Biden taps Joe Manchin's wife for post on federal commission . . . wonder why?
Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Find Biden 'Made a Number of Incorrect Statements' During News Conference - He LIED!
Watch this Concise Analysis of HR1 the Democrat's Legalize Election Fraud Bill that threatens our very form of Government
The Corrupt and Political DOJ Is Over-Charging Oath Keepers and Patriots Like they did Targets in the Mueller Russia Hoax Investigation
Survey Finds Americans' Mental and Physical Health Plummeting Due to Pandemic Stress
FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible For Hate Crime Threat to Asians!
Arizona State Senate Orders Hand Recount of 2.1 Million Ballots from 2020 Presidential Election plus inspections of machines
Guess Who’ll Pay Biden’s Tax Hikes On The ‘Rich’? Hint: It’s You
Even CNN admits one governor got it right on lockdown - DeSantis!
Both the Moderna and Pfizer injections are experimental mRNA vaccines and are not what traditional vaccines have been. They in fact DO Alter
Here’s what’s in, what’s out of latest COVID relief bill passed by Senate and House
Texas Representative Introducing Legislation for State to Finish “President Donald J. Trump Wall”