Dem Cold War on Christianity is Heating Up

The number of people identifying as Christians in America is on a downward trend, recent studies show. Currently, 65 percent of American adults identify as Christian, down from 85 percent in 1990 and 82 percent in 2001.

Church membership among Democrats dropped from 71 percent to 48 percent over the past two decades.

“The Democratic Cold War on Christianity is heating up,” Fletch Daniels noted in a Nov. 25 op-ed for American Thinker.

“Democrats mumble the occasional platitude and claim to be Christian since they still need to hoodwink a sizable portion of their voting base, but it is far more important to pay attention to their actions,” Daniels wrote.

Daniels cited the Equality Act, which was passed this year by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. The Equality Act “is meant as a frontal attack on Christianity and to open the door for unending lawfare against Christians. It will almost assuredly be rushed into law the minute Democrats control government.”

Democrats, Daniels wrote, “can no longer hide their contempt and hatred towards those who ‘cling to religion’ and believe that the Bible is God’s word and means what it says. That’s really the rub. Liberals hate the Bible and they know if they can force people to compromise on Biblical teaching, Christianity will lose its effectiveness as a countercultural force.”

The LGBTQ movement, Daniels noted, “is best understood as a liberal weapon, and it is an effective one. It has become the spearhead in the attack against Christianity and it will increasingly be used in an attempt to achieve the goal of driving meaningful Christian thought from the public square.”

Daniels continued: “Any public person, group, company or church that identifies as Christian will be forced to take a stand on the question of whether or not they celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle regardless of whether they want to or not, even if they barely care about the issue. That’s the plan. Because the Bible presents a clear position that is counter to the prevailing culture, it is an easy avenue of attack. The hate on this issue is one-sided. Christian theology teaches to love the sinner while hating the sin. Anti-Christian leftists practice hating the Christian while celebrating the sin. Christian unwillingness to celebrate the sin is the offense that cannot be overlooked.”

Democrats’ hatred of Christians extends well beyond the LGBTQ movement, Daniels said. “That’s just their most effective weapon for attacking those they hate. What most drives their hatred is that Bible-believing Christians stand for the unborn. It is this element of Judeo-Christian faith that inspired Diane Feinstein’s ‘the Dogma lives loudly within you’ comment to Judge Amy Coney Barrett, as if she was infected by some horrible disease, unfit to serve on the bench.”

Daniels noted: “When I lived in Europe in the mid-1990s, the biggest surprise to me was that meaningful Christianity had all but disappeared. Beautiful chapels gave silent testament to the continent’s heritage, but no longer held any meaning to the people. The rise of big-government socialism led to the collapse of faith and left the continent vulnerable to the reemergence of a muscular Islamic faith.”

The U.S., Daniels wrote, is “treading a similar path, even if it took a little longer to get there. As Christianity is maligned and attacked by the full power and fury of America’s cultural institutions, more people will fall away, especially on the left.”

Black and Hispanic Democrats, Daniels noted, “tend to be far more religious than the white Democrats who are driving the party’s agenda. Will this alliance hold as the party increasingly kowtows to vocal anti-Christian Marxists? Will these voters start to defect as Democrats intensify their open war on people of faith?”

The Democrat’s “war on faith will become ever more apparent and aggressive. Bible-believing white Christians are now largely gone from the Democrat party. Democrats believe that changing demographics will soon deliver electoral dominance. But, when forced to choose between faith and an increasingly Marxist anti-religious party platform, some black, Hispanic, and Jewish Americans will likely walk away from the Democrats, and that could be a political game-changer that nobody is yet seeing.”

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