Department of Justice indicts Obama Homeland Security IG for Stolen Federal Property, Wire Fraud, Identity Theft…
For Trump supporters the Big News Tuesday was not Joe Biden's resurgence it was that nine California Congressional seats may have flipped .
Thank you for Calling the White House and Demanding FISA Reform! It's working!
ACLU, FreedomWorks urge Trump to reform 'rogue FBI' as part of intel bill
CDC Director makes it clear that Dr. Nancy Messonnier’s statement Tuesday belied the fact that risk remains low . . .
New White House Head of the Presidential Personnel Office is here to clean house and get rid of those disloyal to the President
Odd Coincidence – Rogue CDC Official Pushing Coronavirus Panic Button is Rod Rosenstein’s Sister…
House Republicans have found evidence that Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have misled the courts
Down-ballot Democrats move to distance themselves from Sanders . . .
The law indemnifies Google and others from being sued for the content users put on its platforms and let's Tech censor speech . . .
The coup has been so broad, deep, and thick that I predict cases will have to be brought under the RICO statutes in batches for different gro
Obama Intervened, Repeatedly, in Trials and Investigations but that was OK - Right? They are all Hypocrites and Liars . . .