During that same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump's conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views. This is a sea-change in modern broadcast history as the "power" of the corrupt US and global broadcast networks to "influence" voters (i.e. Lie to viewers) ENDED. This is the end to the media controlled TV "debate" that is intended more to lie to voters than to inform them. Long form conversations are what people want and when Musk and Trump delivered citizens tuned in to hear what the former President had to say. Here are the demographics of who listened to the Musk/Trump conversation which show that Trump reached an entirely new voting block:

Greg Gutfeld, Fox News host, who wrote on X: “This interview is good. But the bigger story is that two of the most important world figures agree on the world. What [does] that tell you? The most consequential technical genius perhaps ever and the most consequential political figure are talking about stuff on equal footing, and Trump knows everything Musk is talking about concerning energy, artificial intelligence, and economic development. No politician could energetically engage on future problems like this. Most would need a staff of ten doing packets of research for each topic and still the politician will have no idea what to think.” Seventy Three MILLION people heard that conversation and 77% of them were UNDER age 35!
Trump on X Taps Into a Voting Bloc That Legacy Media Doesn't Even Know Exists
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | 10:38 PM on August 12, 2024As my colleague Bonchie reported, Axios reporter Sara Fischer appeared on CNN to complain about former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump having an unfettered microphone with Elon Musk on X.
The Monday night conversation hails Trump's return to the X (formerly Twitter) platform where he was unceremoniously booted almost four years before, and it has the entire legacy media complex shook.
The meltdowns have already begun and he’s not even really posting anything yet. pic.twitter.com/iX43U5tWJE
— The🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) August 12, 2024
As my colleague streiff also reported, a Washington Post reporter asked the Biden Press Secretary whether this interview could be stopped, because "misinformation," or something...
It would be an understatement to say that much of the media and a lot of the government is losing its crap at this hour as X, formerly Twitter owner Elon Musk engages in a free-form "conversation" with former President Donald Trump in an X "space." Earlier today, the European Union's commissioner for the internal market, some effete Frenchman who became a Senegalese in 2015, perhaps in honor of his efforts to turn Europe into a Third World sh** hole, named Thierry Breton. Breton warned Musk that the EU will punish him for allowing misinformation or hate speech
It's amazing and laughable to watch. This media meltdown is more delicious than liberal tears.
In the CNN segment, not only did Fischer complain that Trump might "say whatever he wants," but she insulted an entire bloc of voters that will never read her online scribbles or watch CNN.
My Twitchy colleague PolitiBunny is quite correct. They despise the fact that they are on the outside looking in. You can hear the sarcasm dripping from Fischer's voice when she says, "Online fringe." This online fringe she dismisses represents a YUGE and probably untapped voting bloc.
They can’t stand it … they can’t stand not being in charge. 😂 pic.twitter.com/nuoCsU6KFr
— The🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) August 12, 2024
The "edgelord influencers," make up a young and MALE segment of voters who have huge online followings, eschew TikTok, and promote alpha males. Trump and his VP running mate JD Vance have been speaking to these influencers and appearing on their podcasts and shows, so who knows how many have tuned in Monday night? So far, over 30 million people (and counting) have already plugged into Trump's X conversation with Musk.
While many are writers, the political class, and the MAGA base, among that number are probably undecided voters or people who pay little attention to the legacy media. The Kamala coronation is either passing over their heads or viewed like a person with three heads. But the iconic former president who survived an assassination attempt?
So, who knows how many hearts and minds are being changed by hearing a non-adversarial and conversational Trump?
The last word goes to Greg Gutfeld, Fox News host, who wrote on X: “This interview is good. But the bigger story is that two of the most important world figures agree on the world. What [does] that tell you? The most consequential technical genius perhaps ever and the most consequential political figure are talking about stuff on equal footing, and Trump knows everything Musk is talking about concerning energy, artificial intelligence, and economic development. no politician could energetically engage on future problems like this. Most would need a staff of ten doing packets of research for each topic and still the politician will have no idea what to think.”