Powerful - POWERFUL - Video by Dan Bongino and Jim Caviezel explaining that "The FIGHT is NOW!"
BREAKING HUGE: Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden
Tom Zawistowski appears on One American News with Anchor Dan Ball to discuss the WTPC 's Washington Times Ad
Powerful Video by Dick Morris about China Involvement in this U.S. Election
Video from GA shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER poll workers left and Counted
We the People Convention Calls on Trump to Invoke Limited Martial Law to have military conduct a national re-vote
If you think this election is only about Trump, watch this video! The Left is really coming after YOU and our nation!
Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood filed suits today in Georgia and Michigan over the use of Dominion Voting Machines and More
Trump Defense Team Presents Riveting Witnesses to the Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania to a Hearing before PA State Legislators
Survey Shows: Trump would have won 311 Electoral College votes if media weren't biased