Privacy Policy

The We the People Convention, Inc. is not required under current law to report or identify individual donors to any government agency and we do not do so unless ordered to do so by a court of law. We do not disclose the names or other personal information of our donors, members, or our volunteers to anyone other than our vendors and affiliated organizations such as our federal Freedom for All SuperPAC and our State Ohio Citizens PAC. We specifically do not us Google Analytics so that Google can not track your actions on our website. We respect and PROTECT the privacy of our members, donors and volunteer to the best of our ability at all times. Below is a more legal explaination of our privacy policy:

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how We the People Convention, Inc. (“WTPC,” “we,” or “us”) treats personal information on our websites and platforms where the Policy is located (the “Platform”).
This Platform facilitates your ability to make contributions and to volunteer for activities.  This Platform is intended for use by individuals who are located in the United States.

WTPC collects information from you and about you. Here are some examples of the information we may collect:

Contact Information. For example, we may collect your name, mailing address, telephone number and email address. We may also collect your mobile phone number. 

Political Affiliation Information. For example, we may collect information about your political party affiliation and opinions and candidates or political issues that interest you.

Voter Registration Information. We may collect information about the jurisdiction where you are registered to vote, whether you are currently registered to vote, and what polling locations you use. We may also collect information about when you last voted, whether you participated in early voting and whether you submit votes through absentee ballots.

Contribution Information. For example, we may collect information about the amount of contributions you make and the candidates you support. We may publically post on our Platform your first name, your city and state, the amount of your donation and the candidate you support.

Payment Information. For example, we may collect your billing address and payment card type and expiration date. 

Account Information. If you create an account on our Platform, we may collect your username and password.
Information You Post. We may collect information you post in a public space on our Platform, such as when you post a design or logo for a candidate in connection with a promotion. 

Social Media Information. We may collect information you post on candidate, political committee, or campaign social media pages. We may also collect your social media profile information and information posted on your page. You may also choose to link your social media account with an account you create on our Platform.

Employment Information. For example, we may collect information about your employment status, employer and occupation. We may also ask whether you are retired.

Information You Submit. We may collect information when you send us a message through the “Contact Us” page or similar features on our Platform. We may also collect information when you enter a promotion. This may include photos, videos and other user-generated content that you submit. 

Demographic Information. We may collect your birthdate, age, gender and zip code. We may also collect information that could identify you and relates to your hobbies, interests and political affiliation.

Device Information. For example, we may collect the type of device you use to access our Platform. We may also collect your device identifier, IP address, or operating system.

Other Information. In addition, if you use our Platform, we may collect information about the browser you are using. We might look at what site you came from, or what site you visit when you leave us.

WTPC collects your information in different ways. Below are some examples of how we may collect your information.

Directly From You. For example, when you:
Register for an account.
Make a contribution.
Make a purchase through an online store on our Platform.
Sign up to receive promotional communications.
Participate in one of our promotional sweepstakes, contests, surveys, or focus groups.
Submit a design or logo for a candidate or campaign.
Submit a review or vote on candidate or campaign design or logo.
Submit a request to our customer service team.
Interact with WTPC, candidate, campaign or political committee social media pages.

Passively. For example, we may passively collect information when you visit and navigate our Platform on any device. We may also collect information about users over time and across different websites and devices when you use the Platform. Third parties also collect personal information this way on our Platform.

From Third Parties. We may receive information about you from other sources. For example, this may include receiving information from:

Our business partners. This may include list brokers or political parties or similar organizations, our online advertising networks, analytics vendors, companies that co-sponsor our promotions, and political committees, campaigns or other political contribution sites. 

Social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat and Instagram.
Third-party sites, including those that allow you to integrate your third-party account with your WTPC account.

By Combining Information. For example, we may:
Combine information that we collect offline with information we collect through our Platform. 
Combine information we collect about you from the different devices you use to access our Platform.
Combine information we get from third parties with information we already have about you. 

Examples of how we may use your information include:

To Provide Our Platform and Services. This could include facilitating and processing your contributions or other transactions. 

To Provide Political Communications. We, political committees or campaigns that use our Platform, or other third parties may contact you about your contribution, or the candidate, political committee or campaign to whom you contributed or other candidates, campaigns or issues that may be of interest to you.

To Improve Our Products and Services. We may use your information to make our Platform, products and services better. We may also use your information to customize your experience with us.
To Understand Your Interests. For example, we may use your information to better understand what campaigns, candidates, issues or products interest you.

To Respond to Your Requests or Questions. This may include responding to your feedback or notifying you if you win a promotion. 

To Communicate With You. We may communicate with you about your account or our relationship. We may also contact you about this Policy or our Platform terms and conditions. Political committees or campaigns that use our Platform may also contact you

For Marketing Purposes. We might use your information to serve you ads about specific candidates or remind you to make or complete a contribution. We might tell you about new features or updates. We, or our partners, including political committees or campaigns, may also use your information to send you electronic communications, including through email or text message. This may include reminders if you visit the Platform, but do not make a contribution. We and our partners may engage in interest-based advertising using information gathered across multiple websites, devices, or other platforms.

For Security Purposes. This could include protecting our company and consumers who use our products and services. It may also include protecting our Platform.

As Otherwise Permitted By Law or As We May Notify You.

We may share your information in the following ways:

Internally. We may share your information within WTPC and with our parent companies and subsidiaries, and they may use and share your information as described in this Policy.

On Our Platform. For example, we may display your comments to one of our posts or emails.
With Our Business Partners. For example, we may share your information with our vendors who provide processing of your credit card information or who manage our email accounts or ship materials to you.

With Any Successors to All or Part of Our Business. For example, if WTPC merges with, acquires or is acquired, or sells part of its business to another business entity. This may include an asset sale, corporate reorganization or other change of control.

To Comply With Campaign Finance Laws. Campaign finance law may require that we send your name, address, occupation, and employer information along with details of your contribution to the recipient of your contribution and report this information in our reports to the Federal Election Commission (“FEC”). Each political committee or campaign receiving your contributions may also include this information in their regulatory reports. FEC reports containing this information are publicly available from the FEC website.

To Comply With Other Laws or To Protect Ourselves. For example, this could include responding to a court order or subpoena. It could also include sharing information if a government agency or investigatory body requests. We might share information when we are investigating a potential fraud. This could include fraud we think has occurred during a sweepstakes or promotion. We may also share information if you are the winner of a sweepstakes or other contest with anyone who requests a winner’s list.

For Other Reasons We May Describe to You.


The Platform where this Policy is located are meant for adults. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from persons under the age of 13, and we strive to comply with the provisions of COPPA (The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). If you are a parent or legal guardian and think your child under 13 has provided us with information, please contact us at You can also write to us at the address listed at the end of this website Policy. Please mark your inquiries “COPPA Information Request.” Parents, you can learn more about how to protect children’s privacy on-line here.

You have certain choices about how we use your information. Certain choices you make are browser and device specific.

Marketing Communications:
You can opt out of receiving our marketing communications by following the instructions included with the communication. Note that you will still receive transactional messages from us, including information about your account and responses to your inquiries. 

If you reside in California, you have the right to ask us one time each year if we have shared personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make a request, please send us an email at or write to us at the address listed below. Indicate in your email or letter that you are a California resident making a “California Shine the Light” inquiry. 

The Internet is not 100% secure. We cannot promise that your use of our Platform will be completely safe. We encourage you to use caution when using the Internet. We use reasonable means to safeguard personal information under our control. A user id and a password are needed to access certain areas of the TS Platform. It is your responsibility to protect your username and password.

Information we maintain may be stored in or outside of the United States. This Platform is intended for use by individuals who are located in the United States and is subject to the laws of the United States, which may not provide the same level of protections as those in your own country. If you are located outside of the United States, you understand and agree that we may transfer your personal information to the United States.

Our Platform may contain links to other third party sites that are not governed by this Policy. If you click on a link to a third party site, you will be taken to a site we do not control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices used by third party sites. We suggest that you read the privacy policies of those sites carefully. We are not responsible for these third-party sites
If you have any questions, comments or concerns with respect to our privacy practices or this Policy, or wish to update your information, please feel free to contact us at or by telephone at 1 888-288-1890. You may also write to us at the following address:
We the People Convention, Inc.
P.O. Box 6211
Akron, OH 44312

From time to time, we may change our Policy. We will notify you of any material changes to our Policy as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our Platform. Please check our Platform periodically for updates.

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©2024, We the People Convention