We the People Announces HUGE Updates!

We the People Convention Announces

Major Changes and Upgrades!

I am happy today to unveil to you a new look and many major upgrades to the We the People Convention's communications infrastructure. These changes are the culmination of several months of hard work to prepare our organization to compete with the fake news media and our enemies on the regressive socialist/communist Left in 2020 and beyond. As you will see, this is a big step, we think in the right direction, and one that has been long overdue and would not have been possible without your donations!

First, you will notice our new logo. This is the first re-design in 10 years and it reflects a more modern look and is intended to help us reach our activists, not only in Ohio, but across the nation.  For the past several years, we have been speaking out and leading on the national stage, and our logo needed to reflect that. During my speaking engagements around Ohio, I am often asked if we are going to take our podcast/radio show across the nation. This redesign reflects our decision to follow your advice.

Second, behind the logo is a brand new website! Just go to www.WethePeopleConvention.org and you will see a modern website that functions well on your computer, your phone, your iPad or handheld device. It also allows us to integrate our fund raising efforts with our webpage and to connect them to our social media accounts and shortly, after we reach our fund raising goal , with our Podcast/Radio Program.  Our website also integrates our emails with articles on the website and posts to social media. Please check it out and start visiting our website on a regular basis whenever anything important happens in our nation or the world.

Speaking of Social Media, we recently completed a survey of TEA Party Activists around Ohio, and in that survey 73% of you asked me to please get back on social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. The idea being that we know that they are not our friends, and that they will censor us, but we should not surrender to them and just concede that communications channel to them. In other words, make them ban our videos or posts, expect them to freeze our accounts, but don't just give in to the SOB's!  So we are not going to!

Here's all our new social media accounts. PLEASE FOLLOW US and Share!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeThePeopleConv/ 

Twitter: @WethePeopleConv

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/wethepeopleconven1

Instagram: WethePeopleConv (Still trying to get a feel for this!)

Now, that doesn't mean that we put ourselves in their hands to just abuse us. We are going to USE them as much as we can, but we are going to protect ourselves. So, while we will start posting on Facebook, and sending out "Tweets", and posting videos, we will also post the same posts on www.MeWe.com and on our webpage where they will not be censored! We will post our videos on our YouTube Channel, but they will also be posted on our web page and on our servers. We will stream our podcast/radio show next year on Facebook Live and YouTube, but we will also stream them live and have archives on our webpage and on our servers and on Roku and on Amazon Fire TV!  Think of it kind of like a social media version of Reagan's "Trust but Verify" idea. We will USE social media, but we will not let them abuse us because we will never just be dependent on them, we will always maintain our own private communications channels.

Which brings me to our email situtation. As you know, it has become very difficult to get our emails into the inboxes of our members, supporters and activists. I am convinced, and have proof, that Google in particular is doing everything it can to keep changing the email rules in order to stop us from communicating with our members via email. Google owns gmail.com and that is over 50% of all email accounts. Yahoo and AOL and the rest are also playing this game where they change the rules, but don't tell you what the new rules are - all in the name of fighting spam - too much of which they define as being our messages to you! 

So, we have partnered with one of the top conservative email providers in the nation to help us manage our email lists. They are focused on one thing, getting our emails into inboxes. That is what we need if we are going to be able to keep the communications channel open with you during next year's crucial election cycle. It is clear to me that it is no longer possible to do this ourselves, so we are very excited about finally getting the technical help we need to protect our ability to send emails going forward.

Finally, our new website and emailing capabilities will enable us to broaden our fund raising base in Ohio and across the nation. We are going to work with a political fund raising company for the first time to take a critical step forward for our movement. If you have heard me speak in recent months, you know I am making the case that it is now  time for us  to begin to build structure and institutionalize the TEA Party Movement so that we can become the counter to the Progessive Movement throughout our nation.  

ALL movements either make this transition or they die and it takes money to build structures that last.  If all that we have accomplished and learned in the past 10 years is to continue to sustain our nation, our values, and our Constitution - we MUST take this crucial step and we must take it now.  We no longer need to look to "political experts" to tell us what needs to be done and how to do it. We know better than anyone what needs to be done and we know better than anyone how to do it. It is long past time for us to stand on our own two feet and become the political force for good that we can be - that I would argue, we must become!  All these changes that we announced today are committed toward that goal and I sincerely hope that you will appreciate them and support our efforts going forward.

We will talk more about this at the September 21st We the People Convention in Columbus, and I hope to see you there. Do not hesitate to write and share your comments and recomendation about what we have done.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your time, your effort, your donations, your ideas and your support!

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention

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