Here is the Evidence of Voter Fraud from All over the US

Here are Links to Stories from All Over the United States about Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election:

Wisconsin data: 50,000 phantom votes in 2020, 'more than twice the margin' of victory on Nov. 3 - February 11, 2022

Biden Admin Urges Court Not to Allow Release of Georgia ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines - February 11, 2022

Arizona Lawmakers Still Trying To Decertify 2020 Election Results With HCR 2033, Now In Three Counties, Maricopa, Pima And Yuma - February 10, 2022

Exclusive — RNC Sues Key Pennsylvania County for Absentee Ballot Transparency - February 11, 2022

Ignored by DOJ: Whistleblower reported plan to 'embed' 35,000 fraud votes for each Democrat in Pima County Arizona - Decemver 15, 2021

Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence - November 19, 2021

Federal indictment alleging Iranian election hack further erodes narrative of perfect 2020 election - November 16, 2021

Georgia Voter Group finds Massive Evidence of Fraud and will move to have 2020 De-Certified - November 5, 2021

Wisconsin Sheriff Makes Five Criminal Referrals For Election Commissioners - November 5, 2021

Lawsuit filed against Michigan for over 25,000 suspected dead registered voters still on rolls - November 4, 2021

Pennsylvania governor fingered for routing private election grants to Democrat areas - October 31, 2021

Narrative of a perfect 2020 election eroding as Wisconsin becomes investigative ground zero - October 28, 2021

Sheriff in Racine, Wisconsin find election fraud and says members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission committed election fraud - October 28, 2021

Cyber Ninjas Responds to MARICOPA COUNTY (AZ) ANALYSIS OF SENATE REVIEW – October 27, 2021

Wisconsin Senate to launch its own 2020 election investigation - October 26, 2021

Demand for forensic audits of 2020 election in all 50 states rapidly gaining support - October 24, 2021

Pennsylvania’s election audit on hold amid subpoena lawsuit - October 23, 2021

MSM will ignore the illegal ballot stock in Maricopa in 2020 but people know - October 11, 2021

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, Bill Gates, admitted today (10-7-21) that they intentionally deleted election data to route it onto an archive file.  (Watch the Video!) The archives of the county records were not subpoenaed, that way the county could avoid sending the full 2020 election data to the auditors. Except that the Subpoena REQUIRED them to turn over ALL Election Records! They DID NOT! Is this NOT Obstruction of a Legal Government Investigation??? Is this NOT against the law to knowingly violate a legal Subpoena that was upheld by a State Judge and ordered to be complied with???

92 state legislators demand 50-state election audit and consequences - October 6, 2021

Arizona Senate president warns state could take control of Maricopa election after audit red flags - October 3, 2021

Arizona AG Demands Maricopa County Freeze All 2020 Election Materials, Releases Statement On Audit - Septmeber 30, 2021

In-Depth Discussion of AZ Senate Forensic Audit Results by panel including Patrick Byrne, Jovan Pulitzer, Seth Keshel,  Steve Montenegro and others. - September 26, 2021

What’s Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND!  - September 20, 2021

Arizona Senate Audit Report to be release at 1:00 PP MT on Friday, September 24, 2021 -  September 18, 2021

Report: ‘Unknown’ Ballots in Georgia, Pennsylvania Surpass Biden’s Margin of Victory There - September 12, 2021


Report: Video shows 'traffickers' dumping thousands of ballots in Georgia drop boxes in 'middle of the night' - September 4, 2021

Senate Republican Leaders says Pennsylvania Election Audit to Start with Hearings on September 9th - 9/2/21

Trump demands paper ballots: 'Single biggest topic for [GOP] is the voter fraud of 2020' - September 2, 2021

Georgia Board Launches Probe Into Fulton County Elections - May take over County BOE - August 29, 2021

Just Revealed: True the Vote Conducting Massive Voter Fraud Investigation using Cell Phone tracking and Video data of people stuffing ballot boxes - this will amaze you! - August 29, 2021

Bipartisan election reform bill brewing in Pennsylvania Senate - August 27, 2021

Arizona AG orders Maricopa County to turn over routers to election audit or lose state funds - August 27, 2021

Texas house advances sweeping voting restrictions bill - August 27, 2021

Facebook reported to secretly be building an election “misinformation” censorship board - August 27, 2021

Arizona Senator Fann Makes Plans For Audit Of Voter Affidavit Signatures On Some Of Maricopa County’s 1.9M Early Ballots - August 25, 2021

Top Pennsylvania State Senator commits to forensic election audit including Subpoena Powers - August 25, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering - August 20, 2021

BREAKING: Michigan Follows Arizona's Lead For A FULL FORENSIC AUDIT! - August 17, 2021

RECAP of Mike Lindel Cyber Symposium - August 16, 2021

Seth Keshel: Trump won Pennsylvania by 424,000 votes - August 9, 2021

The Answers We Will Be Looking For During Mike Lindell's August 11th & 12th Cyber-Symposium About Election Fraud Evidence - August 3, 2021

Black Democrat Operative Blows The Lid off Democrat Voter Fraud in Houston Texas - August 4, 2021

Top Arizona Senator Asks State AG to Investigate Maricopa County Over Subpoena Resistance - August 3, 2021

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN - August 2, 2021

Dominion Voting Machines Arrive in Ohio's Stark County Costing $6.17 Million Up Front — Machines Include Software to “Evaluate Voter Intent” - July 31, 2021

Pennsylvania Senator Prepares to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests - July 30, 2021

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker names special counsel to expand probe of 2020 election - July 29, 2021

Whatever Happened to the Hard Drives, Computers, and Flash Drives with Voter Data that Was Confiscated by the FBI in Arizona on November 5th? - July 28, 2021

Dems Panic As Wisconsin Moves Forward with Election Forensic Audit - July 26, 2021

2020 Election: Another Look at Arizona Election Numbers - July 26, 2021

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After Georgia, Arizona Updates - July 17, 2021

Arizona audit reportedly found 'potentially thousands' of duplicated ballots without serial numbers - July 15, 2021

Fulton County Georgia Audit Uncovers ‘Double-Scanned Ballots,’ Mismarked Tally Sheets ‘Entirely for Biden’ - July 14, 2021

Dr. Jovan Pulitzer — Duplicate scanned ballots discovered in
 - July 14, 2021

Trump Releases Letter From Ex-US Attorney Alleging Barr Pressured Him Not to Probe Voter Fraud Claims in Pennsylvania - July 13, 2021

Voting group says it has found 'massive errors and provable fraud' in key Georgia county - July 13, 2021

Pennsylvania orders counties not to comply with GOP senator’s request for 2020 election data - July 11, 2020

New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results - July 11, 2021

Arizona Senate Has Decided to Count All Ballots Audited in Maricopa County for a Third Time - July 10, 2021

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano Initiates Full Forensic Audit - has the votes for subpoenas. - July 7, 2021

Security Breach In Arizona Hidden From The Public - July 6, 2021

SCOTUS decision on Arizona voter rules could mean trouble for DOJ suit against Georgia - June 30, 2021

MI Rep Daire Rendon (R): “I am in receipt of evidence reflecting systemic election fraud in Michigan that occurred in the November 2020 election” - June 29, 2021

Audit Counts Will NOT Be Released Today 6/28/21 – Auditors TRIPLE Check Evidence - June 28, 2021

HISTORY MADE AS FINAL ARIZONA BALLOT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED – Huge Preliminary Report Expected Monday - June 25, 2021

Georgia's Gov. Kemp, Secretary of State Slam DOJ's Voting Rights Suit - Says it is just a politcal suit with no legal basis and we will beat them in court! - June 25, 2021

AWESOME Breakdown of Audit Activity accross the Nation by REDSTATE:
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Is the Dam Breaking? - June 24, 2021

'Huge victory': Judge names members of Fulton County Georgia election board in lawsuit; ballot audit will proceed - June 25, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer Clarifies Why You Need Full 100% Forensic Audits to Catch Election Fraud - June 24, 2021

Pennsylvania GOP State Senator Wants 2020 Election Audit - June 21, 2020

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county - June 17, 2021

Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger Changes Tune on Election Results, Admits Fulton County Irregularities - June 15, 2021

REPORT: Several Hundred Thousand Maricopa County Arizona Ballots Missing, Boxes Identified With Totally Blank Ballots - June 14, 2021

Biden AG Threatens to Stop AZ and other Audits - Arizona Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison” - June 12, 2021

Arizona Audit: Hand Recount Expected to End This Week - June 9, 2021

Election Workers Set to be Deposed in Georgia Ballot Case - June 9, 2021

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed - June 8, 2021

BREAKING: Lindell Sues Dominion For $2B in Minnesota, Details Evidence Of 19 Cyber Attacks From China That Flipped 530k Votes In 5 Key Battleground States - June 3, 2021

Plan to end absentee ballot curing advances in Wisconsin​​​​​​​ - June 2, 2021

85 Percent of 59,000 Absentee Ballots Placed in Fulton County Drop Boxes in 2020 Election Were Not Transported to Registrar ‘Immediately’ As Georgia State Rule Requires; 5 Percent Were Delivered BEFORE They Were Picked Up - May 23, 2021

Georgia Judge Calls for Forensic Audit of Fulton County Ballots After Large Discrepancies Found in Ballot Batches - May 21, 2021

VERNON JONES Schedules Press Conference Wednesday in Atlanta to Call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT of Georgia’s 2020 Election Results - May 18, 2021

Maricopa County AZ Audit Team Admit Files Were Deleted but THEY WERE ABLE TO RECOVER THOSE FILES  - May 18, 2021

UPDATE: Voting Machines in Fayette County PA were Not Counting GOP Votes - investigation underway of Dominion Machines. - May 18, 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Controls Access to Voting Machine – Maricopa Co. Claims They Don’t Have Access – So Did Dominion Delete the Missing Files? - May 16, 2021

Election audit in small New Hampshire town could have implications for 2020 results statewide - May 15, 2021

BREAKING: Maricopa County Elections Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines – Including “All Election Information” from Main Database — With Copy of Senate Letter - May 12, 2021

THIS IS BIG: US Census Bureau Confirms HUGE CONFLICT in Total Number of Voters in 2020 Election - May 11, 2021

STUNNING TESTIMONY: AZ Elections Witness Testifies that Private Company Was Scanning Ballots Offsite, NOT Election Workers, Then Delivering Them to Counting Center - May 11, 2021

Democrats Can’t Quash the ‘Big Lie’ - May 10, 2021

Direct Evidence of Intentional Dominion Ballot Counting and Tabulation Fraud Submitted to Court in Michigan - May 10, 2021

Arizona Senate, Maricopa Co. mull next steps in standoff over routers subpoenaed in vote audit - May 7, 2021

Maricopa County Did Not Control Machines - VIDEO - May 7, 2021

Smoking Gun Emails Reveal How Milwaukee Shared Government Election Data with Far Left Groups – Prove Existence of Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation – May 7, 2021

OAN Obtains Letter From DOJ Trying To Stop Arizona Audit - May 6, 2021

Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Election Posts - May 3, 2021

Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech and Bidden Campaign to Censor Americans’ Election Posts - April 27, 2021

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES - April 23, 2021

Arizona Senate Republicans begin months-long 2020 election audit at Veterans Memorial Coliseum - April 22, 2021. 

“I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results- April 12, 2021

Detroit absentee ballot instructions conflict with witness testimony about irregularities - April 12, 2021

Progressive Groups Pretending to be Non-Partisan Launch Intimidation Campaign in Arizona to Stop Proposed Voter ID Law that Will Cut Down on Cheating - April 11, 2021

Click Here to Watch the Newest We the People Convention News & Opinion Podcast!

STUNNING HYPOCRISY: Major League Baseball Requires Photo ID to Pick Up All-Star Tickets — But Boycott Georgia Over Voter ID Law for Elections! April 4, 2021

Mike Lindell to release NEW Election Fraud Documentarty with Dr. Doug Frank Wednesday March 31, 2021 at NOON.

HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Senate Republicans Courageously Announce Team Who Will Perform Maricopa County Election Audit and It’s Good News for America! - March 31, 2021

Analyzing American Election Integrity - 7 HOURS of GREAT Information on Election Fraud - March 23, 2021

A River of Doubt Runs Through Mail Voting in Montana - 6.33% of absentee ballots had no envelopes - March 24, 2021

Green Bay Wisconsin Officials Turn Down Request to Testify on March 31 After they Gave Dem Operatives Access to Voting Room and Internet Network During Election — They Say They’re Busy - March 24, 2021

The ‘Scan the Ballots’ Effort Is Moving Forward In Georgia Involving Jovan Pulitizer’s Technique of Forensically Reviewing Ballots from the 2020 Election - March 24, 2021

Arizona State Senate Orders Hand Recount of 2.1 Million Ballots from 2020 Presidential Election - March 21, 2021

Months after Trump complaints, some courts are finding irregularities in 2020 elections - March 17, 2021

Michigan Court Rules Secretary of State Violated Law With Absentee Ballot Signatures - March 17, 2021

Is This A Smoking Gun That Zuckerberg’s ‘Charity’ Tampered With Federal Elections? - March 16, 2021

Newly Revealed Emails Show Green Bay WISCONSIN Officials Gave Keys to 2020 Election to N.Y. Dem Operative - March 10, 2021

2020 election fraud charges in multiple states -  March 14, 2021

Ballots illegally moved, shredded ballots found, mysterious fire . . . Maricopa County Arizona Senate Audit is causing some strange behaviour! - March 8, 2021

Short Video (16:30) Summary of Voter Fraud Evidence - Please SHARE!

Unbelievable, SCOTUS Refuses to Hear PA Election Challenge AFTER Previously Granting Injunction - February 22, 2021

An Election Lawsuit the Supreme Court will Actually Hear! - February 27, 2021  (UPDATE: Arizona defends election integrity laws before U.S. Supreme Court)

For those who say their is "No Evidence" of Election Fraud enough to overturn the 2020 Election here are the links to HOURS of testimony by American Citizens who signed affidavits under oath describing massive fraud that they personally witnesses or discovered. Anyone who says their was "No Evidence" of Election Fraud is a Liar or a useful idiot of the left:

WISCONSIN Voter Fraud Testimony (7 HOURS and 43 Minutes)

ARIZONA Voter Fraud Testimony (11 HOURS and 15 Minutes)

MICHIGAN Voter Fraud Testimony (7 HOURS and 26 Minutes)

PENNSYLVANIA Voter Fraud Testimony (3 Hours and 7 Minutes)

GEORGIA Voter Fraud Testimony (6 Hours and 8 Minutes)

Georgia: No Chain of Custody Documents Produced for 404,000 Absentee Ballots -  March 4, 2021

Arizona Senate election audit is a go but if no fraud is found, a lot of politicians should resign - March 3, 2021

Mississippi Judge Orders Election Do-Over after 78% of Mail-in Ballots Proved Fraudulent — Notary Arrested - March 4, 2021

Here’s the Breakdown on the 80 Cases Related to the 2020 Presidential Election - From Gateway Pundit, February 4, 2021

Will Arizona Senate get Maricopa County's 2020 ballots for an audit? A judge will consider Thursday - February 25, 2021

What's going on in New Hampsire??? - February 24, 2021

Georgia's GOP-led Senate passes bill requiring ID for absentee voting - February 23, 2021

New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections - February 22, 2021

SUSPICIOUS: Late Night Virginia Ballot Drop Accounts for 73% Of All Biden Votes In Fairfax County - February 18, 2021

Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November - February 18, 2021

Developing: New Hampshire Department of Justice Refuses to Investigate the Largest Voting Machine Counting Error in State History - February 14, 2021

Arizona Senate falls vote short of holding Maricopa County supervisors in contempt - February 9, 2021

Arrests Possible – Arizona Senate prepares Contempt Charges Against Maricopa County Supervisors! What are they Hiding??? (February 3, 2021)

Arizona Senate conducting its own audit to complement Maricopa County review of 2020 election (January 30, 2021)

Arizona Senate hires auditor to review county election (January 29, 2021)

Virginia Rule Allowing Late Ballots Missing Postmark Was Illegal, Court Rules (January 29, 2021)

Maricopa County AZ votes to audit machines used in November election (January 28, 2021)

Maricopa County to turn over election ballot info to Arizona lawmakers (January 21, 2021)

Pattern Recognition Specialist Jovan Pulitzer Says Over 300K PA Mail-In Ballots Never Processed By USPS (Video) (January 10, 2020)

EXCLUSIVE: Fraudulent Georgia Ballots Were Addressed to Elections Consultant Dwight Brower – The Same Guy Who Reported the Fake Water Main Break and Then Terminated Election Whistleblower (January 1, 20210

DOJ Adviser Says 368,000 Fraudulent 'Excess Votes' Tipped Election to Joe Biden (December 30, 2020)

BREAKING: Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Fight to US Supreme Court, Will Challenge 50,000 Ballots (December 30, 2020)

MUST-SEE Video: Jovan Pulitzer EXPOSES MASSIVE FRAUD in Georgia Election (December 30, 2020)

Breaking — Dominion machines hacked LIVE during Georgia election hearing… (December 30, 2020)

Will Wisconsin Officially Move Their Electoral College Votes to President Trump After 200,000 Mostly Biden Votes Were Ruled Illegitimate? (December 29, 2020)

Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI (December 28, 2020)

BREAKING: Pennsylvania Certified Results for President Are Found in Error – The Error Is Twice the Size of the Difference Between Candidates (December 28, 2020)

Developing: Dominion’s Anti-Trump Executive Eric Coomer Owns Patents on Adjudication Process That Investigators Found Skimmed Votes From Trump in Michigan (December 28, 2020)

Watch on Live TV as 300,000 Votes Move from Trump to Biden (December 27, 2020)

Dominion Voting Machines Are Related to Smartmatic/Sequoia Machines and They Do Have Functionality to Switch Votes Between Candidates (December 26, 2020)

“Big Numbers Found In Arizona” — Trump: “We Must Win For Our Country!” (December 26, 2020)

'Unbelievable': Dozens of Georgia witnesses step forward to expose election irregularities (December 24, 2020)

Dominion Voting website scrubbed of reference to software group allegedly hacked by Russia
 (December 22, 2020)

Anti-Trump Georgia Election Official Catches Woman Trying To Vote Illegally Using His Home Address (December 22, 2020)

President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Georgia Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night (December 22, 2020)

BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner (December 22, 2020)



BREAKING HUGE – ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election! (December 20, 2020)

Mitch McConnell Received Donations from Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills (December 19, 2020)

Maricopa County Arizona Board of Supervisors will not comply with the subpoenas to turn over Dominion voting machines for a forensic audit. (December 18, 2020)

True the Vote Partners with Georgians to Challenge More than 300K Allegedly Ineligible Voters (December 18, 2020)

Report: Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 Million Non-Profit Contributions ‘Improperly Influenced 2020 Presidential Election’ (December 18, 2020)

MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim County (December 18, 2020)

Peter Navarro's Damning Report on the Massive Election Fraud (December 18, 2020)

Georgia Secretary of State and State Election Board Changed Absentee Ballot Signature Verification and Added Drop Boxes Without State Legislature’s Approval (December 17, 2020)

Dr. Ayyadurai Wins Key Victory in Massachusetts Election Fraud Case - now court will hear evidence of Dominion Voting Machine fraud. (December 17, 2020)

Majority of voters now agree there was election fraud (December 17, 2020)

Nevada: GOP Subpoena Records Show More Evidence of Voter Fraud (December 17, 2020)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Owners of SolarWinds Have Links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US Election Process (December 16, 2020)

Trump Campaign Lawyer Urges Probe Into Dominion at Colorado Election Integrity Hearing (December 16, 2020)

Watch Joe Biden Talk about Election Fraud and the NEED for Paper Ballots:

Arizona House Rep: We're Seizing Voting Machines for Likely Forensic Audit (December 16, 2020)

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Announces Signature Audit For Absentee Ballots in Cobb County (December 15, 2020)

Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona Republican Electors Cast Votes for Trump (Decemer 15, 2020)

VIDEO: Stephen Miller Explains what is Next for the Trump Campaign after Supreme Court fails to act. (December 15, 2020)

BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court says election officials were wrong; ballots may not be counted (December 14, 2020)

Michigan Judge Approves Release of Dominion Forensic Imaging - SEE FULL REPORT (December 14, 2020)

Sydney Powell Ask SCOTUS to View 'Cyber Pearl Harbor' Evidence (December 13, 2020)

Nevada DMV Records Suggest 3,987 Non-Citizens Voted in 2020 Election (December 13, 2020)

Michigan AG Trying to Hide Dominion Cheating - Court Hearing Monday (December 13, 2020)

Arizona GOP Will File Election Integrity Case to SCOTUS (December 12, 2020)

Tom Z Podcast about what can happen next after SCOTUS rejects Texas Suit (December 12, 2020)

Supreme Court Reject Texas Suit Challenging the Election (December 11, 2020)

The 'Big One' Gets Bigger: 15 Michigan Legislators Join Texas Election Lawsuit (December 11, 2020)

Pennsylvania House of Representatives Join Texas in Their Lawsuit Against Key Swing States (December 11, 2020)

Judge denies publication of forensic audit data on Dominion Machines in Michigan (December 11, 2020)

A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit (December 10, 2020)

Texas joined by 17 red states in Supreme Court lawsuit to overturn Trump’s election defeat (December 10, 2020)


Tom Z 12 Min Podcast Explains the Importance of the Texas Suit and why the SCOTUS "denied" the PA Suit on Dec 8 and what you can do to help fight the fight! (December 9, 2020)

State of Texas Sues Battleground States of PA, MI, WI and GA For Unconstitutional Changes to 2020 Election Laws and the Unconstitutional Tabulation of Ballots (December 8, 2020)

Legislatures Can Choose Any Electors They Want According To The Supreme Court – Dick Morris Lunch Alert! (December 8, 2020)

Arizona Supreme Court rejects GOP effort to overturn election results, affirms Biden win in state (December 8, 2020)

Tom Z 10 Min Podcast: Your Future and the Future of America will be decided by what happens at Noon TODAY! (December 8, 2020)

Trump Lawsuit: Thousands Of Fraudulent Votes In Georgia Cast By Felons, Dead, Underage Voters (December 7, 2020)

Exclusive: The FBI Is Investigating Voter Data Theft In Arizona - This Key 2020 Election Battleground
 (December 7, 2020)

Statement From Plaintiff on Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Reveals He Was Able To Get “Damning Evidence” That “Points to Election Tampering” (December 7, 2020)

No, The
Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close
 (November 7, 2020)

(THIS STORY IS STILL BEING VERIFIED) Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, GA. County Ran EQUAL Number of Trump and Biden Votes But Tabulator Reported .26% Lead For Biden (December 6, 2020)

Justice Alito Moves up Supreme Court Deadline in Key Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Case (December 6, 2020)

Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots (December 6, 2020)

Michigan Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines, Giuliani Says (December 6, 2020)

Video: Georgia Vote Counters Appear to Pull Suitcases of Ballots from Under Table After Observers, Media Leave (December 3, 2020)

China-Linked Bank Paid Dominion $400 Million Four Weeks Before The Election (December 3, 2020) 

Voting Machine USB Drives Had Totals Altered Overnight, Witness in Nevada Election Contest Alleges (December 3, 2020)

Federal Court Is Fast-Tracking Sidney Powell’s Request For A Forensic Exam Of Dominion Voting Machines (December 3, 2020)

Trump Campaign Presents Claims of Voter Fraud to Nevada Court (December 3, 2020)

Nevada 'fraud': 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as 'homes' (December 2, 2020)

President Trump Is On Target In Wisconsin – Ballots Identified in Pristine Condition Similar to Fraudulent Ballots in Georgia and Michigan (December 2, 2020)

Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, ‘They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times’ (VIDEO) (December 2, 2020)

Watch a Dominion Representative at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plug it into a laptop, manipulate the data, then palm the USB (December 2, 2020)

A truck driver with USPS says he was suspicious of his cargo load of 288,000 COMPLETED ballots driven from New York to Pennsylvania (December 2, 2020)

President Trump Delivers Powerful Speech Detailing Voter Fraud and vowing to have a fair election!

Dr. Linda Lee Tarver is a fantastic witness at Michigan Senate Fraud Hearing (December 1, 2020)

Michigan poll watcher, mistaken as democrat, has quite the story to tell to Senate Fraud Panel (December 1, 2020)

Whistleblowers allege ballots illegally crossed state lines, ballot backdating, digital manipulation (December 1, 2020)

Trump Lawsuit: Wisconsin Absentee Ballot Abuses Affected 220K Votes (December 1, 2020)

Pennsylvania GOP Introduces Resolution to Dispute Election (December 1, 2020)

VIDEO: Dominion Worker Allegedly Caught Manipulating Voter Data in Georgia (December 1, 2020)

Sidney Powell Interview with Lou Dobbs about status of Legal Cases (November 30, 2020)

Video of Election Fraud Hearings In
(November 30, 2020)

New: FBI requests files of people voting ‘in multiple states’ (November 29, 2020)


Data expert: Vote tabulation feeds in PA, GA show 'anomalies' suggesting Trump missing votes (November 29, 2020)

Pennsylvania State Judge Upholds Halt To Certification, Finds Likelihood Mail-In Balloting Procedures Violate PA Constitution (November 28, 2020)

New Lawsuit Asks Wisconsin Supreme Court to Declare All Drop-Box Ballots Illegal and Block Certification (November 28, 2020)

Data Scientist: ‘Weird’ Spike in Incomplete Nevada Voter Registrations, Use of ‘Casinos’ as Home Addresses (November 28. 2020)

Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit (November 28. 2020)

Wisconsin Election Officials Say State Supreme Court Shouldn’t Invalidate Election (November 28, 2020)

Riveting 'Must Watch' PA Legislature Election Fraud Testimony (November 25, 2020)

Sidney Powell sues Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden (November 26, 2020)

In Michigan lawsuit, Sidney Powell alleges poll workers altered large numbers of ballots (November 26, 2020)

Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result (November 25, 2020)

Pennsylvania state judge sides with GOP, halting election certification (November 25, 2020)

Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Legislatures Will Hold Hearings on Election Fraud (November 24, 2020)

Trump Campaign Focusing on Unlawful Use of Absentee Ballot Process to Avoid Wisconsin ID Requirement (November 24, 2020)

The Trump Campaign Has a Very Real Chance to Overturn the Election Result in
(November 23, 2020)

Mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania Were Rejected for Technical Errors at a Suspiciously Low Rate in Some Key Counties (November 23, 2020)

Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews (November 23, 2020)

Georgia recount audit starting tomorrow (November 23, 2020)

OANN Investigation VIDEO: Dominion-izing the Vote (November 21, 2020)

A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election (November 23, 2020)

Explosive: New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA (November 23, 2020)

Interesting New Lawsuit Filed in Pennsylvania State Court by Pennsylvania GOP Challenging Legality of Vote-by-Mail (November 22, 2020)

2020 Election Evidence Compilation Page - Updated Daily (November 22, 2020)

Georgia Governor Calls for Audit of Signatures on Ballot Envelopes (November 21, 2020)

Republican Michigan Senate Candidate John James Requests Two More Weeks to Audit Before Certification (November 20, 2020)

Dominion voting systems is a no-show at Pennsylvania state hearing Thursday (November 20, 2020)

AWESOME VIDEO: Patrick Colbeck — Here’s what I saw in Wayne County…‘Planned Out An Election Coup And They Got Caught’ (November 20, 2020)

WOW! Trump Legal Team Makes the Case for Trump Victory! VIDEO (November 19, 2020)

Video: 'Drop and Roll' - How The Left is Trying to Steal the 2020 Election From Donald Trump (November 19, 2020)

Nevada Lawsuit Claims Unreliable Machines Used to Verify Votes (November 19, 2020) 

MICHIGAN: In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results (November 19, 2020)

Wayne Co. canvassers certify election results after initial deadlock - Detroit Votes to be Audited
 (November 18, 2020)

Breaking — Trump campaign files for
Wisconsin recount, deposits $3 million to challenge Biden steal
 (November 18, 2020)

Expert on Lou Dobbs Show: Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Votes for Biden in Reported Time Period
(November 17, 2020)

Video: Cyber Expert Who Reviewed Voting Machines Used in America Identified Their Many Weaknesses Against Fraud Before the 2020 Election (November 17, 2020)

Project Veritas Video: GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump (November 17, 2020)


True the Vote Group alleging voter fraud in 4 states drops lawsuits (November 16, 2020)

Michelle Malkin interviews Joe Oltman about his evidence that Eric Coomer, Head of Security for Dominion Voting Software, bragging that they have the vote fixed for Biden. (November 15, 2020)

Giuliani says election will be overturned — ‘We have proof I can’t disclose yet’ (November 15, 2020)

Video: Sidney Powell - ‘I never say anything I can’t prove' (November 15, 2020)

Pennsylvania Poll Volunteer: Election Totally Chaotic and Suspicious (November 16, 2020)

GOP Lawmakers Call For ‘Full Audit’ Of Election Results Over ‘Serious Allegations’ Of Error, Voter Fraud
 (November 14, 2020)

Video: Trump Attorney Sidney Powell talks with Lou Dobbs about the Dominion Voter Software and the evidence they have about it being used to change votes. POWERFUL! (November 13, 2020)

Video: Excellent Legal Summary by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. (November 13, 2020)

Lawsuit challenges vote count in 3 Wisconsin counties (November 13, 2020)

Nevada County Accepted a Reporter’s Signature on 8 Illegal Ballots (November 13, 2020)

Trump campaign abandons Arizona suit, supporters fail to win audit in Michigan (November 13, 2020)

Republicans raise issues with Georgia ‘recount’ of contested presidential election. (November 13, 2020)

Video: Huge News! Trump Campaign Has Hard Evidence of Michigan adding 100,000 Biden votes "to catch up with Trump" (November 12, 2020)

Video: New USPS Whistleblower in Philly PA suburb Elkins Park Details Orders To Stop Delivering Pro-Trump Mail (November 12, 2020)

Pennsylvania Judge Rules Late-Arriving Ballots Shall Not Be Counted (Novemver 12, 2020)

Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit (November 12, 2020)


Video: More Proof of Voter Fraud from Janet Porter (November 12, 2020)

Project Veritas Video intereview with Erie, PA Postal Worker with secret audio of Postal Inspectors trying to coerce him into recanting his testimony! (November 11, 2020)

Post Office Whistleblower: I Did Not Recant Vote-fraud Claim. USPS Pushed Him To Change Story (November 11, 2020) Click Here to Donate to Help this Brave Patriot!

Sidney Powell: “There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded” (Video) (November 11, 2020)

Election Fraud Lawsuit Filed in Wayne County - Michigan (November 11, 2020)

Wisconsin Elections Panel Guidance Led Clerks to Fill Out Witness Addresses, Contrary to State Law (November 11, 2020)

Epoc Times Guide to Challenges in Every Contested State (November 11, 2020)

Video: How the 'process' of an election recount works (Very Good Explaination) (November 10, 2020)

More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated (November 10, 2020)

Tens of Thousands of Ballots Arrived Before Their Sent Date in Pennsylvania: Researcher (November 10, 2020)

Republicans say thousands in Wisconsin may have circumvented voter ID requirement (November 10, 2020)

Ex-Michigan Deputy Attorney General Alleges Detroit Counters Assigned Fraudulent Ballots to Non-Voters (November 9, 2020)

Election whistleblower in Nevada alleges ballots with faulty signatures were counted in affidavit (November 9, 2020)

Detroit Election Worker Ordered To Backdate Ballots, Saw Democratic ‘Coaching’ At Polls, Affidavit Says- Michigan (November 9, 2020)

UNBELIEVABLE: George Soros Employee Owns Defective Switch-Vote Biden Machines (November 9, 2020)

Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks 'full audit' of election returns before certification (November 6, 2020)

A late night, race-altering results and a police escort were all part of a surreal election overnight in Wisconsin (November 4, 2020)

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