Here is the TOTAL Corruption of the DC Court Laid Bare

The DC Courts are full of Deep State Actors who have Illegally protected the illegal actions of the FBI, DOJ and other Agencies as they attack anyone who Oppose their power.

UPDATE: President Trump's Lawyers File Motion to Recuse Radical Judge Chutkan for the Case based on her past public comments against Trump

Watch Video of FOX News host Mark Levin saying Judge Tanya Chutkan is 'unqualified' to preside over the U.S. government’s case against former President Dondald Trump on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

by Sundance, The Conservative Treehouse, August 4, 2023

As noted in Politico describing President Trump’s court appearance yesterday, “Minutes before Trump entered the pin-drop silent room, several federal judges — who have been processing the carnage of Jan. 6, 2021 for more than two years — filed into the public gallery, turning themselves into spectators in a building they typically rule. Chief Judge James Boasberg, who presided over several of the secret grand jury battles that preceded the charges against Trump, was among those marking the moment.”

[…] “Boasberg’s presence in the courtroom was a statement in itself. Alongside him was Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has in her own courtroom excoriated Republicans who have refused to contradict Trump’s continued lies about the 2020 election. The pair, flanked by other judges and magistrate judges, watched Trump’s every move intently.”

In March, when I wrote the outline about Judge Boasberg being the corrupt DC judge who broke the constitutional restrictions on executive privilege, which technically forced Mike Pence to turn over his notes and testify to James Smith and the DC grand jury, I said at the time, “The entire judicial system is corrupt, soup to nuts, all of it.”  I was not using hyperbole.

For Judge Boasberg (who is on vacation) to show up in court and sit in the back row of the courtroom is a stunning visible display of judicial ideology and targeting.

In reality, Boasberg is bearing witness to the outcome he created by forcing a Vice President to give testimony against the Chief Executive, thereby establishing the basis for the fraudulent allegations Special Counsel Jack Smith was utilizing to target that same executive, President Donald Trump.

This is the same Judge Boasberg who sat as presiding judge on the FISA court.  The same Judge Boasberg who gave FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith a slap on the wrist for manufacturing evidence used in the Carter Page FISA application that defrauded the court.  The same Judge Boasberg who appointed former DOJ-NSD head Mary McCord as amicus curiae advisor to the court, after she knowingly and fraudulently submitted the FISA application to the court.

Two and a half years ago, while Judge Boasberg was on the FISA Court, I warned about the implications of all these interconnected judicial dots.  The entire DC federal bench is compromised.  The entire judiciary of the FISA Court process is compromised.  The entire federal judicial system is compromised.  Now we are stunningly seeing the scale and scope of that DC judicial corruption in the fraudulent case against President Donald Trump.

Former FISA Court Presiding Judge James Boasberg is no longer on the FISC.  However, he continues to advance the interests of the DC Deep State with rulings specifically tailored to protect the national security state.  [Boasberg Background Here]

Boasberg, an ally of SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, has intercepted several cases that brought sunlight upon the corrupt DC system.  In each case Boasberg ruled in favor of maintaining the corruption, including his willfully blind support of the FBI searching NSA databases to conduct illegal surveillance of Americans, and including Boasberg’s personal appointment of Mary McCord to run defense on behalf of the corrupt DOJ main office.  Keep in mind, Mary McCord’s husband works for Supreme Court justice John Roberts.

Then Presiding Judge James Boasberg, was the decision-maker in the appointment of Amici Curiae to the FISA court. There is no way, NO WAY, Judge Boasberg did not know Mary McCord was at the epicenter of the fraudulent FISA application used against Carter Page. Remember, in addition to being the FISC Presiding Judge, Boasberg was also the trial judge in the case against Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who lied about Page working for the CIA on the FISA application. {Go Deep}

Boasberg knows Mary McCord took over from former DOJ-NSD head John Carlin (October 2016); and it was McCord who guided the Carter Page FISA application through the court and across the finish line (October 2016 and January 2017). That FISA application was built upon fraud and Mary McCord was at the center of it.

Mary McCord was also the DOJ-NSD official who went with Sally Yates to confront the White House Counsel, Don McGhan, about the Michael Flynn interview with the FBI. {Go Deep} It was also Mary McCord who had Michael Atkinson as the chief-legal-counsel for the DOJ-NSD -that’s her office attorney- when the FISA application was submitted in October 2016, and renewed in January 2017.

Michael Atkinson went from DOJ-NSD counsel to become the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG). {Go Deep} In that new role, Atkinson changed the rules to allow an anonymous CIA whistleblower (Ciaramella on behalf of Vindman) to file the complaint that led to the Ukraine impeachment effort. {Go Deep} Who was the lead lawyer in the Jerry Nadler led House Judiciary Committee? Why Mary McCord of course. Judge Boasberg knows all of this… AND MORE.

[LINK to Source]

Boasberg knows the details of the fraudulent FISA application. Boasberg knows the details of the Inspector General Michael Horowitz report about the fraudulent FISA application and all the DOJ and FBI participants… which included Mary McCord. Boasberg knows exactly who Mary McCord is, and what activity she has taken on behalf of the political resistance inside the DOJ and inside congress. FISC Presiding Judge James Boasberg also knows Mary McCord has broken the law….

…And yet Boasberg appoints McCord as amici curiae?

Let’s be really clear here. The FISA court is a small unit. The judges in/around Washington DC are also a small unit. They know everything that is going on in and around their DC network. A FISA judge inside that DC system knows every granular detail of everything that comes into their purview. All of it. Judge Boasberg even wrote the last two FISA court opinions (2019 and 2020) about the FBI abuses of the FISA-702 process and warrantless, illegal violations of the NSA database.

There is simply no other way to look at the placement of Mary McCord other than to see what it was.

The FISA court is compromised – AND, McCord is being installed in order to coordinate any defensive measures that are needed to cover up that compromise.

There isn’t another way to look at this other than to see bad motives. There’s not a shred of possibility that Judge Boasberg does not know exactly who Mary McCord is, and what roles she played in the surveillance of candidate Donald Trump, President-elect Trump, President Trump and the House impeachment effort to remove President Donald Trump. Boasberg knows exactly who Mary McCord is.

Boasberg knows what the DOJ and FBI were doing in their targeting of candidate Trump and President Trump.   Perhaps more than any other DC judge, Boasberg has been at the center of it.  Yet Boasberg will force Vice President Pence to turn over executive privilege documents, give testimony against the interests of the President, and then sit in the back of the courtroom to watch the outcomes of all these years of tentacles…..

There has always been no other way to look at this.

I hate to say it so bluntly, but the federal court system in Washington DC is compromised and yes, weaponized….

… That’s the true “conspiracy against rights”.

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EDITORS NOTE: In the Opinion of We the People Convention, the above article explains why the US Congress must completely defund and close down the ENTIRE DC Court System. ALL OF IT. No cases involving the US Government should be heard in courts that are purposely staffed with Judges and Prosecutors who routinely violate thier Oath to follow the US Constitution in a city where 97% of the "citizens" work for the Government or depend on the Government and will only vote to protect their own jobs not based on the law. We believe that it IS NOT POSSIBLE to have fair courts in a city that is totally political. All cases against the US Government should be tried in Federal Court in the various States. Tell Your Congressman that We the People want the Corrupt DC Courts Permanently Shut Down!

DC Courts Protect Deep State by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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