This morning, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, lives are never going to be the same
Nine Million U.S. Small Businesses could Close by Year's End without Aid
State’s party chairman, Allen West, is latest Republican to come out in support of declaring Texas an independent nation
Arizona Senate falls ONE vote short of holding Maricopa County supervisors in contempt in Ballot Audit Fight
Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?
Supreme Court to Consider 2020 Election Challenge Lawsuits in February Conference
Six Attorneys General Warn Biden Administration of Lawsuits over Executive Orders
Mike Lindell released a two hour documentary called "Absolute Proof" to put forward the case that massive voter fraud took place in 2020
Exclusive: Dozens of Former Bush Officials Leave Republican Party, Calling It 'Trump Cult'
CNN Lie that Capitol Police Officer was killed by a Protestor at January 6 Capital Event and that five people were "Killed" during the prote
The United States of America is now a classic oligarchy. The clarity that it has brought to our situation by recognizing this fact is its onl
The FBI finds and Prosecutes Less than 200 “Domestic Terrorists” Per YEAR and yet Biden orders 26,000 Troops to Protect Washington? Don't buy