You can see the first video HERE where the subject talks about putting YOU in Gulags and Burning Milwaukee down if Sanders is not the nominee.
You can see HERE that the subject of the first video was arrested in Iowa on January 7, 2020, but as unbelievable as it would be to normal Americans, the Bernie Sanders' Campaign has NOT fired Kyle Jurick - even after he talked about "beating cops" and "burning Milwaukee" if Bernie Sanders does not win the "Democrat/Socialist" Presidential nomination at their Convention this summer!
SHAME on the "Democrat Party" and ALL of it's Presidential Candidates and party officials for Allowing someone who is CLEARLY a Communist to Run for President as a "Democrat"!
SHAME on the "media" for ignoring these video and being willing and un-willing participants in an attempted communist overthrowing of the United States Government!

The We the People Convention PROUDLY financially supports Project Veritas and asks you to do the same.