Sample Letter to YOUR Bank about Biden $600 Rule

Here is a sample letter you can copy and edit and send to your bank about the new Biden $600 Rule that will affect YOU and your Business


  • Highlight and copy this email/letter
  • Paste it into your email or word processing program
  • Change the Salutation to your Branch Manger's Name
  • Edit the BANK NAME in RED throughout the email/letter (Make them black in your letter)
  • Take out the references to your BUSINESS Accounts if you don't have a business
  • Add your Name at the bottom of the email or letter
  • Feel free to personalize it!
  • Address it to your bank contact if you have their email and send it
  • Address it to your bank contact (branch manager) as a letter if you don't have their email and mail it
  • Share this sample letter with family and friends - ESPECIALLY BUSINESS OWNERS!

Note: While the threat to move your money to bitcoin may be something you don't even know about or understand, it is something that threatens the banks and therefore can be effective in motivating them to protect their interests . . . so while it may be a bluff on your part, it will motivate them to act!

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention


Dear (Your Bank Branch Manger's Name),

I am writing today to bring to your attention, and that of Huntington Bank's upper management, something that is very concerning to me as a business owner and as a U.S. Citizen and as your customer. I hope that you will forward this to the appropriate people a Huntington Bank. It is my understanding that the Biden Regime is proposing a change in banking regulations that will require Huntington and all banks to report to the IRS “data” on every account with more than $600 as part of their destructive “American Families Plan” under the guise of catching “wealthy people” who do not pay enough taxes! (Click Here for Details

This proposal is not only outrageous, but an invasion of my Constitutional rights, and none of the governments business! As a business owner and citizen, I pay my taxes, lots of taxes, and I sure as hell am NOT “wealthy”. The idea that the Federal Government “thinks" it has the right to scrutinize EVERY expenditure of basically EVERY America is something that must not be allowed.

I know that the American Bankers Association is pushing back with members of the House and Senate, and I am sure that Huntington wants nothing to do with this - if just from the insane reporting burden it would impose on you! Not to mention the fact that we both know that the IRS is totally incapable of managing this much data and more importantly of keeping it secure "in house" for tax purposes only. We ALL know that this data would be used by illegal actors in the Federal Government to attack political opponents. It is simply a totalitarian power grab that MUST be rejected COMPLETELY.

I would expect that Huntington, the ABA, and the other banks will use your powerful lobbying apparatus to “persuade” our government apparatchiks that this is NOT a good idea for THEM as well as for Huntington and your customers. Let me end by making clear what I predict the consequences of a failure by the banks and the American people to defeat this outrageous power grab will be. I will commit to you right now, that if this law is passed, I will withdraw every dime of our money from Huntington Bank and close all of my accounts and convert all of it to bitcoin. I assure you, I will not be the only business owner to do so. 

I take no pleasure in making this request for you to fight this gross over-reach by the Biden Regime. The financial stakes for banks are massive. It is in Huntington's and every bank’s best interests NOT to drive all of your customers out of banking and into cryptocurrencies! But that is exactly what you will be doing if you don't act NOW to stop this and if you do not stop being shaken down by the left and paying to elect anti-capitalist “social democrat” communists into positions of power who are bent on destroying our economy and our nation and you along with it.

In many ways, you, the banking industry, are reaping what you have sown over the past 20 years. You have a fiduciary responsibility both to your stockholders and to your customers that is paramount to your continued existence as an institution. Therefore, it is up to you to change course and reject these effort for what they are - an attack on your institution and all Americans and on our capitalist system.

Best Regards,

Your Name
Your Address

Bank $600 Rule by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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