2019 We the People Convention Summary

A crowd of nearly 200 TEA Party activists, from all over Ohio, came to the 2019 We the People Convention in Columbus on September 21, 2019 to lay out our plans for winning in Ohio again in 2020. It was a very productive action-oriented program with great speakers who helped us focus on five main areas:

•  Demanding Equal Justice under the Law
•  Working to Eliminate Voter Fraud and have Fair Elections
•  Registering Voters and Get Out our Voters in 2020
•  Helping Audit the Ohio Republican State Central Committee
•  Planning to overcome Censorship of Converative Voices

Activists at the Convention left with a checklist of things they could do personally and in their communities to achieve these goals. Here are the steps YOU can take:


DEMAND Equal Justice NOW:

1) Call/Write to US Attorney General William Barr and DEMAND that those in the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA/State Dept/White House and other federal agencies who broke the law be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Barr will not have the courage to act without public pressure.

2) Make Plans NOW to Protest in your Community or at the nearest FBI office or DOJ Office (Northern Ohio - Southern Ohio) if charges are not filed against the perpetrators of the Trump Coup Attempt. 

3) Write Letters to the Editor and call-in to local talk radio shows explaining that without equal justice for all the United States can not exist.  Demand that law enforcement at all levels start doing their jobs and start treating all citizens equally.

Work to Eliminate Voter Fraud and Have Fair Elections:

1) Sign up at your local board of Elections to work the polls! 
You will get paid up to $150 for the day and you will be able to make sure that only those eligible to vote do vote.

2) Download your County Voter File and look for locations that have abnormal numbers of registered voters - like hotels and apartment buildings. 

3) Sign up for True the Vote's emails. Catherine Engelbrecht told us at the Convention that they were going to come out with apps that will help us find illegal voter registrations in our counties and get them removed.

Register Voters and Get Out our Voters in 2020:

1) Go to your local Board of Elections and pick up a stack of Voter Registration forms. Have  them with you in your car at all times and ask everyone you meet if they are registered to vote. If not, have them fill out the form and you can even send it in for them.  There are 9 million citizens eligible to vote in Ohio and only 7.8 million are registered. Many of the non-registered voters are in RURAL Counties. We need their votes in 2020!

2) Download the official NRA-ILA App on your phone and signup to get notifications from the NRA-ILA. This is how you will find out what resources we will have for getting out our vote in 2020. This will include phone lists, door knocking lists and a new text messaging program.

3) Invite our NRA-ILA Grassroots Representative, David Conte, to come speak to your group or at an event in your community.

Help Audit the Ohio Republican State Central Committee:

We cannot have fair elections in Ohio if the Republican State Central Committee continues to endorse candidates in the Primary Elections. Chairman Jane Timken promised, on video, when we elected her to Chairman, that she would not allow the party to endorse in the Primary. Then in 2018 she did allow the party to endorse. Now we need to elect State Central Committee members who will stand for this critical principle and NOT endorse in next years primary. Please Download this PDF and follow the instructions on how to audit your two (2) current state central committee members and then recruit a replacement candidate if yours do not agree to this important principle.

Plan to overcome Censorship of Conservative Voices:

1) Learn about the threat Social Media Censorship is to our winning in 2020 

2) Contact Ohio AG Dave Yost and encourage him to investigate anti-trust actions by the Big Tech companies who are censoring Americans.

3) Think about starting a small monthly newspaper in your community. Contact Steve Kraus or Brian Massie who can tell you what they have done and how you can do your own newspaper to influence voters and even make money doing it.

4) Participate in our Barn Billboard program! Help us find barns in remote areas along our state's interstate highways and other high visibility areas where we can put up our own billboards in 2020. Contact Tom Zawistowski for details.

5) Donate to help fund and build the Ohio TEA Party Radio Newtwork. 

Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, finished the Convention by explaining his vision for the future of the TEA Party Movement. You can read about that vision by clicking here.

In closing, Zawistowski asked that all TEA Party Activists do two things:

1) Go to the We the People Convention website and signup to get his emails and help us win in 2020. 

2) Donate to the We the People Convention to help fund our efforts in 2020.


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