Bolton Book Leak Carefully Timed By Deep State

What a coincidence that the New York "Slimes" just happen to be "leaked" an advance copy of "portions" of fired National Security Advisor John Bolton's book manuscript " just in time" to provide a reason to have Bolton testify in the phony Senate Trump "Impeachment Trial".  Anyone remember the phony last minute witnesses in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing???  

John Bolton is just another Deep State sabatour, like the fake "whistleblower"  Eric Ciaramella and his accomplice "Mr. " Vindman. The Desperate Dems and the more Desperate Deep State keep calling plays from the same play book and keep coming up losers! 

In the mean time, the Senate looks like a bunch of fools, sitting there listening to a totally fabricated story about Trump and Ukraine while EVERYONE knows that they are intentionally NOT investigating the REAL intereference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election by the Clinton Campaign, the DNC and the Obama Administration in coordination with Ukraine AND Russia!  Why are they just  sitting there? Because ALL OF THEM are guilty of doing what Joe Biden did in Ukraine - and now we find out from Peter Schweizer that Biden did it all over the globe with ALL of  his family members:

Wouldn't the release of this Schweizer book be "reason" to call Joe and Hunter Biden and the whole damn Biden Family into the Senate Trial??  Yea one would think so, if we didn't live in a banana republic!!! 

Please Read this Informative Piece from the Conservative Tree House Website:

Posted on January 26, 2020 by sundance

The timing, purpose and narrative engineering here are transparent in the extreme.

Tonight the New York Times (Schmidt and Haberman) write an article claiming to have exclusively gained portions of a transcript of a John Bolton book manuscript that was given to the White House National Security Council for pre-publication review.

Of course The Times attempts to frame the narrative around the need for John Bolton to testify in the Senate Impeachment Trial… all too transparent in motive. Timed to work around the House fraud; impeachment article construction without Judicial review for subpoenas; and timed to bolster House managers’ unconstitutional demand for Bolton as a Senate witness.  ADD: POTUS Responds:

However, setting aside the nothing-burger details of the book as leaked, the leak itself might now reconcile an earlier event.

Remember the issue a little more than a week ago when the National Security Council senior director for European and Russian affairs, Andrew Peek, was escorted from the White House grounds and is said to be under a security-related investigation?

On Friday January 17th, 2020, the National Security Council senior director for European and Russian affairs, Andrew Peek, was escorted from the White House grounds and is currently under a security investigation.

There are few details about why Peek was physically removed and is under a very serious investigation; however, some of Andrew Peek’s professional background details tell a story.  The connection to Gen. John Allen is a MASSIVE warning flare.

Andrew Peek, the senior director for European and Russian affairs at the National Security Council, has been placed on administrative leave pending a security-related investigation, people familiar with the situation tell Axios.
First the Daily Mail:
[…] Peek had been in the NSC role for just two months, after most recently working as a deputy assistant secretary of state with responsibility for Iran and Iraq.

[…] Peek had been expected to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland next week with Trump and other top aides. However, he is currently on leave pending a security-related investigation, people familiar with the situation told Axios.

[…] Peek served as a U.S. Army intelligence officer who worked under General John Allen in Afghanistan.

[…] Prior to joining the Trump administration, Peek served as a U.S. Army intelligence officer who worked under General John Allen in Afghanistan.

[…] He was also a national security adviser to Senator Gordon Smith, an Oregon Republican, and Senator Mike Johanns, a Nebraska Republican.  (link)

From a Bloomberg article:

[…] Peek previously served as a deputy assistant secretary of State for Iraq and Iran, and he was seen as an ally of Robert O’Brien.
As we shared at the time:…

[…] Andrew Peek came from the State Department.  Because the appointment happened in the past two months, it would appear Andrew Peek was recommended by the Dept. of State and accepted for the NSC post by National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.

Here’s how it looks:  Andrew Peek was a mole.  A resistance spy sent into the Trump administration as part of the allied deep state resistance effort.  Someone caught him attempting to access something, and here’s how CTH can tell (keep reading).



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