People of All Faiths Unite to Fight Gay Agenda in Schools

Christians, Jews, and Muslims Unite Against LGBTQ Curriculum in Schools! This is what MUST Happen to Protect OUR CHILDREN and drive this evil out of our schools and our society!

by Eric Lendrum,, June 28, 2023

On Tuesday, parents from all three of the major religions united in a protest of a major school district’s efforts to teach sexuality and pro-LGBTQ material to their children.

As reported by The Daily Caller, the Montgomery County Public School Board of Education (MCPS) held a meeting to discuss a controversial policy that forbids parents from withdrawing their children from certain lessons if the parents consider them to be inappropriate. Anticipating a strong turnout by critical parents, MCPS announced a change to its policy on public board meetings, only allowing for “scheduled speakers, invited attendees, and other guests” to attend instead of the meeting being open to the public.

Outside the meeting on Tuesday, parents of all religions gathered in protest of the policy and the school board’s new restrictions on attending the meeting. Among the attendees were Christians, Jews, and Muslims. At one point, the protesters began chanting “We love God,” and “What do we want? Opt out. When do we want it? Now.”

The curriculum in question was first approved in the Fall 2022 semester. It features books that explain such concepts as pride parades, pronouns, drag queens, and “transitioning.” One such book, “Pride Puppy,” is aimed at children as young as 3 and 4 years old, encouraging them to search a word list for words such as “drag queen,” “underwear,” and “leather,” in reference to BDSM gear.

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“When we are born, people make a guess (?) about our gender and label us ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ based on our body parts,” reads a presentation to go along with the book “Born Ready.” “Sometimes they’re right, and sometimes they’re wrong. Our body parts do not decide our gender. (READ: Gender is Decided by Your Chromosomes!) Our gender comes from inside—we might feel different than what people tell us we are. We know ourselves best.” 

Parents were first informed back in March that they would not be allowed to pull their children from such lessons. The district was sued in May by a Christian family and a Muslim family over this very policy, with the parents claiming that their First Amendment rights were violated by it.


All Faiths Unite by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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