Christians who Don't Vote are Not Christians because they let Evil Win!

A huge wake-up trumpet blast for Christians before the election . . .

Christians are called to "stand against evil" and "push back the kingdom of darkness" (Ephesians 6:13) . . . Voting is YOUR best Weapon to Fight Evil! Non-Voting Christians are NOT Christians!

by Mike Huckabee, Substack Newsletter, October 8, 2024

You know what we think of polls around here --- that they are to be taken with a whole shaker full of salt, if not the whole box.  Even so, there are some clear signs this time that veteran observers see as very encouraging for Trump supporters, and the electoral map is looking quite red (mixed with pink, which, to the Electoral College, is just as good).  In fact, Trump looks to be in the best position he has ever been before any election.

We all know there will be cheating, just as there was last time . . . Over the past few years, we’ve discussed the various ways that cheating can be and likely has been accomplished.  Google doesn’t want us to talk about this and falsely labels it “disinformation” to “protect” trust in our system, a flawed system that doesn’t presently deserve our trust.  In fact, just the words “election” and “cheating” in this commentary will probably trigger some algorithm to suppress its reach.

But if Trump loses this time around, I won’t blame cheating, and I won’t blame Google.  I won’t even blame the media, because we all know they lie.  I’ll be pointing a finger at perhaps an unexpected corner.  Sorry to have to say this, but...

I’ll blame Christians. . . 


Not all Christians, mind you, but the millions of Christians who decided they just weren’t going to vote in this election.  The ones who decided to sit this one out.

We were stunned by the release on Monday of a study done by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University showing that only 51 percent of interviewees who identified as “people of faith” said they were likely to vote in the upcoming election.  The research indicates that as many as 104 million people of faith are unlikely to vote in this upcoming election—and among those, 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church won’t cast their ballots.

These millions of Christians could be the deciding factor in many races --- federal, state and local --- and have deliberately chosen not to be.

Some of the reasons they don’t plan to vote are:

--- a general lack of interest in politics (68%)

--- a dislike of both major party candidates (57%)

--- a belief that their vote won’t make any difference (52%)

--- a belief that election results will be manipulated (48%)

Well, let me start right off by saying that 100 percent of both Christians and non-Christians SHOULD believe that election results will be manipulated, at least to some extent, but that’s a reason TO vote, to create a cheat-proof margin of victory, not to be above-it-all and stay home.  And this study should put to rest the idea that their vote won’t make a difference.  Look at how many of them there are!

Also, if they just don’t care for Trump as a person, I’d ask them to take another look. Trump has matured and grown from his near-decade in politics, and even his brush with death has had a noticeable effect on him.  He seems to comprehend his role in the world in a new way.  And on the issues, when you look at what the Democrats would do to this country, there is no comparison.

Haven’t you heard me say many times that we have to turn out in droves to overcome whatever level of cheating there might be, to prevent the cheaters from winning?  We have the numbers to do that.

The study’s lead researcher, George Barna, said this: “The 32 million Christians who regularly attend church services but are not likely to vote represent a far larger margin than the combined number of votes that decided the 2020 election in key battleground states.  If church leaders, family members, and close friends will use their influence to get reticent voters from their churches to cast a ballot on November 5, the election outcome will be meaningfully affected.”

The results of the study also suggest that many churchgoers long for some direction from their church leaders on how to think biblically when it comes to policy and politics.  That doesn’t mean they want to be told how to vote, but just to have help in viewing political issues from a biblical framework.

Well, that’s what I try to do here when I can.

What is being done to get out the Christian Vote:

Ralph Reed of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, in an interview with BREITBART NEWS SATURDAY, said they’re working to galvanize “low-propensity” (see, there’s even a term for this) Evangelical and Catholic voters for President Trump.  “We’re hitting 10 million doors…” he said.  “That’s half of all the doors that were knocked on by the entire Republican Party four years ago.  That doesn’t count what Trump does. It doesn’t count Turning Point USA or SBA [Pro-Life America].  It doesn’t count what Elon Musk is doing through his PAC.”

These aren’t robo-calls and computer-generated texts, he went on to explain, but phone calls and personal visits by volunteers.

“We are focused primarily on low-propensity self-identified Evangelical voters, modeled pro-life, social conservatives who have voted in one or fewer of the last three elections,” Reed said.  The Faith & Freedom Coalition estimates that between 25 and 27 percent of the electorate are self-identified Evangelical conservative Christians, and another 10 to 11 percent are devout, Mass-attending Catholics.  (You know, the people targeted by the FBI for being possible domestic terrorists. Not voting in 2020 won them that distinction.)

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“So you’re talking about 37 to 38 percent of the electorate,” Reed said.  “It’s bigger than the Hispanic vote, the African-American vote, and the union vote combined.”

Among the Evangelicals who do vote, Trump wins, he said, by 82 percent, and might go even higher.  He wins with Catholics as well, though not by as huge a margin.  Reed believes that if they increase voter turnout in swing states as much as he thinks they can with their phenomenal ground game, it will translate to “possibly tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands” more votes for Trump than in previous elections.

“It’s definitely a game changer,” he said.  Here’s the full interview…

Reed noted that the Democrats keep trying to keep the conversation on two things:  Project 2025 (which isn’t even a Trump thing) and abortion.  “Because they don’t want to talk about...the economy, inflation, crime and the border,” which are issues voters care about but are losing issues for the Dems.

If America is not Saved and the Godless Communist take control there is only in group to blame . . . non-voting Christians . . . according to this new study! Wake up "Christians" it is NOT "Christian" to NOT VOTE because God calls everyone to fight Evil and Voting is the best Weapon to do so! Read the study and get the FACTS!

I do wonder what it has to take to get some disillusioned Christians to get off their hind ends and do perhaps the most important thing they could do at this time in our country’s history.  You probably know some people who plan to simply disengage; maybe they’re in your own family.  Do they know about the recent sentencing of three anti-abortion activists in Tennessee?  They’re going to prison while left-wing, pro-terrorist protesters who burned courthouses, vandalized monuments and tried to break into Congress were released with no charges, and attacks and threats against pro-life pregnancy centers and their staffs go unpunished.  Do we want more of this?

In Kamala Harris, we’ve got perhaps the most anti-Israel candidate we’ve ever had.  (She even knowingly lowered her chances of winning Pennsylvania by avoiding the choice of a Jewish running mate.)  But, hey, we know she’s got the enthusiastic support of “Queers For Palestine.”  And she’ll win if we don’t turn out.

There’s so much more I could say about the issues that are dear to the heart of conservative Christians.  Virtually all of those issues are on the line this election year.  But, as Ralph Reed is thankfully aware, it’s going to take some phone calls and heartfelt, face-to-face conversations to influence the millions of Christians who are disillusioned or just don’t understand what’s at stake.  Sorry, we can’t give each of those millions of people a participation trophy for heading to the polls and doing their duty as American citizens, but we will owe them our deep gratitude for helping keep our country free.

And this is for those who agree with Trump’s policies but find his personality too abrasive…

Christians Not Voting is the Problem by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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