Hundreds of Trump Activist attend
We the People Convention in Columbus
We the People Convention in Columbus
Ohio SOS Frank LaRose Makes it Clear:
"We will have in-person Voting in Ohio on November 3rd!"
"Ballot-Harvesting is Illegal in Ohio"
Activists vow to Work at Polls & Register Voters:
Go to "VoteOhio.Gov" NOW!
Everyone at the Convention vows to do
texting and door knocks through the NRA!
Get in on the Fight:
Follow the instructions on the screen below!
texting and door knocks through the NRA!
Get in on the Fight:
Follow the instructions on the screen below!
Plans unveiled for "Trump Train Road Rallies"
and County Sign-Waves!
Find out more at:
Supreme Court Justice Judi French makes clear how important it is that we keep control of Ohio Supreme Court
Tom Z Asks Activist to "unleash your own creativity" to message undecided voters in your community!
Don't wait for anyone to tell you what to do - just do it!

Order a Trump 2020 Billboard
for your Barn or Building in a high traffic area!
Send an email to
with the location and the size needed!

Don't wait for anyone to tell you what to do - just do it!
Order a Trump 2020 Billboard
for your Barn or Building in a high traffic area!
Send an email to
with the location and the size needed!

Everyone in attendance received a New NRA Trump Sign
and a Trump 2020 Yard Sign!

Contact Kelly Kohls to get an Endorsement for Candidates in your County!
Click Here for More Information

and a Trump 2020 Yard Sign!
Contact Kelly Kohls to get an Endorsement for Candidates in your County!
Click Here for More Information