, not much happened. I don't want to, you know, ask for it now from here, but so much, so far, we have a very strong community of people like you who spread the word, who do extremely important work. I mean, I have to thank you for that. The work you are doing and many people in Europe doing worldwide are doing, helping to spread the news, spreading the information. I think it's the most important thing at the moment that I can think of. And I have good contact. Meanwhile, to all of them, that's really good.
Tucker [00:48:35] It is important. The most important, Dr. Michael Nehls, the indoctrinated brain case. You want to get that right away. Thank you.