RNC Announces MASSIVE Election Integrity Plan!

This is what was NOT done in 2020 and will make ALL the Difference in 2024! Great News for Election Integrity!

by Leahg Barkoukis, TownHall.com, April 19, 2024

The Republican National Committee together with the Trump campaign announced Friday the launch of what they claim is the “most extensive and monumental election integrity program in the nation’s history.”

More than 100,000 volunteers and attorneys will work in each battleground state to ensure the 2024 elections are transparent and fair.

“Having the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day," former President Trump said in a statement. "Republicans are now working together to protect the vote and ensure a big win on November 5th!”

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, Co-Chair Lara Trump and Chief Counsel Charlie Spies, together with the Campaign, designed this new program to have over 100,000 dedicated volunteers and attorneys deployed across every battleground state as part of the RNC’s commitment to ensuring transparency and fairness in the 2024 elections.
"Election integrity is the foundation of our democracy," said Chairman Whatley. "Through this unprecedented program, we are mobilizing lawyers and volunteers who are committed to preserving the sanctity of our elections."

Whenever a ballot is being cast or counted, Republican poll watchers will be observing the process and reporting any irregularity. In the event of an irregularity or problem, RNC lawyers and the volunteer attorneys that they have coordinated will provide rapid response services to resolve the issue using a sophisticated, tested action protocol. 

“The Democrat tricks from 2020 won’t work this time. In 2024 we’re going to beat the Democrats at their own game and the RNC legal team will be working tirelessly to ensure that elections officials follow the rules in administering elections. We will aggressively take them to court if they don’t follow rules or try to change them at the last minute,” said Charlie Spies. “President Trump has said that the Republican victory in November needs to be too big to rig. The political team will be working to ensure a huge victory for Republicans at all levels, and RNC legal is committed to making sure that victory can’t be rigged.”

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“Every ballot. Every precinct. Every processing center. Every county. Every battleground state. We will be there,” said Co-Chair Lara Trump. "The RNC is hiring hundreds of election integrity staff across the map – more than ever before because our Party will be recruiting thousands of more observers to protect the vote in 2024. These campaign officials in states are tasked with recruiting, training, and when possible, shifting poll watchers and poll workers day in and day out."

Partnered alongside the efforts of grassroots supporters and legal experts, the program is establishing a robust network of monitoring, and protection against any violation or fraud. This groundbreaking initiative underscores the unwavering commitment of the RNC and the Trump Campaign to protect the election.

To empower poll watchers, poll workers, and attorneys, comprehensive training sessions will be conducted every month on the monitoring of not only voting sites but also ballot tabulation centers. These trainings will equip volunteers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively oversee potential problems in the electoral process, guaranteeing that every vote is counted accurately and fairly.

There are five areas of observation where we will guarantee coverage and aggressive attorneys will be engaged at all these stages to stop Democrat attempts to circumvent rules:

  1. Logic & Accuracy Machine Testing
  2. Early Voting 
  3. Election Day Voting 
  4. Mail Ballot Processing: Adjudication & Duplication
  5. Post-Election: Canvass, Audits, Recounts

Attorneys will be stationed at every single target processing center where mail ballots are tabulated. This program starts with lawyers committing to battleground state polling sites, county boards of elections, secretaries of state offices, and in the Republican Party War Rooms. 

Every single battleground state is operating its own “Election Integrity Hotline.” The State Republican War Room is the command center where lawyers will field all incoming questions and issues reported by poll watchers and voters statewide. Lawyers will guide poll watchers through the appropriate election code and provide clarity on how various issues should be answered, resolved, or escalated. This system will be operational from the first day of early voting through election day – and afterward if necessary.

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Under the leadership of Chairman Whatley and Co-Chair Trump, the RNC is executing an unprecedented legal strategy, fighting in courtrooms across the country. We will deliver a pro-active litigation effort every time election officials are breaking the law as well as intervene to defend commonsense election law safeguards under Democrat attack.

The RNC team of lawyers is already aggressively engaging in legal battles around the country. So far this cycle, the RNC has engaged in 82 election integrity lawsuits in 25 states.

The election integrity program's scale and scope are unparalleled and reflects an historic collaboration between the RNC, the Trump Campaign, and passionate grassroots coalitions who are deeply invested in fighting voter fraud. Together, we will work tirelessly to ensure that every eligible voter can participate in a free and fair election.

For more information about the election integrity program and how to get involved, please visit www.protectthevote.com



RNC Massive Election Integrity Plan by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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