Biden Ethanol Fuel Plan makes Food Shortage WORSE

Is this latest diversion just ignorant un-educated leftists in the Biden Regime being stupid AGAIN or is this really just pure Evil???

Editors Note: Issue #1, their is no remaining reason to use Ethanol blended gasoline in the United States at all now that fracking can provide all of our gasoline needs. Ethanol is simply a tax payer funded political give-away to the big corporate farm conglomerate special interest groups that should have been ended decades ago. Plus, it damages your car. Issue #2, while the illegitimate Biden Administration claims that allowing for more E-15 gas sales will lower prices at the pump, it is an illusion presented as a diversion. Ukraine produces something like 15% of the world's corn and, since the war will cut that production in half, the prices of corn are going to go up. So guess what? The price of Ethanol, which is made from CORN is going to go up and therefore gas prices at the pump will not go down as they claim. This is compounded by the soaring price of fertilizer, which apparently Russia controls like 40% of the world's capacity, and so that will make the cost of corn go even higher along with the price of ethanol! But this decision by the illegitimate Biden Regime gets even worse and is in fact pure evil. Issue #3, due to the fertilizer and grain and other food staple shortages caused by the war in Ukraine, SEVERE food shortages are being projected for much of the world. Millions could starve this year without serious focused action to INCREASE food output by nations like the United States. So what do the communist leftist in our government do? They are going to take action to take critical corn crops and NOT feed starving people but instead take MORE of it and grind it up to make Ethanol so that American's can save they say 10¢ per gallon at the pump for a short time until the price of corn eliminates any savings! All of this when simply allowing the US oil and gas industry to work again as it did during the Trump years could permanently lower gas prices by as much as $1 per gallon, lower inflation by decreasing the cost of everything, give Europe and the World the oil and gas it needs to starve Putin of the money he needs for the war, and drastically reduce the length of the global food shortage. Yea, not doing THAT is pure Evil!

by Jennifer Dlouhy and Nancy Cook, Yahoo Finance, April 12, 2022

Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden plans to allow expanded sales of higher-ethanol gasoline in an effort to lower fuel prices and counter the political blowback from them.

Biden is set to unveil the initiative during a Tuesday visit to a Poet LLC ethanol mill in Iowa -- the top U.S. corn state. The change, which would apply on a temporary basis over the summer months, would waive anti-pollution restrictions that effectively block warm-weather sales of E15 gasoline in areas where smog is a problem.

The shift could yield a modest effect on pump prices given that in areas where’s it already available, E15 sells at a 5- to 10-cent per gallon discount to regular gasoline, said Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis at retail tracker Gas Buddy. E15 is gasoline comprised of 15% ethanol.

Ethanol is commonly made from corn.

A senior administration official estimated that the use of E15 could save motorists, on average, 10 cents a gallon. The administration has blamed the increase in prices squarely on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“It may also reduce oil consumption, replacing it with corn consumption,” DeHaan said. “However, the war on Ukraine could boost corn prices in the months ahead, so the calculus could change.”

The measure marks another attempt by Biden to douse high gasoline costs and inflation that are wearing on voters with the approach of the November midterm elections. In poll after poll, voters have cited inflation as one of their top concerns. This move would allow the widespread sale of E15 from June 1 through Sept. 15, when many Americans take to the roads on summer vacations.

Ethanol producers and their allies in Congress have been imploring the administration to make the change permanent, after a successful legal challenge by oil refiners led to a court last year overturning an initial attempt by the Trump administration.

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Biofuel advocates argue that the seasonal limitations can discourage filling stations from offering the higher-ethanol blend. About 2,300 of the nation’s more than 150,000 stations now sell E15, and though it is available in roughly 30 states, the fuel is most widely offered in the Midwest.

The president’s move is “good news for farmers and ethanol producers,” according to Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. “Summer sales this year could account for about 250 million gallons of E15. But the impact goes far beyond summer sales in 2022. This means retailers aren’t forced to abandon E15.”

Biden campaigned on promises to promote ethanol and support the 17-year-old Renewable Fuel Standard law that compels the use of plant-based alternative fuels. However, once in the White House, he’s faced the same challenges as did his predecessors in balancing competing demands from oil refiners and agricultural interests.

According to an Environmental Protection Agency guidance document, waivers can be used in limited instances, such as supply emergencies, but cannot be put in place to address price concerns.

High corn prices could still blunt any savings for increasing the ethanol content in summer fuel supplies. Corn futures recently touched the highest level since 2012 as severe drought ravaged key U.S. growing regions. At the same time, the war in Ukraine is disrupting farming activity in a crucial supplier.

A fact sheet listing the Biden administration’s fuel-related efforts also said that the EPA is proposing a change that would allow canola-based biofuels to qualify for credits under a federal program that compels refiners to blend plant-based alternatives into gasoline and diesel.


Ethanol Move is Stupid by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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