Epoch Times Editorial: Trump Should Take Action

Editorial: At This Critical Time, President Trump Should Take Action

Editorial Board, Epoch Times, December 14th

The 2020 presidential election is unlike any before and requires unprecedented measures to protect it, our republic, and our future.

The degree and scale of voter fraud was unprecedented. In swing states, President Donald Trump had large leads on election night. Then, late at night counting was stopped, while election observers were ushered out. And then, huge, statistically impossible vote dumps occurred, giving Joe Biden the lead.

This pattern, which occurred only in the states where Biden had to reverse the results, and hadn’t occurred in previous elections, points to a coordinated effort to steal the election.

This effort likely involved manipulation of the vote by Dominion Voting Systems. According to a forensic audit of its machines and software in Michigan, ”the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

In addition, various forms of ballot harvesting and election irregularities are attested to in a thousand affidavits.

There are reports—needing confirmation—of foreign influence helping to undermine our election.

President Trump has referred to our election system as being under “coordinated assault and siege.”

As a consequence, our form of government is at risk. If an election can be won through such dishonest means as were used in 2020, then one can expect the next election will be won in the same manner. The American people will lose their right to vote.

If there was a coordinated effort to steal the election, those actions amount to subversion.

In addition, if the United States in effect has one-party rule, then legal changes may fundamentally alter our system.

The Democrats have spoken of ending the Electoral College, assuring that the predominantly Democratic big cities will elect the president; and packing the Supreme Court, to ensure that Democratic-appointed judges have the majority.

But as serious as these threats to our republic are, they don’t get to the heart of what is at stake.

At its root, the current danger is not about whether Biden or Trump wins. It is not about the Democratic or Republican parties.

The United States is facing an evil force that wants to destroy our country and in fact destroy all good things in humanity.

This election is the climax of the battle between freedom and communism, between good and evil.

With the fall of communist regimes in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, people in the United States and around the world relaxed, thinking the communist threat had ended. But communism has never slept. Globalization strengthened it and weakened the United States.

Good and evil cannot compromise. They are like fire and ice. Giving in to evil only encourages it. A victory for communism in this election would result in a defeat for freedom everywhere. Humanity would be plunged into a long, dark night.

On Dec. 5 in Georgia, Trump said of those who want to steal the election, “These people want to go further than socialism, they want to go into a communistic form of government, and I have no doubt about it.”

How will the United States be defended? Local officials are often those most complicit in the corruption of the election. Judges, because of the doctrine of separation of powers, are often reluctant to tell states how to run their elections. The U.S. Congress has no role unless the Electoral College fails to deliver a winner.

Trump’s destiny is to fill the breach. He has taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, and he has the presidential powers to do so.

Trump should use those powers as President to safeguard the future of our Republic and arrest those who have conspired to deprive people of their rights through election fraud. The Insurrection Act enables Trump to use the military to seize the key electoral evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate accounting of the vote.
Our system is in crisis. Trump would act to restore the rule of law.

Through opening the books, honesty can defeat fraud. The wishes of the majority of the people will be realized, and the victory sought by communism defeated.

Click Here to Read our AD in the Washington Times calling for President Trump to TEMPORARILY Invoke LIMITED Martial Law for the SOLE PURPOSE of having the U.S. Military conduct a free and fair federal election Re-Vote!

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