Warnings Issued After Biden's $6 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran
Texas AG Ken Paxton Acquitted on 16 Impeachment Articles and will immediately resume duties as Attorney General
Cleveland Catholic Schools Ban All LGBTQ+ Affiliation and Behaviors
Sorry folks, but Hunter’s “gun indictment” is a big ol’ nothing burger…
Ohio Launches Insterstate Pacts To Replace Leftist Voter-Roll ‘Management’ Group ERIC
Abbot signs school safety bill that would require an armed person at every Texas campus
House Speaker McCarthy Announces Start of Biden Impeachment Inquiry
The DC Courts are full of Deep State Actors who have Illegally protected the illegal actions of the FBI, DOJ and other Agencies as they attac
The Real Legacy of 911 is how the Deep State took advantage of the Attack to Turn on the American People and create the Police State we live
Jonathan Turley Explains How New Mexico Governor's Gun Rights 'Suspension' Could Backfire
Is this the beginning of the end for Racism against Whites?
Quid Pro Here You Go—Lefties Hit With RICO Charges by Georgia AG