The RINO's and Dems Passed the CR - Now You Must Do This:

As predicted, the US House (341-82) and US Senate (78-18) Passed the 90 Day CR that does not cut one dime of spending from a "budget" that is over-spending $2 Trillion more than we take in EACH Year!!

In our Press Release below we explained that it was time for "Republicans" to show in this vote if they are MAGA or RINO. The MAGA Republicans would vote NO on this insanity and make the Dems own it by having to Pass it with their votes! The RINO's would join the Dems and vote YES to keep spending us into Oblivion!

We then asked YOU the Voters to work for and vote for the MAGA Republicans in the November Election!
We then suggested that YOU the Voters NOT VOTE FOR the RINO Republicans in November by leaving it BLANK on YOUR Ballot. Don't vote for the Dems - Leave it Blank!
You can see why we ask you to do that at the bottom of our release. . .

Click the Buttons Below to see who to vote for in November and who to LEAVE BLANK in November!

MAGA House Reps to VOTE FOR in November!   MAGA Senators to VOTE FOR in November!


For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,


MAGA Republicans MUST NOT vote for this Continuing Resolution

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the national We the People Convention (WTPC), sharply criticized Republicans in Congress for betraying the American people and their core principles by pushing forward a disastrous 90-day Continuing Resolution (CR). This temporary measure does nothing to reduce our unsustainable spending, even as the federal government racks up a $2 trillion deficit over the past year. The deadline for passing this CR is looming on September 30th, but now is the time for true patriots to stand firm.

Zawistowski stated, "Let’s be clear: Republican House Speaker Johnson is failing to live up to the most basic promise Republicans have made to their constituents for years—restoring fiscal responsibility through regular order. That means passing the 12 appropriations bills necessary to fund the budget properly, not hastily slapping together stopgap measures that perpetuate chaos. After wasting an entire summer without making meaningful progress, Johnson is now pushing a temporary fix that only emboldens the Democrats. This so-called ‘Continuing Resolution’ serves their "bankrupt America" agenda, not the American First Agenda."

Zawistowski went on to explain the deeper implications, “Here’s why this matters: A six-month CR, extending through March, would at least buy us time until Trump is back in the White House and Republicans control Congress. But by passing this three-month CR, Johnson is handing power to the lame-duck Democrats in December—Democrats who may have just been voted out of office! These defeated politicians will be emboldened to ram through outrageous spending, cramming the next CR with poison pills and programs that will sabotage Trump’s presidency. This is not just incompetence—this is betrayal."

In a scathing rebuke of those who claim to stand for Trump’s "Make America Great Again" agenda, Zawistowski said, "Fake Republicans who parade around as MAGA supporters are helping the Democrats box Trump in and protect the deep state. Over the past 12 months, the federal government squandered $2 trillion on wasteful programs that only serve the elite political class. These so-called Republicans claim to care about spending, debt, and protecting the U.S. Dollar, but their actions show otherwise. They are voting for a CR that no real American wants, one that this nation simply cannot afford."

He continued, "What’s truly insane is that, under these dire economic conditions, instead of cutting spending, they’re actually increasing it! Congressional leaders like Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer boast about a ‘bipartisan agreement free of cuts,’ as though budget cuts would harm this country. Their deal even adds $231 million to the Secret Service’s bloated budget—a corrupt agency that failed in its duty to protect the leading presidential candidate due to political bias. These increases won’t improve performance—they’ll only worsen it."

Zawistowski then posed a key question to voters, "Why should we continue to support Republicans who refuse to stand up for us? What makes us believe these ‘Republicans in Name Only’ will stop siding with Democrats in December and not undermine the Trump presidency like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell did? Since no one has the guts to shut down the government right before an election, though the people who intend to vote for them would be more motivated than ever if they did, they need need to prove which side they are on RIGHT NOW!"

With the November elections fast approaching, Zawistowski issued a challenge: "Here’s what needs to happen: Every Republican running for office must vote NO on this three-month CR to prove that they’re serious about cutting spending and implementing our America First Ageda. The budget CR will still pass because all you need is for ALL the Democrats to vote yes and literally just a handful of phony republicans. But voting NO is not enough. They must also pledge, in writing, that they will also reject any toxic CR in December and then work with President Trump’s team to pass a new MAGA reform budget to replace the CR's as soon we take back control in 2025! A CR does not legally bind Congress to wait until the CR expires. It can be replaced by a new budget at any time. That is what they need to pledge to do - RIGHT NOW!"

He concluded with important advice for Republican voters, "Any Republican who votes YES on this three-month CR does not deserve your vote in November. I’m not suggesting you vote Democrat—just leave that line blank. Doing so will not cause them to lose in most cases because most districts are so rigged that they will still win. However, not voting for them in November will let them see the difference between their vote count and Trump’s. They’ll quickly realize they’re vulnerable to a primary challenge in 2026! Especially if Trump makes it clear that he will personally support challengers in 2026 against any Republican who doesn’t fully back our America First Agenda! This is how We the People show that we will not tolerate more of the same. If they vote YES on the CR then you don't vote for them in November!"

Zawistowski's final words were clear: "The time for action is now. Share this message with your House and Senate members before they vote and make them show if they are MAGA or RINO! Be sure to share this with every America voter."

WTPC Press Release on CR by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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