Click the Arrow to Watch the New Speaker's Acceptance Speech
CALL TO ACTION: House is Voting Today on the Separate $14 Billion Aid for Israel - by cutting money from the IRS! We want this! The Left and McConnell are going nuts that the New Speaker is not allowing money for Ukraine to be bundled in! Call 202-224-3121 NOW - and Urge your Congressman to Vote Yes! This is a tipping point and we need to back the new Speaker in this fight!
2:00 PM - Wednesday (10/25/23) - Mike Johnson is Elected Speaker of the US HOUSE! Congratulation Grassroots Patriots for a fight well fought! Click for Details
The We the People Convention Supports the Nomination of Mike Johnson and asks ALL of it's Members to Call their Congressmen TODAY at 202-224-3121 and Urge them to Vote for Mike Johnson for House Speaker!
Who is Rep. Mike Johnson?
Late Tuesday night, Johnaon won the caucus nomination with 128 votes to 29 for Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), 43 members voted for McCarthy, according to a source in the room. Them in an internal roll call validation vote for Johnson, all but three GOP members who voted “present” said they could vote for Johnson for Speaker on the House floor. While at least a dozen members were absent, putting him under the 217-vote threshold in the room, Johnson signaled optimism that he would win their support, too.
“Democracy is messy sometimes,” Johnson, flanked by smiling GOP colleagues, said after the vote. “This House Republican majority is united.”
The intention, Johnson said, is to go to the House floor on Wednesday.
According to Social Media Strategist Joey Mannarino, Mike Johnson boasts a Liberty Score of 74%. A representative from Louisiana, Johnson has been a member of Congress since 2017 and has a generally strong voting record.
He played a key role in initiating the Texas Amicus Brief in 2020 and voted against the certification of the 2020 election results, which he viewed as fraudulent. Johnson has been selective in supporting funding for Ukraine, only voting in favor of the initial funding bill.
A strong advocate for national security, Johnson backed Trump’s travel ban on countries considered to be hotbeds of terrorism. He also served on Trump’s legal defense team during both the 2019 and 2020 Senate impeachment trials.
On the social front, Johnson is decidedly conservative. In 2022, he introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, aimed at preventing federally funded institutions from promoting the sexualization and transgenderization of children.
Additionally, Johnson is a personal friend with Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Getting Reelected Just Got A Lot Harder For These Texas Republicans - 10/28/23
Democrats Melt Down After GOP Conference Unanimously Elects Mike Johnson Speaker! 10/25/23
UPDATE at 10:00 PM Tuesday - Mike Johnson wins Nomination from House Caucus with 128 votes - Floor Vote will be Held on Wednesday 10/25/23
UPDATE at 4:00 PM Tuesday - Tom Emmer drops out of Speaker’s race
2:00 PM Tuesday: Trump Will NOT Support Emmer as Speaker Choice
UPDate at 1:00 PM Tuesday - House Votes have come down to a race between Tom Emmer and Mike Johnson - 25 Conservatives say they will not vote for Emmers.
House Republicans are set to meet Tuesday morning 10/24/23 at 9:00 AM as they aim to select a Speaker nominee
Watch as Matt Gaetz Shows how Kevin McCarthy Sabotaged ALL the Other Candidates:
For Immediate Release: Friday, October 20, 2023
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,
Jordan House Speaker Fight Exposes Hypocrisy of and Betrayal by RINO's who are Owned by K-Street
Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the national We the People Convention (WTPC) organization, called out the hypocrisy of and betrayal by Republicans In Name Only (RINO's), who are desperate to stop Jim Jordan from becoming House Speaker. Zawistowski charges that they are owned by K-Street and have no connection to the voter base of the Republican Party and no desire to represent their voters.
Zawistowski said, “What the American public, and conservatives in particular, are witnessing right now in the dysfunctional US House is something we in the TEA Party movement have known for 15 years. They are seeing that the members of Congress on all sides are owned, bought and paid for, by K-Street and special interests. They don't represent any of their constituents unless they and their funders can personally make money off of the legislation they pass claiming to benefit their constituents. Even with the vast majority of Republicans in their Districts wanting them to vote for Jim Jordan, they cannot allow anyone to be elected House Speaker who will support efforts to cut federal spending. Regardless of the damage reckless federal deficit spending is doing to our nation's economy and to the personal prosperity of ordinary citizens. Let's just be blunt, they simply don't care about America, they care about themselves. These are not Patriots. They are profiteers."
Zawistowski continued, "This is why you are seeing plans proposed by RINO's like Ohio's Dave Joyce, and shamelessly promoted by K-Street owned media including FoxNews, to interrupt the election of a new House Speaker in order to propose a change that would give "temporary" powers to the interim Speaker McHenry, with the total support of the Democrats, in order to meet the November deadline for the next budget deal. This action once again confirms our saying that "RINO's will always prefer electing a Democrat in order to prevent the election of a Republican they can't control." They can't control Jim Jordan from listening to the American people, and just doing what obviously needs to be done, by cutting government spending. So they are more than willing to do what they so sanctimoniously condemned Matt Gaetz for doing, working with the Democrats, in order to stop Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker. The height of Hypocrisy! Once they surrender the Republican Speakership to the Democrats, you can bet that they will pass another CR in November that will not cut a dime of spending and even increase spending. Then you will see that the "temporary" Speaker will be indefinitely extended so that an Omnibus spending bill can be passed during Christmas break. A total betrayal of their voters and our nation for personal gain.”
Zawistowski explained, “It is so revealing that all the Uni-Party owned pundits so conveniently forget that just like now, Matt Gaetz had 20 Republicans in January who would not vote for McCarthy. It wasn’t just him. The House voted 15 times before McCarthy was able to agree to changes in the House operations that those 20 demanded in exchange for their votes. Things that were needed like a return to regular order; a vote on term limits; a promise to give 72 hours before voting on a bill; passing all 12 appropriations bills! Things that are even required by law but have not been done for 26 years! Then they, the 20 holdouts, elected McCarthy. Contrast that with what we are seeing today. The 20 Congressmen holding out against Jordan are saying that there is nothing that Jordan can do to get their votes! Their complaint is that he is “too conservative”??? As if that is a pejorative to their voters like it is to the Uni-Party. That is just code for “Jim Jordan is not committed to the continued spending” that their K-Street masters require. The pathetic claims that “We don’t like the strong-armed tactics that Jim Jordan is using to get our votes by having people call our offices” are nothing but a dodge. They are being exposed to their voters as the charlatans that they are - that is what they don’t like. The big spenders who never want a shutdown, every day are making a shutdown more likely! That in itself makes all of this worth it.”
Zawistowski concluded, "This is a seminal moment in American History. What we in the TEA Party Movement have been doing since 2008 is challenging the "Republicans" to live up to their party platform and prove that they are what they say they are to voters. They have failed EVERY time. Now, because of our efforts, many more Americans can see that they have no representation in the federal government from the RINO's or the Communist-controlled Democrats. This is not a government, it is nothing but massive institutionalized theft and the raiding of our public treasury. It wasn't just the 2020 election that was rigged, they are ALL rigged and have been for all or our lives. Until we elected Trump! Which is why they, RINO's and Communists, will do anything to stop Donald J. Trump from becoming President again - because they can’t control him and this time he will stop the theft and lawlessness. It is why the American People will do whatever it takes to elect him in 2024 to restore our Constitution and the rule of law. Next year will decide the fate of our nation. This Speaker fight shows exactly who must be voted out of office next year in order to Make America Great Again (MAGA). The fight continues."
If Your Congressmen Voted for Jim Jordan
Call them and Thank Them!
If Your Congressman is On This List and Did NOT Vote for Jim Jordan
and ask them what Percentage of their Voters
wanted them to Vote for Jim Jordan and
why they felt it was OK for them to not listen to
and not Represent their voters!
(Click Here to Get Locations of their Local Offices)
Breitbart: Grassroots Energize for GOP Unity Behind Jim Jordan Speakership Bid

Apparently some GOP holdouts are complaining about the “grassroots pressure” on them to vote for Jim Jordan.
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) October 17, 2023
To that I say:
1. Get used to it - America First has taken over.
2. Tread carefully - This was us being nice. If you backstab us, just ask Bud Light what happens.
🚨LEAKED: Email from lobbying firm with ties to Mitch McConnell organizing phone call tngt at 8 PM EST w/GOP Rep. Don Bacon
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) October 16, 2023
Bacon is 1 of 8 remaining “No” votes on Jim Jordan
If this gets 1k RTs, I’ll disclose the lobbying firm organizing against President Trump & Jim Jordan
UPDATE 10/16/23: Jordan has over 200 votes - needs 17 more - House Speaker Vote Delayed until Tuesday!
🚨BREAKING -- A massive, massive endorsement for Jordan. Mike Rogers, the HASC chair who was VERY VERY skeptical of Jordan, is now planning to support him on the floor.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 16, 2023
Republicans pick Jim Jordan as nominee for House speaker, putting job within the Trump ally's reach - 10/15/23
If YOU Need a Reason to fight for Jim Jordan to be the House Speaker - this should do it for you:
House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries immediately gathered his party on the Capitol steps to urge Republicans against giving the gavel to Jordan — an “extremist extraordinaire” — and encourage GOP lawmakers to partner with them to reopen the House.
Breaking: Jim Jordan Wins Caucus Vote 151-55 with 11 Republicans NOT in DC to Vote - FLOOR VOTE MONDAY- 10/13/23
The Jordan team feels that they can get to 217 Votes on the floor and elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House. However, they cannot go to the floor without the 11 Congressmen who were not in town today because the Democrats could out vote them and elect Jeffress if they did. So, they delayed the vote until Monday 10/16/23 to get everyone back in town. Their are some "never Jordan" Republicans who may try to stop the floor vote but that will be worked on througout the weekend.
I want to thank the thousands of We the People Convention members who kept calling thier Congressman ALL WEEK LONG fighting for Jim Jordan. Without your pressure we could not have beat back the Steve Scalise challenge, nor could we have move Jim Jordan's nomination to the lead position at the end of the day. Thank you Patriot! You made a difference!
Our Job is NOT DONE! If you want Jim Jordan Elected Speaker on Monday we need you to call the Congressmen on the list below TODAY - Saturday and Sunday and Monday! Call and Call and Call! Click Here to get Direct Dial Phone Numbers for their Local Offices!
For Liberty,
Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention
Breaking: Scalise Drops Out of Race for House Speaker - 10/12/23
SCOTT FITZGERALD: Republicans should rally behind Jim Jordan as Speaker - 10/9/23
Steve Scalise does NOT have the Votes to win the Speakership on the Floor of the House Today!
After talking with Congressman last night who have been whipping votes for Jim Jordan, they told me that if there would have been a second vote in caucus yesterday Jim Jordan would have won. That is why they didn’t have a second vote. Scalise "won" the caucus vote 213-99 but that isn't even 50% of the caucus as 5 voted for other candidates - who were going to vote for Jordan in the second round.
They then told me that Scalise does not have the Republican Votes to get to 217 in a Floor Vote on Thursday. There are at least 11 Republicans who will NEVER vote for Scalise. They then told me that the Democrats hate both Scalise and Jordan and WILL NOT bail out Scalise. They want the Republicans to fight it out.
Surprises are for little kids at birthday parties, not Congress. So, I let Scalise know in person that he doesn’t have my vote on the floor, because he has not articulated a viable plan for avoiding an omnibus.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) October 11, 2023
Now, in a Twist, Jim Jordan is going to nominate Scalise today for the first vote and Scalise is not going to get to 217. Then Jordan will be nominated and will eventually win after many votes. Jordan is nominating Scalise because he is trying to show he is a “team player”, which I kind of understand but really don’t agree with, but then he can “humbly” and reluctantly accept the nomination once Scalise has the first shot.
Will it play out like this? Who knows. I just have no doubt, and have assurances, that at least 10 Republicans will NOT Vote for Scalise and that makes it all possible.
Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention
CALL TO ACTION: Please Call YOUR Congressman and URGE them to Support our Endorsement of Jim Jordan. Just dial 202-224-3121 and ask for your Representative! (Click here for Direct Dial Contact Information)
BREAKING: President Trump Endorses Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,
We the People Convention Endorses Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan for Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the national We the People Convention (WTPC) organization, endorsed Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan for the Position of Speaker of the US House of Representatives which was vacated yesterday by Kevin McCarthy. Jordan just announced that he was running for the position.
Zawistowski said, “I have personally known Jim Jordan since 2009 when the TEA Party movement started and have worked personally with him to advance many policies at the federal level over the years. He has been the keynote speaker at nearly all of our We the People Conventions since 2011. He was at our side the entire time as we took on the Obama Administration for their illegal targeting of the TEA Party in 2011 during which we were a lead plaintiff in both lawsuits - which we won. Recently, we have been working with Jim to get justice for the January 6th Political Prisoners. He is, in my opinion, conservative to the core. He loves America with all his heart and he works tirelessly for the people of Ohio and this nation to protect their freedom, liberty and prosperity."
Zawistowski admitted, "While some conservatives have questioned some of Jim's actions since he became a member of leadership, we understand that getting anything done in Washington requires give and take. But the will of the American people must be implemented and that is not happening. All anyone needs to do to understand why Kevin McCarthy needed to be replaced and see how Washington is systemically broken is to watch the 60 minute debate that took place yesterday. Jim Jordan is the kind of leader we need to get the U.S. House and our nation back on track. He was one of only two Ohio Congressmen, along with Warren Davidson, to vote against the Continuing Resolution that passed with Democrat votes lasts Saturday. Yes, he spoke in support of former Speaker McCarthy yesterday, but that does not mean that he is a 'RINO' or member of the 'Deep State' as some conservatives want to claim. He simply was trying to find the best path forward - that did not require him to be Speaker, which he was reluctant to do."
Zawistowski concluded, "I know Jim Jordan does not want to be Speaker because he and I have talked about it many times. I also know, and he knows, that he must become Speaker NOW because he is the only member of Congress who has everyone's respect and can get the entire Republican caucus to focus on the things we can get and must get done for the American people. Like closing the border, de-weaponizing the Federal Government, reducing spending, and putting limits on the spending in Ukraine. Jim Jordan is the right man for the job of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and he has the total support of our organization and our 100,000 members in all 50 states."
Editors Note: The PRIMARY JOB of House Speaker is to raise money for the Congressional Caucus so that they can keep control of Congress. That is why Jordan did not want to be Speaker - he hates that part of the Job. My Guess is that K Street is going to be pushing Congressmen to vote for Scalise because they know he will do more of what they want. They will tell Republicans that if they vote for Jordan they will not get as much money from K Street because they don't want to lose the power to steal money from our public Treasury! So that is why we need to put so much political pressure on ALL of our Congressmen to support Jim Jordan because we want to fight K Street!