Absentee balloting starts next week in Ohio, February 19, 2020, and has already started in other states, many of whom will be voting on Super Tuesday, which is March 3, 2020. One of the better CONSERVATIVE voter guides is the iVoter Guide. The Ohio version just came out and it does a really good job of comparing Republican Primary candidates from the U.S. Congress to the Ohio Senate and Ohio House.
You can even register to vote - up until February 18, 2020 - and check on your voter registation status and even ask for an absentee ballot and find your polling location! Don't forget to click on the "More" button for your candidates to see how they answered each survey question and how they are rated by both Conservative AND Liberal Groups! You will really like the interface and the invaluable information they provide.
We urge ALL Conservatives, in Ohio and elsewhere in the nation, to click on his link and take a good look at the candidates who will be on YOUR ballot in the Republican Primary! In fact, on the front page you can just plug in your zip code and it will show you your ballot!
Be an informed voter and share this with friends and family and co-workers. Click the link to get started RIGHT NOW!
GO TO iVoterGuide.com NOW!