Leaders Demand Investigation of Hate Crime in Portland

Leaders demand that DOJ Civil Rights Division and U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Investigate Portland Incident

August 24, 2020

Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband
U.S. Department of Justice - Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Attorney Peter Kirsanow
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20425

Dear Attorneys Dreiband and Kirsanow,

We, the signees of this letter, are writing to demand a full investigation by the DOJ Civil Rights Division, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, into the vicious beating of Adam Haner and Tammie Martin in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday, August 16, 2020 by members of the group “Black Lives Matters” for the purpose of determining if this attack qualifies for prosecution as a federal Hate Crime. From media reports, we understand that one of the attackers, Marquise Love, has turned himself in to authorities, but that many other suspects are still at large.

From the video evidence and statements made by Mr. Love and by Mr. Haner and Ms. Martin, it appears that the motivation for this savage beating of two white people was based solely upon the color of their skin. If your investigation finds this to be true then Mr. Love and everyone else involved in the beating clearly must be charged with a Hate Crime under 18 U.S. Code § 249 and serve serious federal jail time for their crime.

Attorney General William Barr has made it clear that his mission for the DOJ is to restore the application of equal justice under the law. It is also clear that former AG’s Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch did not apply the law equally; in fact they intentionally applied the law unfairly, in many cases, by not protecting white citizens from being the victims of hate crimes by people of another race. This egregious application of law by these former DOJ leaders has caused irreparable harm to the rule of law and to our culture and must be rectified.

Which is why we are urging you to act in this very disturbing case, because some in our society have used this unlawful application of federal law by past AG’s to give them implicit “permission” to physically attack white citizens at will. Not just in this case but in many others such as the heinous “knockout game” where defenseless and unsuspecting victims, many of whom are elderly, are assaulted and even killed for no reason other than being white. It is the responsibility of the DOJ Civil Rights Division and the Civil Right Commission to protect ALL citizens from “Hate Crimes”. It is long past time for both organization to make it crystal clear that whites have the same equal protection under the law as any other race, gender or ethnicity.

As you are well aware, our nation, our cities, and our neighborhoods are under attack by organized groups and individuals who have decided that the use of physical force and violence is an appropriate way to change public policy. That view is totally unacceptable in our nation. They have been able to act out this unacceptable behavior, in large part, because elected officials, and in some cases law enforcement, at the local, state and federal levels are not doing their jobs of protecting the safety of citizens and their property by enforcing the laws. This must not be allowed to continue. Not for even one more day.

We applaud AG Barr and the DOJ for their efforts in Operation Legend. We further urge our Federal Government to use ANY and ALL resources at their disposal to identify and arrest those involved in this unlawful activity, and those who supply them with money and other resources both domestically and internationally, in order to destroy their ability to continue these unlawful attacks. This must be our nation’s top priority.

For many Americans who were horrified by the video showing Mr. Love kicking a completely unprotected Mr. Haner in the head from behind like he was kicking a football off a tee, we have seen enough and said far too little. We will remain silent no longer. This type of behavior must be not only condemned but prosecuted in the harshest possible way in order to send a clear and strong public message, to all of those who have similar feelings and intentions as Mr. Love, that the price of their actions is a price they do not want to pay. We look forward to your reply to our letter and to your Department and the Civil Rights Commission taking immediate action in this case.


Thomas R. Zawistowski, President
We The People Convention
Akron, OH


Jeff Malek, Founder
Medina County Conservative Coalition
Medina, OH

Molly Smith, President
Cleveland Right to Life
Cleveland, OH

Kay Clymer, President
Zanesville Tea Party Patriots
Zanesville, OH

Kirsten Hill, Chairman
Totally Engaged Americans
Amherst, OH

Bryan William, Chairman
Summit County Republican Party
Summit County, OH

Brian Massie, President
Lobbyists for Citizens
Lake County, OH

Mary Ellen Buechter, President
Miami County Liberty Group
Troy, OH

Richard A. Geyer, President
North Central Ohio Conservatives, Inc.
Seneca County, Ohio (Tiffin, Ohio)

Bob McEwen, Former Member
US House of Representatives 

Ralph Spampanato, President
Stark-Tusk 912
Canton, OH

Kelly Kohls, President
Ohio Republican PAC
Lebanan, OH

Denver Sallee, President
Lake County Right to Life
Mentor, OH

Barbara Burkard
Miami Valley Citizens Informed
Dayton, OH

Carey Brockman, President 
Jim MacNeal, Vice President
Geauga County Tea Party
Geauga County, OH

Catherine Engelbrecht, President
True the Vote
Houston, TX

Anne Kaczmarek, President
Portage County TEA Party
Portage County, OH

Glenn Newman, President
Marietta 9-12 Project
GOV Connector
Marietta, OH

Rob Campbell, Managing Director
Realize Firearms Awareness Coaltion
Portage County, Ohio

John Stover, President
Ohio Value Voters
Cleveland, OH

Linda Bishop, Leader
Hancock Constitutionalists
Findlay, OH

John McAvoy, President
Ohio Liberty Coalition
Tiffin, OH

Jessica Franz, President
Miami Valley Ohio Stop DeWine Now
Dayton, OH

Sue Ellen King, Director
Westerville Tea Party
Franklin County,  OH

Eileen DeRolf, President
Conservatives of Central Ohio
Licking County, OH

Lee Feineigle, Treasurer
Hancock Constitutionalists
Hancock County, OH

Terri Iannetta, President
Summit County TEA Party
Akron, OH

Laurie Cardoza-Moore
Founder and President
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
Franklin, TN


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