FBI IG Report on Jan 6th CONTINUES the Cover Up!

DOJ Finally Releases Suppressed IG report on Jan 6: Here’s What They’re Still Covering Up

NOW IT IS TIME FOR A REAL INVESTIGATION BY CONGRESS AND THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION! We want the Jan 6th Political Prisoners, who Trump WILL Pardon on January 20th, to be brought in to Testify on LIVE TV in front of Congress about what they saw and did that day and what this Tyrnanical Government did to them over the last 4 Years!

by Revolver News.com, December 12, 2024

Loyal and longtime readers may recall that we began our very first major report exploring federal involvement in the January 6 Fedsurrection began with a striking exchange between Senator Amy Klobuchar and Christopher Wray, in which Klobuchar asks the FBI director if he had any informants in place prior to January 6th

Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.

Early this afternoon, the Department of Justice finally released its long suppressed Inspector General report on January 6th. The substance of the report, as well as the timing help to shed light on FBI Director Christopher Wray’s seemingly abrupt and premature decision to resign (announced yesterday). Indeed, while the report must be understood in essence as a limited hangout cover-up job released under great reluctance, what it does reveal is damning enough for Christopher Wray, the FBI, and the malicious and discredited Fedsurrection narrative as a whole.

Let’s start with some of the highlights. First, the FBI IG report acknowledges the presence of multiple CHS’s (informants) some of whom were sent to DC for Jan 6 by the FBI, and some of whom went on their own accord and reported to their handlers in the FBI.

We found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6. We reviewed the documented CHS reporting that the FBI had prior to the riot and breach of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We determined that three CHSs had been tasked by FBI field offices in the days leading up to the January 6 Electoral Certification, with the required approval of the WFO, to travel to DC for the events of January 6 to report on domestic terrorism subjects who were possibly attending the event. Specifically: One FBI field office tasked a CHS to travel to DC to report on the activities of a predicated domestic terrorism subject who was separately planning to travel to DC for the January 6 Electoral Certification; a second FBI field office tasked a CHS to travel to DC to potentially report on two domestic terrorism (DT) subjects from another FBI field office who were planning to travel to DC for the events of January 6; and a third CHS, who had informed their handling agent that they intended to travel to DC on their own initiative for the events of January 6, was similarly tasked by their field office to potentially report on two DT subjects from other FBI field offices who were planning to travel to DC for the events of January 6. Our review 5 concluded that none of these three FBI CHSs were authorized to enter the Capitol or a restricted area, or to otherwise break the law on January 6, nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6.

In other words, we see that there were at least three informants who had been tasked directly with following specific targets and informing on their plans in relation to January 6th. 

In addition to these three informants who were asked to track specific people well in advance of January 6th, the FBI IG report acknowledges 23 additional informants who traveled to DC on January 6 and reported on the events to their respective FBI handlers:

In addition to these 3 CHSs, we found that 23 other FBI CHSs were in DC on January 6 in connection with the events planned for January 6. None of these FBI CHSs were authorized to enter the Capitol or a restricted area, or to otherwise break the law on January 6, nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6.

Revolver News has of course been reporting on the presence of informants for years, and it was over three years ago that even the New York Times confirmed our reporting by begrudgingly acknowledging the presence of proud boys informants who were passing on information to their handlers from inside of the Capitol.

Read More: New York Times Confirms Revolver’s Claim of FBI Involvement In 1/6… But What Are They Still Hiding?

The DOJ IG report goes on to a more damning revelation: of the 26 CHS’s 4 entered the Capitol building, and 13 entered the restricted area around the Capitol. We reported how, thanks to suspicious (unidentified and unindicted) individuals removing fencing early on January 6th, a booby trap was created whereby many rally goers entered restricted area without knowing it. This created a perfect storm for selective prosecution, and the government did charge many Trump supporters for merely being on restricted grounds. The DOJ used a trivial trespassing charge to ultimately bury Green Beret Jeremy Brown (whose real offense was exposing JTTF efforts to recruit him as an informant prior to January 6th).

Read More: Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 Whistleblower Re-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie

Here’s the shocker, none of the 4 FBI CHS’ who entered the Capitol, and none of the 13 who entered the restricted area around the Capitol were charged! 

We determined that of the 26 CHSs who were in DC on January 6 in connection with the events of January 6, 4 entered the Capitol during the riot; an additional 13 entered the restricted area around the Capitol, which was a security perimeter established in preparation for the January 6 Electoral Certification; and 9 neither entered a restricted area nor entered the Capitol or otherwise engaged in illegal activity. None of the CHSs who entered the Capitol or a restricted area has been prosecuted to date. 4 The WFO did not know that a total of 26 CHSs would be in DC for the events of January 6 because only 4 field offices had informed the WFO or FBI Headquarters that CHSs under the relevant field office’s jurisdiction—5 CHSs in total—would be traveling to DC on January 6.

Given the extraordinarily aggressive DOJ posture toward January 6 offenses, there is simply no innocent explanation for the fact that not a single one of the FBI’s informants, including those who went into the Capitol were criminally charged—and indeed this completely undercuts the IG reports extenuating plea that none of its CHS’ were authorized to break the law or go into the Capitol.

Also, if we are permitted to say so, the fact that none of the FBI CHS’ were charged totally vindicates our original strategy of looking at charging documents and noting which egregious participants in the Jan 6 events were not charged. The mainstream media attacked us at Revolver News viciously for this, and for simply daring to question any aspect of the official narrative.

The details get even more interesting, and vindicating for Revolver News’ coverage of January 6th. As it turns out, multiple CHS informants were in close contact with the leadership of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys militia groups. One of these informants was none other than the Vice President of that group

• Among the information CHSs provided to their handling agents was the following:

• a CHS was in contact with leadership for the Oath Keepers

• “extremist members of [the] Oath Keepers or other groups may become involved in unplanned violent activity on January 6”

• the Oath Keepers “contingent headed to DC is 200+ strong;”

• the travel plans being discussed by the Proud Boys;

• an individual purporting to be the leader of a group that had “500 people willing to storm the Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C. on January 6th”

• and a CHS indicated they had concerns for the safety of Members of Congress on January 6

The above information further confirms our general thesis that the federal government had deeply penetrated both the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and were deeply aware of their plans and movements. The FBI and other agencies were in position to know, for instance, that the Proud Boys were going to be at the decisive breach point at around 1 PM —- exactly where Ray Epps, Scaffold Commander, and others were engaging in their activity prior to the Proud Boys’ arrival.

For all of the damning vindication of its admissions, the DOJ IG report is still more damning in terms of its omissions. There is not a single word about the most damning smoking gun of all of January 6—the January 6 pipe bombs. And this is despite absolutely scandalous revelations indicating near certainty of Capitol Police, ATF, and Secret Service involvement in the cover up of the Pipe Bomb scandal. As we focus on the FBI here it is incidentally important to keep in mind that we have definitively shown that the aforementioned agencies (Capitol Police, ATF, Secret Service) and probably many more are deeply involved in the Fedsurrection scandal. Most notably in relation to the FBI, we recently learned that the head of the Washington Field Office of the FBI lied about the Bureau’s inability to receive geofencing data that would have positively identified the pipe bomber. For that matter, we also learned that as early as mid 2022 the FBI had deleted all surveillance footage of the pipe bomb location on January 6th. None of these damning questions is so much as addressed at all in this report.

READ MORE: Google Could Identify the Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber Tomorrow If It Wanted To

READ MORE: Government Source Confirms FBI Dirty Tricks With Key Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage as Cover-Up Unravels

Our reporting completely changed the national conversation on January 6th. We were we viciously punished for it—Congress even banned our email lists from reaching their servers. One FBI agent who sympathized with our reporting had his security clearance revoked for sharing one of our January 6 articles. The mainstream media and regime cracked down on our exposure of the fedurrection lie with a vigor that had rarely been seen even from the criminals in the Biden regime. The DOJ’s suppressed IG report is a start, but it is far from the end. Anything that does not assist us in finalizing our exposure of the pipe bomb scandal is fake and inadequate. The pipe bomb issue implicates the FBI, Secret Service, ATF, Capitol Police, and very possibly even Kamala Harris herself. It is the most dangerous issue and therefore it is the most important issue. It is the issue that we have put our blood and sweat into at Revolver News and we will not rest until the full and damning truth is out no matter how ugly.

When it comes to the truth about January 6, we cannot be cheap dates. Stay tuned. There are more reports to come out.




FBI IG Report on Jan6th by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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