If you are not concerned about what Digital ID will mean to your Privacy and your Future , this Podcast will pretty much scare you to death . . .
Every American, every citizen of the World who yearns to be Free, needs to listen to Michael Rectenwald and understand that we are facing is the greatest threat to humanity in world history. This is Nazi Germany and Communist China x 1,000! What the Totalitarian extremists in our world have planned for our collective future is worse than sub-human - it is litterally hell! This is not a dream or a conspiracy theory, it is a stark reality that every man, woman and child must now confront. It is being implemented as you read this, in the United States and all over the world. We are in fact in World War III right now and the stakes could not be higher. Watch the video. Share the video. Then vote for those who pledge to defend Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity and against those who wish to enslave us.
You can read more from Michael Rectenwald and see more videos and his many books on his personal website.
Learn more about the historical foundations of this Totalitarian anti-human philosophy and how they intend to implement their plans in this podcast with Jordan Peterson and Alex Story: