GOP leader Kevin McCarthy slams Democrats for hiring ex-ABC president to make the January 6 primetime hearings more dramatic
Global Coalition Statement: Commercial Aviation and Pilot Vaccine Injury 5/17/22
Stunning lies revealed in Pfizer vaccine documents the FDA tried to keep under wraps
January 6th Movie ‘Capitol Punishment’ Tells Stories You Won’t Hear From Jan. 6 Committee
Could SSRI Antidepressants Be One of the Causes Behind These Mass Shootings?
Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money
Woke Waterloo at Netflix? Will other companies wake up and end the tyranny of cancel culture in their business operations?
Conspiracy Warning! The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation! Do you see a pattern here?
If we take back the House and Senate in November what can Republicans actually do to stop the destruction of our Nation?
Polls Show 87% of American voters want corporations out of politics
Who is the Buffalo shooter? Not who Biden and the Leftist Media Say he is . . .
Ukraine’s Azov Battalion Surrenders to Russia, Evacuates Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol