Tiananmen Tim is a Non-Starter for VP

Why is this NOT the Top Concern about Tim Walz being the Democrat VP Nominee! Forget the Military issue - He is a Chinese Agent!!

READ: See ALL the Democrats  & Republicans in our Government who are OWNED by China

by Sam Faddis, Substack.com, August 13, 2024

The Democratic propaganda machine is painting Tim Walz as a moderate, Midwestern Democrat. He is anything but. He is a radical extremist who believes Communist China is the model for the future of the United States.

Walz first traveled to China in 1989. He lived there for a year. He has been back more than thirty times.

After returning from his year in Communist China Walz had this to say. “No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.”

In 1989 pro-democracy demonstrators filled Tiananmen Square in China demanding an end to Communist rule. After they failed to disband, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sent in the army. Thousands were killed. CCP thugs even dragged wounded demonstrators from their hospital beds and executed them.

Walz chose the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre for his wedding date. According to his wife, Walz wanted a date that would be easy to remember. He and his bride honeymooned in China and brought sixty American students with them.

Walz chose the anniversary of a massacre to get married. Then again, his wife reacted to the riots in Minneapolis in 2020 by opening the windows in their home, so she could smell the city burn. They were apparently made for each other.

Walz and his wife for many years ran educational trips to China. Walz sang the praises of China’s totalitarian system throughout and continues to do so to this day.

“There’s no doubt, as anyone knows, the modernization of China over the last 25 years has been nothing short of spectacular when it comes to infrastructure, and improvements in quality of life, access to clean water, access to health care services, and those things are undeniable,” 

Tim Walz 2019

“No one is more pro-China than Marxist Walz,” Richard Grenell, former acting director of National Intelligence under the Trump administration, wrote recently.

After his first trip to China in 1989, Walz returned to America and hung a Chinese banner in his school office. His trip to China in 1993 was paid for, at least in part, by the Chinese government. The next year Walz and Beijing jointly financed scholarships for American students to visit China. Walz has never explained where the money came from to finance the dozens of trips to China he organized subsequently. Certainly, the trips took place with Chinese government approval. They may in fact have been financed at least in part by Beijing.

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According to a source who was with Walz in China in 1995 Walz espoused Communist ideology and showed a deep admiration for the Chinese regime. He bought multiple copies of Mao’s “Little Red Book”. In his view, Walz is completely compromised by Communist ideology.

A CCP diplomat and other CCP government officials attended Walz’s gubernatorial inauguration in January 2019. The Chinese consul general congratulated Walz personally on his victory.

Walz is connected to Global Minnesota, a Twin Cities-based organization that houses an alleged secret CCP police station. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front Work Department (UFWD) operates so-called “Overseas Chinese Service Centers” (OCSCs) that are housed within various U.S.-based nonprofits. Their purpose is to “monitor and intimidate dissidents” and other critics of Beijing.

As Governor, Walz has been an honored guest speaker at multiple CCP-backed influence operation events inside the United States. These include events staged by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). The CPAFFC is part of the United Front which conducts influence operations inside the United States on behalf of the CCP.

Walz continues to make pro-CCP comments and champion Beijing’s interests. He avoids any criticism of Bejing’s ruthless oppression of its own people. He has compared socialism to “neighborliness.”

READ: Tim Walz called Hitler-promoting cleric a ‘master teacher’ at Islamic center event

During most of the time that Walz was traveling back and forth to China, he was also serving in the National Guard. It remains unclear how he maintained a security clearance with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown what if anything he discussed with the Chinese regarding his military service.

There has already been considerable discussion about Walz’s naivete when it comes to China. The reality is unfortunately that we may be dealing with something much, much worse. We may be looking at an individual who has effectively been groomed by the Chinese for decades and has come to believe in the Marxist-Lenist ideology that the CCP espouses. We see a regime that murders thousands of its citizens in cold blood as monstrous. Walz apparently sees an example for us all and a model to follow.

We thought the vapid, amoral Kamala Harris was bad. We did not know the half of it. Her running mate, Tiananmen Tim is worse.

Click Here to Read More from Sam Faddis on Substack

Tim Walz is a Danger to America by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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