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Upcoming Events:

Restore Liberty.US
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Farm
239 Anderson Ferry Road
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Doors Open at 5:30 for Dinner

A Celebration of American Exceptionalism
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Kent State Conference Center
215 South Depeyster Street
Kent, Ohio 44240
Fund Raiser with Lt. General Michael Flynn

Greene County TEA Party
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Xenia Community Center
1265 West 2nd Street
Xenia, OH 45432
Doors Open at 6:30 PM

Lake County Liberty Coalition
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Lake Metroparks Hidden Shelter
7024 Kniffen Road
Painesville, OH 44077
Picnic from 1:00 - 4:00 PM

Miami Valley Citizens Informed
Monday, July 15, 2024
Washington Height Baptist Church
5650 Far Hills Ave.
Dayton, OH 45429
Doors Open at 6:30 PM


White Professor Lies to get Black Privileges!
White Professor Lies to get Black Privileges!

Tom Z explains that America is so NOT RACIST that we have White People Pretending to be Black in order to get Black Privileges!


BLM/ANTIFA Violence is Backed by Powerful Political Entities
BLM/ANTIFA Violence is Backed by Powerful Political Entities

Logan says, “unless you attack the funding and the political support” the situation won’t change.


Kamala Harris' Husband's Ties to China
Kamala Harris' Husband's Ties to China

More Proof that the Democrat Socialists are tied to the Communist Chinese


Trump to Deny Federal Funds to Schools that Teach 1619 Project
Trump to Deny Federal Funds to Schools that Teach 1619 Project

Trump Says Schools Teaching NY Times’ 1619 Project ‘Will Not Be Funded’


Justice is Served: Murder of Trump Supporter is Killed
Justice is Served: Murder of Trump Supporter is Killed

Suspect in Portland fatal shooting has been killed by U.S. Marshals


WTPC Urges President to End Critical Race Diversity Training
WTPC Urges President to End Critical Race Diversity Training

We the People Convention Urges President Trump to End "Critical Race Theory" indoctrination in Government, Schools, and Corporations


Proof that Mail-In Ballots have been Falsified for DECADES!
Proof that Mail-In Ballots have been Falsified for DECADES!

Confessions of a voter fraud Operative: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots


China is at War with the U.S. and the  Democrat/Socialists are on their Side!
China is at War with the U.S. and the Democrat/Socialists are on their Side!

The Riots, the Virus, the Shutting Down of the Economy, the Closing of Schools is ALL DESIGNED by China to bring down the United States


Leaders Demand Investigation of Hate Crime in Portland
Leaders Demand Investigation of Hate Crime in Portland

Leaders demand that DOJ Civil Rights Division and U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Act on Portland Incident


Operation Legend takes 1,500 Criminals off the Streets
Operation Legend takes 1,500 Criminals off the Streets

AG Barr announces initial results of Federal Efforts to help stop crime in Democrat run Cities with ‘Operation Legend’


This is the Video Dems Do Not Want Independent Voters to See!
This is the Video Dems Do Not Want Independent Voters to See!

The people who watch the Fake News do not even know this is happening - Show Them!


Dems 'Post Office' Scandal Hoax Exposed
Dems 'Post Office' Scandal Hoax Exposed

Important things they don't tell you about voting by mail as Tucker Carlson expose Dems "Post Office" Scandal Hoax


©2024, We the People Convention