Share the Human Rights Abuses being committed by the Corrupt US Government on U.S. Citizens for Political Reasons.
This is why what is happening in South Africa is a DIRECT Threat to YOU, and your Family and our Nation . . .
"We heard today that masks cause harm and there’s no benefit. And there’s a lot of science to back that up. It’s causing irreparable harm to
This is OUR Plan to Fix the Fraud, Vote out the "America Haters" and re-take control of OUR Nation to Restore Limited Constitutional Governa
Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection? Here's the Facts from Israeli Study!
Hannah Cox writes an insightful article about how America was founded by a bunch of "Extremists" on ideas and ideals that were anything but
For all those in the Ruling Class, Darryl Cooper Explains how normal people know the Election was Rigged
Former President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he is filing class-action lawsuits against Twitter, Facebook, and Google
Another Great Song by a Country Singer, Aaron Lewis, who is telling everyone what most of us really think!
Despite the Fear-mongering - the ACTUAL EVIDENCE shows that the Covid China Virus "Delta Variant" is very weak!
Here’s a List of the Many Times Democrats — Not Republicans — Supported Defunding Police . . .
Poll: Most Americans Want No Governmental Action on Coronavirus Delta Variant