If they control YOUR Health Care they control YOU!

Anyone who thinks that the Communists Regressive Leftist, who have taken over the Democrat/Socialist Party, are proposing Government Controlled Health Care because they care about you or your family OR your health OR about making healthcare “affordable” is being duped into surrendering their Liberty! If there is ONLY Government Controlled “Healthcare” then YOU have given complete control of YOUR LIFE to the Government!

Once “single payer” or “Medicare for All” is in place the Government can MAKE YOU DO ANYTHING. If you voted for Trump, you don’t get that hip replacement. You refuse to use the “proper” “transgender pronoun”, your child doesn’t get their asthma medicine. You dare to question “man-made global warming” and your mother doesn’t get her insulin this month – until you comply!

If you think that a Democratic/Socialist controlled US Government wouldn’t do such things, think again – or read the “Intimidation Game” by Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal to see how Barack Obama weaponized the entire federal government against the American People. It was ONLY OUR FIGHT against full implementation of “Obamacare” and the election of President Donald Trump in 2016 that saved us – for now. 

We ALL need to understand – Healthcare is a LIBERTY ISSUE! Tyrants, Dictators and Communists have used control of health care to control people for centuries. Their claim that the Government can deliver better healthcare, at a lower cost, is absurd on it’s face and disproven by our experience with the US Veterans Administration where patients have been killed and abused and mistreated for DECADES by unaccountable, unqualified, union protected “employees”.

The ONLY way to get better healthcare for lower costs is FREE MARKET, competition – WITHOUT GOVERNMENT CONTROL at ALL. Right NOW 40% of healthcare cost is “administrative” cost – much of which is from complying with government regulations. Half of healthcare cost is UNNECESSARY but ordered to avoid being sued or fined for not complying with “mandatory” treatment requirements. Government involvement is the problem not the solution that they claim it will be!

If WE do not defeat the Regressive Communist Left in the 2020 elections, they will IMPOSE Government controlled “Healthcare” on YOU and all of US and destroy ANY CHANCE for private healthcare to ever return in the future. Your individual Freedom and Liberty, and that of all future generations, will be lost FOREVER!

We NEED YOU to support our efforts to fund and build our statewide weekly radio network (Click HERE for Details) so that we can use the public airwaves to educate our fellow citizens about the dangers of the policies being proposed by the radical Democrat/Socialists. Right now, all the general public hears is that private healthcare, like what most of us have, is “unfair” and thus private healthcare should be ended completely. 

The general public is led to believe that “Medicare for All” or “Single Payer” or whatever linguistic camouflage they are using lately to hide the fact that it is really GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED healthcare, will be “fair” and “better for everyone” and “affordable” and “inclusive” by including “free” healthcare for illegal immigrants paid by YOU. It’s all a LIE and WE must expose that lie if we are to defeat the Regressive Communist Left in Ohio in 2020!

People must be told the truth about this scam that is designed to enslave them and it is up to US to get that message out in order to derail the plans of the Communist Regressive Left by defeating them in the 2020 elections. Without a public voice, and we are being intentionally denied our public voice on social media, on the internet, in newspapers, on television, even via email today, we will not be able to get out our vote to win the elections and preserve our individual Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity AND private healthcare! Please donate to help build our statewide weekly radio network TODAY and get your donation doubled by our matching challenge! 


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