Senator Cruz Explains why the HR1 Bill will End America

Watch this Concise Analysis of  HR1 the Democrat's "Legalize Election Fraud Bill" that threatens our very form of Government

Video by Senator Ted Cruz


All American's Must ACT THIS WEEK to Contact their U.S. Senators - Republican and Democrat Alike!

Click Here to Get their Contact Information

Here is a Message you can copy and paste into a webform or read when you leave a message:

"As my U.S. Senator you swore an Oath to Protect and Defend the U.S. Constitution and I, as one of your constituents, demand that you honor that Oath by voting AGAINST the Unconstitutional, Partisan and destructive HR1 bill that is now before the Senate. This bill completely undermines and eliminates the Constitutional rights of our state, the state you represent, to decide the rules under which we conduct our state, local and federal elections. This is TOTALLY unacceptable!

Furthermore, this heinous bill was written by radical Democrat/Socialist for one reason and that it to legalize all the techniques that can be used to conduct voter fraud on a massive scale, nationwide, to ensure that anyone who disagrees with their anti-American policies will have their votes cancelled out by fraudulent votes. The sections of HR1 that will automatically and illegally register tens of millions of illegals residing in our nation is in itself reason enough for you to stand up for our constitutional voting rights and vote NO on HR1.

This bill simply must NOT PASS! Passage of this bill will be the end of states rights, the U.S. Constitution, our individual right to vote and decide how we hold free and fair elections - in fact it will be the end of American Democracy! Passage of this HR1 Bill will result in a totalitarian government that does not represent the people and will result in Tyranny.

The specious calls that this Bill is some sort of "voting rights bill" that if not passed would paint you and us as "racists" who want to "suppress the minority vote" is an outright lie and you know it. Every study ever done shows that requiring voter photo ID actually INCREASES MINORITY VOTING! Getting rid of photo ID or even signature validation to vote isn't about suppressing minority votes it is about being able to "manufacture" as many fake votes as the left needs to win a given election. We don't buy the lies and neither should you! Vote NO and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make sure that this destructive and descriminatory HR1 Bill does not pass into law!"



Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA

by M. Dowling

Democrats introduced HR1, a bill that will destroy our country. It nationalizes the vote, and makes every corrupt form of voting legal, and ends voter ID nationwide. It allows ballot harvesting, felon voters, a path to DC statehood.

D.C. statehood will give Democrats two more senators almost immediately. That will then allow them to ram anything through, including making PR a state, giving them two more senators and a permanent Democrat electoral majority.

That majority and the power that comes with it is what open borders is about. It’s what the demonization of Trump and his supporters is about.

These people are absolutely neo-communists. No one but fascists, communists, Nazis would do something like this.

The bill would ensure Democrats win all elections in perpetuity. HR1 goes under the guise of protecting our elections, for the people.

The communistic bill includes:
  1. Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. In other words, no voter ID.
  2. Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration. If you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote.
  3. 16-year-olds required to be registered to vote. Children voting is a big plus for Democrats.
  4. Nationwide same-day registration.
  5. Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities. [brainwashing]
  6. Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
  7. Murderers and rapists can vote.
  8. Mandatory early voting.
  9. Banning voter ID
  10. Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
  11. It gives federal workers [union people, mostly Democrats] SIX DAYS of paid vacation to work the polls.
  12. The bill provides stiff penalties for anyone who ‘harasses’ poll workers and government administrators. Questioning election results can be prosecuted under a broad definition of what constitutes harassment.


In an op-ed at The Washington Post in January 2019, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called it the Democrat Politician Protection Act.

The hard-left loves the bill. It’s called For the People Act.

McConnell wrote: They’re trying to clothe this power grab with cliches about “restoring democracy” and doing it “For the People,” but their proposal is simply a naked attempt to change the rules of American politics to benefit one party.

They want to get rid of the neutral FEC and replace it with partisan federal workers.
Pelosi and company pitch new taxpayer subsidies, including a 600 percent government match for certain political donations and a new voucher program that would funnel even more public dollars to campaigns, he wrote. Since these monies traditionally go to Democrats, it’s a donation to Democrats.

The legislation dedicates hundreds of pages to federalizing the electoral process. It would make states mimic the practices that recently caused California to create 23,000 incorrect voter registrations. The measure would make it harder for states to fix inaccurate data in their voter rolls.



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