Orange County CA Schools Vote to Re-Open Without Masks or Distancing!

Send this story to Your School Superintendent and School Board Members!

It is time to follow the Science not the Radical Political Agenda of the Teacher's Unions!

It's TIME to defend OUR Children and Grandchildren!

by Hannah Fry and Sara Cardine

Orange County education leaders voted 4 to 1 Monday evening to approve recommendations for reopening schools in the fall that do not include the mandatory use of masks for students or increased social distancing in classrooms amid a surge in coronavirus cases. (CLICK HERE for video clips to support this decision.)
The Board of Education did, however, leave reopening plans up to individual school districts. Among the recommendations are daily temperature checks, frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer, in addition to the nightly disinfection of classrooms, offices and transportation vehicles.

The recommendations, contained in a white paper, widely support schools reopening in the fall. The document states that remote learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic has been an "utter failure" and suggests allowing parents to send their children to another district or charter school to receive instruction if their home district does not reopen.
"Among the many compelling expert arguments for reopening our schools, a number of us were also struck by something different, something we might call advice for adults," the paper states. "Among our greatest responsibilities as adults is our responsibility to model courage and persistence in the face of uncertainty and fear, which is what many families are feeling with the mixed messages and confusion surrounding reopening of schools in the COVID-19 era."
The discussion comes as the state's two largest school districts, Los Angeles and San Diego, announced that campuses will not reopen next month amid the ongoing coronavirus surge and students will continue with online learning.
Orange County has emerged as a hotbed of opposition to mandatory mask rules in public places, and its health director recently resigned after facing intense public criticism and a death threat. Health experts widely say masks are critical in slowing the spread of the virus.

The Orange County guidance was compiled from an 11-member panel appointed by the Board of Education last month that includes Orange County Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau, County Supervisor Don Wagner, a psychiatrist, an urban studies professor, a public policy professor, a former superintendent and physicians.

“Our constituents expect leadership from us, and so we wanted to present information to you,” Board Vice President Mari Barke said. “These are simply guidelines to be looked at and to follow according to what’s best for your family — take it for what it is and do what you’re most comfortable with.”
Board member Beckie Gomez cast the lone dissenting vote, saying the white paper failed to cite several references.

“There are some flaws in this report,” she said. “If you say something, you should be able to back it up.”

Last month, the Orange County Department of Education published its own list of guidelines for resuming classroom instruction with online learning options. The document, which stresses the importance of social distancing and face coverings, is based on guidance from the state Department of Public Health, said Orange County Supt. Al Mijares. 

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"The board majority’s recommendations are not binding. Locally elected school boards and superintendents will approve and implement plans specific to their districts based on the needs of their schools and communities," Mijares said in a statement. "OCDE is working to support districts in that effort, and we remain 100% committed to following and sharing the guidance of the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency."
Still, the panel's recommendations have stirred controversy among parents and teachers in Orange County. As of Monday morning, more than 26,000 people had signed an online petition decrying the recommendations and calling on elected officials to adhere to the state's guidance for reopening schools.
"These recommendations are not just for the safety of our teachers, staff, and students but for every single person they come in contact with," the petition reads.
The panel's recommendations touch on several topics that have been widely debated among Orange County residents in the past several months, including social distancing and the use of face coverings to slow the spread of the virus.
The document states that since children represent the "lowest risk cohort for COVID-19 ... social distancing of children and reduced census classrooms is not necessary and therefore not recommended."

Ryan Schachter, a special-education specialist at Corona del Mar Middle School and Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach, said he is divided on the Board of Education's recommendations. He also said he didn't plan to watch Monday night's special meeting on Zoom.

“I really don’t know what to think about all this,” said Schachter, who has been teaching for 18 years, 17 of those with the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.
“As a special educator, I know that without a doubt, our population is impacted the most by distance learning. As an educator, I want my students in the classroom, where I can directly impact their education. I can talk to them, work with them and relate with them. We just can’t do that with the same intensity and effectiveness online," he said.

“However, as a parent, and husband to a wife with an autoimmune disorder, I am not sure that being in the classroom without proper safety measures is best for my family or the community in which we live and serve. I am really conflicted on what needs to be done. I don’t like the idea that politics is trying to govern the pandemic as well; that is frightful to me.”

Experts have said that while infection rates among children have been lower than in adults, young people can easily transmit the virus to other relatives (This Study Says that is NOT True) , including their parents and grandparents, who may be at a higher risk of severe complications.
"The evidence is showing children so far have been less likely to be infected, although that comes from a background of our children not being in school," said Paula Cannon, a professor of microbiology at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. "It would be difficult to say that this means children are somehow more resistant to the virus."
The document also states that requiring children to wear masks was not recommended given that it "is not only difficult — if not impossible to implement — but [is] not based on science" and "may even be very harmful." (Click Here for Videos to Support the fact that their is Zero Scientific Evidence to Not send Children to school full time with no mask and no social distancing.)



‘Absolutely' reopen schools: 5 of 5 pediatricians would send their kids back to class

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | July 13, 2020 03:27 PM

In an endorsement of the Trump administration’s bid to reopen schools next month, 5 out of 5 pediatricians said they would return their own young children without hesitation.

“Yes. Period. Absolutely,” Dr. William Raszka of Vermont told NBC’s Dr. John Torres in a report late Sunday.

The story challenged many critics who have condemned President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos who have said returning to school is essential, especially after there were so many troubles with virtual learning in the spring when the coronavirus shut schools down.

The doctors said that younger students do not appear to transmit the coronavirus, and only 2% have fallen ill.

“The five doctors we spoke to agreed: The benefits of being in the classroom far outweigh the risk of disease. But the key is to reopen safely,” said Torres.

He suggested several easy fixes such as social distancing, keeping desks apart, increasing classroom airflow, and putting gym classes outdoors. As for masks, one doctor said they only are useful for high schoolers.

When Torres asked the doctors if they would let their kids return, here’s what they said:

Dr. Yvonne Mondonado, California: “I would let my kids go back to school.”
Dr. Shilpa Patel, New Jersey: “I will, my kids are looking forward to it.”
Dr. William Raszka, Vermont: “Yes. Period. Absolutely.”
Dr. Jennifer Lighter, New York: “Absolutely, as much as I can. Without hesitation, yes.”
Dr. Buddy Creech, Tennessee: "I have no concerns about sending my child to school in the fall.”



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