Why this Mother's Day May be more Important than Most!

Why this Mother's Day May be more Important than Most!

by Tom Zawistowski, May 8, 2021

Today I urge everyone to give special attention to your Mothers and Grandmothers who brought each of you into this world. Why? Because it is clear by the just released 2020 census numbers that we as a society are not putting anywhere near enough effort into promoting motherhood and the value of having children. The census was just released and in the past 10 years the population of America grew at the 2nd slowest pace ever recorded (7.4%) since the great depression of the 1930’s when it was 7.3%! Worse yet, we need each woman to have an average of 2.1 children just to replace those of us who die each year, and our replacement rate has dropped to just 1.78 per woman - far below what is needed to maintain our population. Plus abortion has certainly not helped the situation.

This should be of concern to all Americans. Why? Because unlike what the secular Left tells you, children are not parasites who only consume valuable natural resources to live on and therefore we would be better not having them, but in reality every child is an invaluable asset who makes the world a better place for all of us and preserves and protects valuable natural resources while creating a better life for everyone than the generation before. The Left doesn’t want women to have children at all. They think we have too many people on the planet already and that only selfish people have more than one baby. 

We know that nothing could be further from the truth, but unfortunately in the West, women have been convinced to trade motherhood for a “career” or some other form of self fulfillment. It’s a tragic mistake as many women who made that deal with the devil Left find themselves in their fifties and later with no children and many regrets.

It is up to each of us to make the effort to reverse this destructive trend. Declining population means declining economic growth and less resources to provide for an aging population that lives longer than any time in history. Yes, if you want to be selfish about it, you should help convince younger people to have more babies to protect your own economic future. I, however, support younger people having larger families because I know how much joy and long term happiness comes from having larger families. It certainly improves the odds of having a couple of “good ones” in the mix as many of us have learned over the years from our own families! Ha Ha!

So, what can we do to promote larger families? First of all, make a big deal of Mother's Day today by telling the Moms in your life how much you appreciate them and how proud of them you are for giving so much of their lives to raise you and other siblings! Second, talk to younger couples and make sure they are not believing the lie that the world is running out of resources and therefore they should limit their family size. Have them read Matt Ridley’s “The Rational Optimist” and they will understand once and for all that there is plenty of room and resources for as many children as they want to have. Third, promote strong two-parent families in every way you can. Make sure the boys in your family understand the value of fatherhood and the importance of taking personal responsibility for their actions. Fourth, do what you can to help every family in your circle that has children so they see that even non-relatives value their children and their commitment to life.

Fifth, we need to push our politicians to make larger families a priority in every law we pass and every policy we implement, from immigration to fiscal policy, because government must do so if our society is going to continue. The government of Hungary gives couples a $35,000 cash bonus if they have a third child and gives them $9,000 to help purchase a seven passenger van! I’m not kidding! It’s called the Family Protection Action Plan and get this - it includes a lifetime exemption from income taxes for women who bear at least four children!!! Now that is prioritizing families and protecting the future of your society! This plan has paid off. In just 10 years, the number of marriages has been doubled, and demographic decline has started to reverse.

What are we waiting for? Only a fool, or a Communist Leftist - but then I repeat myself - should believe that not having children is a good thing. It’s a bad thing! You would not be here if your Mother had not birthed you into this world! That would have been a bad thing - Right? So, smother your mother with love and admiration today and then everyday talk about the importance and value of children and encourage everyone you meet to get married and to have large families! Then act to help support them when they do. The next time you see a family of four or more at a restaurant, buy their dinner and thank them for having a large family - that will show them that what they are doing is appreciated by society! 

Happy Mother's Day!

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention

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