In Presidential Elections "It's the Economy Stupid !"

(Scroll Down to See How to Get YOUR Flyers)

This is the Problem:

A poll done in November, which I am sure is a "Fake Poll" , said that "nearly two-thirds of Americans say they are not better off financially than they were when Donald Trump was elected, casting doubt on whether economic expansion and a record bull market will boost the president’s re-election campaign in 2020. According to a poll of likely voters conducted by the Financial Times and the Peter G Peterson Foundation, 31 per cent of Americans say they are now worse off financially than they were at the start of Mr Trump’s presidency. Another 33 per cent say there has been no change in their financial position since Mr Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, while 35 per cent say they are better off."

It is hard to believe, with the economy and stock market doing the best in our life times, that ANYONE would believe this nonsense! But remember, an NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll (4/15/19) last year revealed that just 17% of Americans thought that their 2018 taxes would go down as a result of the 2017 Trump/Republican tax cut . . . when 80.4% of Americans DID get a tax cut according to the Left leaning Tax Policy Center!!! The fact is that, if not countered, Propaganda works and here is the proof:

This is our solution:

If President Trump is going to win re-election, the average voter needs to know the TRUTH about the economy!  So, we are launching  a new program to help YOU educate non-engaged, non-political citizens, about the success of the Trump Economy in a non-confrontational manner by handing out, texting, and emailing copies of this flyer:

This program is a non-confrontational, non-political way for you to educate your fellow citizens while they are not thinking about the fall elections. We want YOU to just leave one or two copies of these in places where people will pick them up and be curious enough to read them. You can leave them on the table at restaurants. We want you to hand them out at church or at sporting events. We want you to text them to friends and family. We you to leave them at gas pumps or on the counter at stores or put them on community bulletin boards. Just leave them anywhere that your fellow citizens can find them.

How Do I Get my copies to Hand Out?

First, you can DOWNLOAD and PRINT your own two-sided Copies to Hand out by clicking on this Link:

Download an 8.5 x 11 PDF with three (3) Brochures on a Page

Just use your Color Printer to Print on Both Sides, cut them out, then HAND THEM OUT! 

Second, If you don't want to print your own, you can order printed copies to be shipped to you by the We the People Convention! 

If you Donate $25 we will ship you 100 copies
If you Donate $100 we will ship you 500 copies
If you Donate $200 we will ship your group 1,000 copies


Finally, if you just click on this link below while on your phone or computer, you can then download a single PDF Image of one of these flyers and then Text It or Email it to your contacts:

Click to Download a PDF to your Phone or Computer

That poll, fake or not, showing that only 35% of Americans think they are better off under Trump indicates to us that many voters are being mislead about the economy by the propaganda put out by the fake media! Most people you know have no idea that the economy is this good OR how that happened. Take a look and see how many of these facts on our flyer even you didn't know! 

Presidential Elections are won because "It's the Economy Stupid!" but if you don't know that the economy is good or how that happened - you may not vote to keep it going! That is why we ask you to hand these flyers out to everyone you know.

We ask ALL Patriots to put their Hearts into distributing as many of these flyers as you can. Thank you!

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention

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