Evidence Suggests Deep State Removed Three Presidents

Tucker Carlson Says CIA was "involved in" President Kennedy's Assasination, and JFK Junior Agrees, then Geoff Sheppard exoposes how the Impeachment of President Nixon was another Coup by the Deep State and it looks a lot like the Coup the Deep State Conducted on President Trump!


Tucker’s team asked a source who had access to the hidden CIA documents. They asked if the CIA had a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Their reply is shocking:

“The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.”

“Yes, I believe the CIA was involved in the Kennedy Assassination.”

— Tucker Carlson’s Source with Access to the Hidden CIA Documents

The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate And The Plot To Remove The President


Steve Bannon Explains The FBI Plots To Remove Both President Trump And President Nixon From Rightful Office


Dare to call it treason? Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ expose conspiracy between FBI, CIA agents and Big Tech to sway election results

“So, what we have here is now a confirmed conspiracy whereby Government agents convinced media platforms to actively work to change the outcome of an election. Musk, now CEO and owner of Twitter, has openly stated that now-fired employees of his company engaged in election interference. When done by private employees of a private company, election interference may be illegal. When done by government agents, it may rise to the level of treason, since they subverted the constitutionally mandated process of free and fair elections.”

— Glenn Beck


Book Read: The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened


Kennedy Assassination by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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