Senate Border Bill will Not Even Pass Senate

Dems, Leftist & Media Allies Now Try to Claim the Border Crisis is the FAULT of Trump and Republican's because Republicans will not pass Senate "Open Borders FOREVER" bill! Biden needs no new authority to close the border and this Bill is another scam that does the opposite of what they claim it does! This wasn't a Border Bill it was a Political Trap for Republicans!

by Lauren Peller, ABC News, February 4, 2024


In a scathing new statement Sunday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson said the Senate bipartisan bill to overhaul the immigration system along with providing aid to Israel and Ukraine was dead on arrival if it makes it to the House.

“I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, “the border never closes.” If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival,” Johnson said in a statement on X, echoing comments he made before the bill's release.

Johnson's statement comes just hours after the text of the bill dropped. The Senate spent months working in a bipartisan manner to come to a deal on a national security supplemental plan.


House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said the legislation, which includes millions of dollars in new foreign aid and is the first major overhaul of the country's immigration system in years, will not even receive a vote in the House.

“Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House. Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration,” Scalise said in a statement on X.

GOP Whip Tom Emmer of Minnesota is also against the Senate bill.

"I’ll say it again: Any deal from the Senate that explicitly allows for even ONE illegal crossing will be dead on arrival in the House. What we’ve seen is an insult to the American people who’ve been forced to bear the consequences of Democrats’ open-border policies," Emmer said in a statement on X.

GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik of New York voiced strong objections to the bill in her post on X.

"This Joe Biden/Chuck Schumer Open Border Bill is an absolute non-starter and will further incentivize thousands of illegals to pour in across our borders daily," Stefanik, a top ally of former President Donald Trump, said on X.


McConnell admits defeat on border deal: 'It will not become law'

Caves to Enormous Public Pressure as Americans See right through BOGUS BILL!

by Ursula Perino, Politico, February 6, 2024

Mitch McConnell essentially declared the border security-foreign aid package dead on Tuesday, telling reporters “we have no real chance here to make a law.”

The Senate minority leader stressed there are parts of the national security supplemental — which included border policy changes as well as aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — that he believes are worth revisiting. On Tuesday morning, he was still stumping for Ukraine aid on the floor.

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But after four months of border policy negotiations, which McConnell had personally called for and repeatedly supported, the GOP leader said the deal lacks support in his conference. And he noted staunch opposition from House Republican leadership.

“We had a very robust discussion about whether or not this product could ever become law,” McConnell said after the Senate GOP’s Tuesday lunch. “And it's been made a pretty clear to us by the speaker that it will not become law.”

The remarks come one day before Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to hold a procedural vote to begin debate on the bill. Schumer, who spoke shortly after McConnell broke the news, said Senate Democrats expressed “anger” and “deep disappointment” over the Republican stance at their Tuesday lunch.

“Leader McConnell and the Republican Conference did a 180-degree reversal," Schumer said. "They're quaking at the knees in fear of Donald Trump."

The question is now whether the Senate will go back to a standalone Ukraine-Israel-Taiwan aid package. The White House originally requested that package last fall, along with border funding, before Republicans demanded significant border policy changes be added to the deal in exchange for Ukraine aid. McConnell on Tuesday said Democratic leadership should "repackage" those foreign assistance provisions.

Speaker Johnson says Biden not ‘allowed’ by staff to take action on border

BY EMILY BROOKS, The, - 02/02/24 11:43 AM ET

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) speculated Friday that President Biden’s staff is keeping him from taking executive action to stem the flow of migrants on the southern border.

“He knows that he has the authority. We’ve documented it for him. I’ve read to him the law myself — to the president. Read him the provisions of the law and said, ‘Mr. President, please take action,’” Johnson said on Fox Business on Friday morning.

“I don’t think he’s allowed to do it. I’m not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions. I think it’s staff around him, and they’re pushing him to hold the — or to keep the border open,” Johnson said.

Johnson has been pressing Biden for weeks to take executive action on border and migration policy — including by reinstating the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy and restarting construction of the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border — and arguing he does not need new authority from Congress to do so. 

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The push comes as Johnson criticizes a deal being crafted by a bipartisan group of senators pairing an increase in Ukraine aid with border and migration policy changes. While the text is not yet out, Johnson said that if the bill’s contents are as reported in the press, it is “dead on arrival” in the House. 

The White House has disputed that Biden can do more through executive authority and accused the Speaker of resisting the Senate border deal and pushing for executive actions — despite previously calling for enactment of other border legislation — for political reasons. Former President Trump has urged Republicans, and Johnson specifically, to reject the Senate border deal.

“Speaker Johnson claimed he believes action should be taken to secure the border. Yet it is House Republicans who are saying they will block an historic bipartisan border security deal supported by President Biden that will deliver much-needed law enforcement hiring and investments in cutting-edge technology to stop fentanyl trafficking,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement earlier this week.


Senate Border Bill Dead on Arrival by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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