A Partiots Poem about Inauguration Day and Hope for Tomorrow

A Partiots Poem about Inauguration Day and Hope for Tomorrow

T’was the Inauguration, and all through the land, the Dems and the Liberals were now in command 
Joe BIden and Kamala soon to be sworn, and from us our country would also be torn 
Their plan had succeeded; so arrogant and smug – dismissing election complaints with a shrug 
Machines that were compromised, ballots galore – changing the tallies to run up the score 
So much desperation to see that Trump lost - no shame or admission, whatever it cost 
Despite all his progress to make our lives greater, they misrepresented and called him a traitor 
The evidence never considered in court, with every excuse they could use to abort 
The will of the people, of justice for all – ignoring our rights for their choice overall 
The 6th insurrection he never approved, despite how the media and liberals booed 
And Trump once again was accused by the mob of being the catalyst, wrong though that was 
But they are the haters who never respected the best man of any whom we had elected 
They managed to cheat with the media’s blessings – ignoring the people they knew were distressing 
While Liberals beyond all decorum would fly, concocting their strategies, lie upon lie 
So up from the House the insanity grew, from Pelosi to Schumer and Adam Schiff too 
The voters who voted for Biden were duped; his crazy agenda revealed would be proof 
And many will wish they could turn back the clock – instead of regretting with horror and shock 
While Biden and Harris dismantle our core, wreaking havoc on Liberty, thirsting for more 
Our country is now in the hands of a thief, and nobody knows when we’ll get some relief 
But sooner or later their deeds will be shown, revealing deception which they will atone - 
The truth undeniable – all will then see their wicked corruption will soon cease to be 
Then Trump will return to complete what he started, with stronger resolve since his Swamp purge was thwarted 
But this time much wiser and ready to fight for all true Americans wanting what’s right 
Destroying the Liberals, deflecting their schemes, defeating agendas that threated our dreams 
And then when he’s finished, we all will rejoice – America's Great Again! Lift up your voice! 

Chuck Teleha, 1-20-21


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